Anticipation of Judicial Inquisition of Humans by Extraterrestrials (Part #6)
Extraterrestrial inquisition of humans as panpsychism in practice The anticipation of some form of judicial inquiry into human activity by extraterrestrials, according to universal principles, is necessarily speculative. The existence of extraterrestrials continues to be a matter of controversy, irrespective of what is produced as evidence and the hypotheses in that regard. There is of course an argument that, as imagined, extraterrestrials are entirely "anthropogenic" -- together with the judgement any contact might then imply. This perspective can be associated with the manner whereby multitudes of "aliens" are now engendered by psychosocial processes of "alienation". Ironically they effectively become "terrestrial extras". In the terminology of drama extras are performers who appear in a nonspeaking, nonsinging, or nondancing capacity, usually in the background. The nature of their "judgement" has yet to become apparent. Panpsych...