
ZetaTalk: Faked Note: written during the Nov 30, 2002 Live ZetaTalk IRC Session.

The public is rapt an eager to hear about aliens, and the stage masters rise to the occasion! Following the legitimate mass sightings in Mexico in 1991, during the Eclipse, there were faked sightings reported and produced on video galore. The reason? The locals, having had a tasted of well-heeled visitors to their area, staying at the local motels and restaurants and tipping well, wanted more. So, as we reported years ago when asked about this, the majority of the follow-on sightings were simply faked. The Brazilian Roswell, a legitimate report of live aliens injured and on the ground, seen by school children wandering home along a path through the woods, is being followed by faked Abduction scenes. The fakes are clear, as there are burn marks in the shape of a body on the bed, on the wooden wall, enough such that the human involved would have body wide burns, life threatening in nature. Not at all what contactees experience! Another report, from the Ranch Areas where cattle mutilation...

UNCONTROLLED EMOTIONS‑‑‑Pr. 17:22, Pr. 15:13

A. Emotions: Mental excitement, feelings, etc, Emotional: Excitable, easily agitated, tending to stir the feelings, to move or stir up. a. Emotions are an aspect of the mind. They are experience within the spirit but have physical manifestations. (1) For example: Anger effects the adrenal glands, worry the digestive glands, sorrow the tear glands, fear the circulatory system, etc. b. Emotions may interfere with normal processes of body & mind, may cause physical or mental aliments or even death. c. Emotions have in common the general idea of being stirred up, excited, perturbed. They are important factors in motivating human behavior. People are influenced more by their feelings than by reason. d. Emotions are means of communication. A gloomy person spreads gloom, a cheerful person spreads good cheer, & an angry person spreads anger. e. Emotions makes an individual attractive or repulsive, reasonable or irrational, saintly or ignoble...

I. Excessive Fear

           A. No emotion does  more harm to human lives than fear. The authority believes that considerably more than half of the troubles that people have are due to fear. Fear works damage to the mental & the physical well being of mankind probably causing more misery & inefficiency than anything else in human experience. Fear appears in a great variety of forms. Some of these are: Dread, fright, alarm, anxiety, dismay, consternation, worry, apprehension, timidity, panic, terror & horror.           B.Though it is the cause of much abnormality, fear in itself is not abnormal. If man had no capacity for fear, he would make little progress, for fear is often the incentive to advancement. It has a place & fills a need in human life. If an individual had no fear he would not survive long, especially in an age of many machines & much traffic. Healthy fear makes for...

14 Things All Healthy Couples Do

1. Share the shower. When your relationship advances, you eventually begin taking showers together. You scrub each other’s backs and sometimes even shampoo and condition each other’s hair. Those brave foot-massaging gals might even scrub the guy’s feet with a body scrub. 2. Pop each other’s pimples. Girls, you know our men notice our blemishes and vice versa. Sometimes you even search each other for those pesky clogged pores and pop them for the one you love. Some see it as gross; others see it as helpful. Just be sure not to punch one another when one really hurts! 3. Make fast-food runs at 2AM. My boyfriend and I love going to Jack in the Box for tacos at 2AM when we can’t sleep and want a snack. Boyfriends and girlfriends do this as a sort of bonding exercise. We also do it because we’re super-hungry. 4. Binge-watch TV shows. When one person falls for a TV show, we get our significant other into it. Before you both know it, you’ve watched all eight seasons of  Dex...

Lesson 1: The Pyramid Spread

       The Pyramid spread is a classic spread that is complex but can be easily understood. Please note that this particular spread is meant to be looked from many different view points. There are mini pyramids that connect to each other to form the pyramid and you must look at the entire pyramid as well and follow the cards ascending on the left and right of the pyramid that lead to the Main outcome. Each way you look at the pyramid you will see more and more answers.          Above is the Basic lay out of the 15 card spread. Let me go over the basics since the image is more a Visual with a few rules than it is a complete guide.         After you have done your personal routine lay out cards 1 through 5 from left to right and continue going from the left to right as you build the the pyramid until you reach the 15th card at the top.        Through out the spread their are ten Mi...

Sacred Geometry and the Eternal Universe

The “ Big Bang” theory is the prevailing cosmological model that explains the creation of the Universe. According to the Big Bang theory, the Universe was once in an extremely hot and dense state which expanded rapidly. This rapid expansion caused the young Universe to cool and resulted in its present continuously expanding state. According to the most recent measurements and observations, this original state existed approximately 13.7 billion years ago, which is considered the age of the Universe and the time the Big Bang occurred. After its initial expansion from a singularity, the Universe cooled sufficiently to allow energy to be converted into various subatomic particles and the material universe was formed. The biggest problem I have with the Big Bang Theory is not that it didn’t happen, but rather it is all effect and no cause.  One of the seven great hermetic principles, that of cause and effect, clearly tells us that every cause as its effect and every effect a...