
Showing posts with the label Tribal Native American Life Stories


Last year, U.S. Senators Dan Inouye, Byron Dorgan, Daniel Akaka and Sam Brownback championed a Joint Resolution in Congress — the Apology to Native Peoples of the United States. Ironically, the Apology was enacted into law as part of the Defense Appropriations Act of 2009. Today, President Obama acknowledged the importance of the Apology to Native Peoples and his support for it. Reflecting on the difficult circumstances of Indian nations today, Obama said: “These cases serve as a reminder of the importance of not glossing over the past or ignoring the past, even as we work together to forge a brighter future. That’s why, last year, I signed a resolution, passed by both parties in Congress, finally recognizing the sad and painful chapters in our shared history — a history too often marred by broken promises and grave injustices against the First Americans. It’s a resolution I fully supported — recognizing that no statement can undo the damage that was done; what it can do is help

Beautiful respect

(Buteo lineatus) I couldn’t bear to see this GORGEOUS hawk laying in the middle of the road. I couldn’t stand the thought of it being ran over, or crushed. A truly magnificent creature! This is the first hawk I’ve had my hands on… and let me tell you, it was amazingly beautiful! Its feathers were so soft. It hadn’t been there long before I found it, and other than a broken leg I could see no visible damage. Such a precious creature. Even under the terrible circumstances, I considered it an honor to even touch it, to have the chance to see the beauty up close and in such lovely detail. I arranged these flowers to show my respect, then returned it to the forest, to rest among the moss. The middle of the road isn’t fitting grave. From death comes life, this amazing creature will turn into soil, rich and ready for new life. Strange and beautiful how life works. RIP sweet angel.  (P.S. its eye is not white because of death, that is actually its eyelid! It comes for the botto

Abolish Columbus day the truth about Colonialism slavery and subjugation

An Essay by Jack Weatherford Christopher Columbus' reputation has not survived the scrutiny of history, and today we know that he was no more the discoverer of America than Pocahontas was the discoverer of Great Britain. Native Americans had built great civilizations with many millions of people long before Columbus wandered lost into the Caribbean. Columbus' voyage has even less meaning for North Americans than for South Americans because Columbus never set foot on our continent, nor did he open it to European trade. Scandinavian Vikings already had settlements here in the eleventh century, and British fisherman probably fished the shores of Canada for decades before Columbus. The first European explorer to thoroughly document his visit to North America was the Italian explorer Giovanni Caboto, who sailed for England's King Henry VII and became known by his anglicized name, John Cabot. Caboto arrived in 1497 and claimed North America for the English sovereign while

Power Animals

Pawnee Shaman Native American Power Animals. Discover facts and information about the culture of Native American Indians and their belief in the concept of the Power Animals Power Animals and Native American beliefs Definition of Power Animals and dream interpretation Meaning of Power Animals Power Animals and religious beliefs Interesting facts and information about the Power Animals and the culture, legends, myths and beliefs of Native American Indians   Power Animals Definition of Power Animals: What are Power Animals? Power Animals are strongly associated with the Native American Indian belief in  Animism that is a belief based on the spiritual idea that the universe, and all natural objects within the universe, have souls or spirits.  Power Animals are believed to be a supernatural power that embodies, attaches or conveys influence empowering a person with the powerful traits and characteristics of the animal. The doctrine of this belief is that everything is alive