"Aura" health therapy
Although we use the method of viewing the aura that is very modern, yet both performance and efficiency is still limited enough. But just because we can see only the closest only. According to psychology, we want to see a tangible aura all of us. Rather than just a portion. We are not able to analyze themselves be finalized. Moreover Experience in the past Interests whole attitude thing is the passion of our specialties. Including the bias will These are all significant exposure to our lists. It is fortunate that we can create some distance between them increases with reaching out to the front. At least, it also allows us to see the aura, despite the relatively limited time. So it's not surprising in the least to see the aura of cell processes occur. And held that the process of viewing the aura of its own, quite convenient and efficient. General appearance of the aura that surrounds our hands, it is colorful. And the size of the distribution radius was close. aura of its own by...