
dragoness story

I've often found myself questioning the vast mysteries of life that appear. Though none more than that one warm morning more than any other I remember. You could say that very morning he sorta dropped in on me and my fellow sisters. Naturally when I found him he was unconscious while I was gathering herbs for our healer. Right away I assessed his wounds then treated them best I could with the supplies I had. Once I knew he was stable I quickly finished gathering herbs then carried him. Upon my return home Trudy a tall, hyper muscular and busty hyena noticed us. First she slung her giant sword axe up onto her shoulder then she met me halfway. "Adearia, who's that slung neatly over your left shoulder?" She asked leaning closer. Now Trudy's a sweet soul and wouldn't harm anyone unless somebody is threatened. Though if anybody is brave enough to challenge her is either stupid or suicidal. "Would you believe me if I told you that I stumbled across him in ...

Phantoms and Monsters: Pulse of the Paranormal

Bizarre Canine Witnessed in NW Minnesota Daily 2 Cents: Giant Insect Standing By My Bed -- Glowing Humanoid -- Girl Carries Knife to School...Fears Clown Attack 'Ghost Girl' Video Causes Sensation in Mexico Bizarre Canine Witnessed in NW Minnesota Posted: 21 Sep 2016 11:50 AM PDT Skip in Minnesota called in to tell of his weird creature sighting: “The reason I called is, I did run into a species up in north western Minnesota about a year ago and I have no idea what this thing was. On I-94, I was driving up and it was a... it kinda looked like a larger wolf, you could say, but it was a little higher than waist high from his back, I would say. It had a very muscular wider rear end. But it had three piece legs where it kind of went back and then it came down at an angle and then the third knuckle went straight forward where his foot was and all four legs were designed like that. When he turned and looked at me and we're talking, this thing had to have been....

Phantoms and Monsters: Pulse of the Paranormal

Why Does My Crystal Skull Move? Daily 2 Cents: 'The Joker' in the Closet...and Shoes That Walk -- A Mysterious Boom Rattles New Yorkers -- Hawking Wants to Find Aliens Before They Find Us Is Donald Trump Under 'Satanic Attack?' Why Does My Crystal Skull Move? Posted: 22 Sep 2016 11:55 AM PDT I received an email from an  Arcane Radio  listener: OMG! I listened to your radio broadcast last night. In particular, your conversation about crystal skulls. A few years ago, I received a golf ball sized Smoky Quartz skull from a friend on my birthday. She told me that it would bring good luck and to keep it near my bed at night. So I took her at her word and placed it on my night stand. Starting with the first night, I had trouble sleeping and would hear ringing in my ears. You had mentioned the Bluestone causing you problems at night in your discussion. I decided to place the skull on my shelf, but I continued to have trouble sleeping. I eventually placed it in...