
EBE communication control over view (national and international governance ending conspiracy)

Tomorrow, Who Will Govern the World? Commentary on Jacques Attali's "Demain, qui gouvernera le monde?" - / - Introduction Appreciation Asystemic governance Governance through frozen categories Deconstructing "Tomorrow, Who Will Govern the World" Governance through ignorance in a knowledge-based society Failure of dialogue in governance Beyond a "Concert of Democracies"? Governance in discontinuity and chaos Self-governance in the self-organizing world of tomorrow Designing sustaining image of governance for the future Conclusion References Introduction The author of  Demain, qui gouvernera le monde?  (2011),  Jacques Attali , has every reason to be considered an authority on the subject of his new book. Aside from having held many positions in relation to national and international governance, as an academic he has been an extremely profile author on a wide range of relevant subjects, including  A Brief History of the Future  (2006),  La c...