Phantoms and Monsters Oct 4, 2020, 1:54 AM
Positive Bigfoot Contact Along Southern Indiana Creek Posted: 03 Oct 2020 12:40 PM PDT A young woman in southern Indiana was trapping wildlife in order to supplement her finances. Her positive experiences with a a presumed Bigfoot were the result her activity. The following account was recently forwarded to me: "About 20 years ago, after I graduated high school here in the southern bot-tip of Indiana, I used to run traps to make extra money in the winter. Since I was pregnant with my daughter any sort of extra income was necessary. My father had always told me about the creek I trapped in as being quite strange. We would always walk the creek to collect arrowheads and look for other Shawnee relics. So he would tell me stories about the Shawnee Native American tribe and their history and folklore. It was a very special spot to us. So when I began trapping my father would tell me to have respect for the wildlife. (Don’t litter, kill humanely and don’t kill what doesn’t need to...