
Showing posts with the label genetic manipulation

Danger Down Under: The Christa Tilton Story

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The following is from an article titled "GOING UNDERGROUND", written by abductee Christa Tilton -- an attractive Blond or 'Nordic-appearing' woman who relates some remarkable contactee and abduction type experiences which she has had involving the Dulce base. Christa was kind enough to take the time to contribute her own fascinating experiences to this work and answer several of my questions so that other abductees, like herself, might better understand their own confusing encounters with alien abductors or even underground facilities: "Several months ago I became aware of two different cases, one in May of 1973 in which a Judy Doraty of Texas had an unusual experience in which she may have been taken to an underground facility; also an abduction case investigated by APRO and a Mr. Paul Bennewitz in which in May of 1980 a Myrna Hansen of New Mexico had a similar experie

The Dulce Network -- North Sector?

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The following account was recieved by Bill Cooper from a 'friend', and appeared under the title "Robert's Story". Compare this report with other accounts concerning Dulce-base extensions in northeast Arizona, southeast Utah and southwest Colorado [Four Corners Area] where "dissident scientists" are reportedly being held captive: Robert _____ ______, a young man in his early 20's came to work at my shop as a temporary help during the 2nd week of October 1986. The first day at work, he approached me asking about my interest in the UFO phenomenon. Then he smiled, paused, and waited for my reaction. I told him that I was interested, particularly in the crash/recovery of saucers and bodies of occupants. That I was secondly interested in the rumors pertaining to an 'alien' and intelligence group alliance set up years ago. He then told me he would r

Dulce And The Secret Files Of A U.S. Intelligence Worker

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The following information was released by Jefferson Souza, a contactee who has had repeated encounters with the Vega Lyrans, who according to Souza are similar in appearance to the "dark skinned Orientals" of India. Souza also claims contacts with Scandinavian-appearing humans from Iumma or Wolf 424 [the 'Ummo' people]. Both cultures utilize a huge 'Federation' base located within a vast system of caverns deep beneath the Death Valley - Panamint Mts. region of California. In fact, several federation groups utilize the base according to Souza, which contains whole areas specifically conditioned with the various gravitational, atmospheric and environmental conditions necessary to meet the needs of the various Federation visitors and dignitaries. The Paihute Indians of the southwest USA claim that a Greek or Egyptian-like race first colonized the massive caverns with