
Showing posts from March, 2015

Indigo Children

Usually when people are sad, they don’t do anything. They just cry over their condition. But when they get angry, they bring about a change…...Malcolm X Star Children, young adults and adults are different, thank God. As of now, our Star Children have been divided into three categories: Indigo, Crystal, and Rainbow. Star Children have chosen specific parents who will help them develop their natural abilities. So if you are a parent of a child you know is different, your child probably chose you to help them help others in their spiritual path. How lucky you are to be the chosen parent of one of these incredibly gifted souls here to help this earth. Indigo Children have been incarnating on the Earth for the last 100 years. After World War II, a significant number were born, and these are the Indigo adults of today. However, in the 1970s a major wave of Indigos was born, and so we have a whole generation of Indigos who are now in their late twenties and early thirties who are ab

star children

Star Children are children who have been sent here from all areas of the Universe to help our Earth including all living and non-living things on it. They possess psychic, spiritual and other extra sensory abilities. The Star Children are here to bring peace, topple corrupt systems, and shift dimensional consciousness. They have come here on special assignment in a rebirth into a higher dimensional Earth. Star Children – Indigo Indigo Star Children started arriving during the 1970’s and have distinct warrior personalities. They will stand up and fight for what they think is right and what they believe in. They also know when they are being lied to and manipulated and will not comply with any system that may be limiting or dysfunctional. Indigos also have little or no tolerance for dishonesty. They are here to show us that the archaic systems in schools, government, parenting and healthcare are not healthy and must change or we will continue to fail globally as a civilization. In

Simple Steps & Spiritual Solutions for Overeating & Weight Loss

My life is in quite good condition and stability is good. I have only one problem.. I tend to eat too much. I’m almost 43 and being overweight does not help my quality of life. I know there are no hocus-pocus tricks to find peace. I’m not depressed, but I feel a kind of lack of something in my life. I really don’t know what I’m missing. Do you have any good advise to this matter? There are any number of metaphysical reasons for overeating – and none of them have anything to do with will power. I’d be willing to bet that in most other areas of your life, you have a great deal of character and determination. This is the problem with most diets and weight loss programs – they play to a quality we’d all use if we were able to sufficiently access the power to do so.  However successful we may be in other respects, where food comes in, there seems to be something “blocking” us.  And there is… One or all of these may seem to ring true for you. Ultimately, whatever the physic

shadow people the watchers and guardians

Shadows watch shadows. Light watches light. When time is horizontal, a shadow of now is present. When time is vertical, now is present without shadow. A shadow can be watched, because such a shadow is present inside the big brain. Such a shadow is stored as a frightening experience. By a process of spiritual reorganization these shadows can become transformed into light. ****** ASTRAL BODIES One interesting idea suggests that shadow people are the shadows or essences of people who are having  out-of-body experiences . According to Jerry Gross , an author, lecturer and teacher  about astral travel ,  we all travel out of the body  when we are asleep. Perhaps, this theory says, we are seeing the ephemeral astral bodies of these twilight travelers.future, another idea states, could have found the means to travel to the past - our time. However they are able to accomplish this incredible feat, perhaps in that state they appear to us merely as passing shadows as they observe the events of