how is the ability of faith outstanding
Friends: How is the ability of Faith Outstanding? With the development of the ability of faith, enthusiasm arises. With the elimination of all skeptical doubt, enthusiasm also arises. With the fading of the frustration inherent in all skeptical doubt, enthusiasm indeed also arises. With extinction of all mental obstructions, enthusiasm arises as a thunderbolt! When via this energetic enthusiasm , gladness arises, then the ability of faith is outstanding as a happy faith due to gladness... When through gladness, this happiness arises, then the ability of faith is outstanding as due to happiness... When through happiness tranquillity emerges, then the ability of faith is quite outstanding due to this calmed & stilled tranquillity... When tranquil, a sweet pleasure arises, then the faith ability is outstanding as faith due to delight.. When through pleasure illumination arises, then the ability of faith is indeed outstanding as faith due to illumination... Whe...