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The neurobiological basis of ADHD

O.k. Here is part of the results from the DNR Neurosciences division findings this is for the Behavioral Scientist with their degrees and not keeping up to date on present Neurological studies as well as the real ability to screen for ADD/ADHD using MRI and other brain scans. This renders observation of behavioral traits as pre-diagnosis of possible underlying neurological reasons for subject’s behavioral adaptation or lack thereof due to the premature administration of psychoactive drugs to treat a preconceived aliment that has zero physical cause to medicate. This creates an artificial dependency and pseudo-ADHD/ADD which then develops into a mental condition that has no physiological cause to pursue and perpetuate the drug abuse cycle that creates secondary sociological issues which develop into psychological issues such as victim syndrome which is exploited by the behavioral scientist in the United States at an alarming rate.  Abstract Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disord