Writing Guidelines for Future Occupation of Earth by Extraterrestrials
Writing Guidelines for Future Occupation of Earth by Extraterrestrials Be done by as you did ? Introduction Many have speculated on whether extraterrestrials would be characterized by exploitative, malevolent intent or by enlightened, benevolent intent -- perhaps beyond current human understanding. Of course any malevolent intent might also be of a kind beyond human understanding, perhaps a form of structural violence , cultural violence , conceptual violence , or even spiritual violence -- which would currently be virtually undetectable. The newly acknowledged cognitive traps in intelligence analysis recognize that there are many levels at which another culture can be misunderstood -- in this case that of the extraterrestrials. A valuable complementary perspective is offered by Johan Galtung ( UFOs , Transcend Media Service , 6 September 2010). Extraterrestrial sensitivity : There is one interesting possibility however....