Who is this mysterious Jefferson Souza?
Going back to the 90’s, Jefferson Souza and the Blue Planet Project seem to be intertwined. But, when The Blue Planet Project Book was first released, no one wanted to take responsibility for it. The author was described as “Anonymous” and the book was uncopyrighted, with a strange explanation about it being in the public domain because the notes it was based on were government property. Although there always has been a lot of interest in The Blue Planet Project, it hasn’t been available in a printed format in a long time, just a few scattered postings online and mentions in chat rooms and on UFO TV specials. Then us here at Wicked Wolf Press got a hold of it cleaned it up so it was readable and put out a revised, updated edition. Then a month or so later, Amazon dropped all listings for it and posted a notice about it being out of print and no copies available, very interesting! Maybe The Blue Planet Project really is a hot potato! Here’s an old news clipping I found online ...