ZetaTalk: Faked Note: written during the Nov 30, 2002 Live ZetaTalk IRC Session.
The public is rapt an eager to hear about aliens, and the stage masters rise to the occasion! Following the legitimate mass sightings in Mexico in 1991, during the Eclipse, there were faked sightings reported and produced on video galore. The reason? The locals, having had a tasted of well-heeled visitors to their area, staying at the local motels and restaurants and tipping well, wanted more. So, as we reported years ago when asked about this, the majority of the follow-on sightings were simply faked. The Brazilian Roswell, a legitimate report of live aliens injured and on the ground, seen by school children wandering home along a path through the woods, is being followed by faked Abduction scenes. The fakes are clear, as there are burn marks in the shape of a body on the bed, on the wooden wall, enough such that the human involved would have body wide burns, life threatening in nature. Not at all what contactees experience! Another report, from the Ranch Areas where cattle mutilation...