
Self-reflective Embodiment of Transdisciplinary Integration (SETI) the universal criterion of species maturity?

  Self-reflective Embodiment of Transdisciplinary Integration (SETI) the universal criterion of species maturity? Introduction This is a brief reflection on possible evolution in understanding of species and cultural maturity. The focus is on how criteria for such maturity may differ from those commonly associated with measures of the "intelligence quotient" or from the many understandings of human development and psychological integration. Profiling the latter was a responsibility of the author in relation to the  Human Development Project  of the  Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential . The concern here is to frame any such understanding within a possible "universal" understanding of maturity by extraterrestrial species and cultures -- perhaps throughout the universe. Mirror self-recognition and environmental mirroring The distinctiveness of the human species, notably justifying its exploitation of other species to its own ends, has been defined in te...