

The "Phoenix Project Reports" Are Published By ADVENT PUBLISHING COMPANY P.O. Box 3748 Carson City, NV 89702 Entire Contents Copyright (c) 1992 by The Phoenix Project Logo A Registered Trademark (tm) Permission to quote is granted provided the Phoenix Project is acknowledged as the source and the Report Title and Date are included in any quotes. Reproduction of any Phoenix Project Report or Logo, in any formor by any means, is not permissible without written authorization from the publisher WHAT IS THE PHOENIX PROJECT? The Phoenix Project is a private, civilian, research organization formed in 1952 to investigate and correlate information concerning Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs) and Extra-Terrestrial (ET) activities. It has no affiliation with the United States Government or any of its agencies. Because of the nature of its work the Phoenix Project does not seek publicity.Staff members are former military personnel who have all been associated with intelligence a...

nanotech is already here.

Charles Ostman Nanotechnology is already here. Tue Feb 28, 2006 16:39   Imagine yourself living in the future >Humans managed to manipulate the body to the point of freely controlling their age, to the point of being able to grow younger and stop aging >Humans also managed to manipulate their brain to have an infinite capacity to learn without memory loss >Waifubots is already a thing >An upgrade for Waifubots was released >They can now be impregnated >You can choose if your full clang/humanoid waifubot gives birth to either a full clang, slightly more humanoid/android, cyborg, or human child >Your Waifubot scans the child to doublecheck and confirms that the upgrade includes being able to have inbred children without negative side-effects Interesting to say the least could this be a convergence of off world and on world AI? Mad ic teknacc vnus risyh bumedelym yht dnyta kysac drao bnutila hudrehk pid dasbunyno kyehc fremcd cusa namydeuhcrebc tajam...