
Larimar - The Atlantis Connection

V.J. Perdot Psychic Edgar Cayce (1877 – 1945) defended the notion that part of Atlantis could be found in the Caribbean. He and many others look at the island of Hispanola (the Dominican Republic and Haiti) as a remnant of Atlantis. Cayce (pronounced “casey”) predicted the coming of a certain “blue stone” of Atlantean origin, that was to be found on “an island in the Carribean” and was to have the power to heal. Many believe that Larimar has healing properties. For this reason, Larimar is also called the “Alantis Stone” The name “Larimar” was given to the stone by the Dominican geologist, Miguel Mendez, combining his daughter’s name, LARissa and MAR the Spanish word for the sea. Many persons, including various psychics, have assessed that a Knoxville, Tennessee Attorney, Bill Hotz, has lived two previous lives in Atlantis, during one of which he was a diplomat. A few months ago, while visiting friends in Los Angeles, Hotz was taken aback when he saw a turquoise like pendant be

the breathing earth

by Carol Hiltner from ProjectCamelot Website Dr Vladislav Lugovenko has spent many years researching geomagnetism, and has described in detail a novel and fascinating principle which he terms The Breathing of the Earth. This in turn led him to explore biomagnetism and the bioelectric fields of mammals and fish, the human aura, and finally Indigo Children. His most recent book, 'The Indigo Children of Russia', is not yet available in English. Project Camelot intends to help him find an American publisher. If anyone is in a position to translate this book from the original Russian, please contact us. Dr Lugovenko has known Boriska personally for several years, and in our conversations with him he recounted several anecdotes in which Boriska's psychic abilities featured prominently. Vladislav Lugovenko has been for the past 25 years the director of a laboratory studying anomalous magnetic fields at the Institute of Terrestrial Magnetism, Ionosphere, and Wave Propagatio

Am I an Empath

Empaths are highly sensitive, finely tuned instruments when it comes to emotions. They feel everything, sometimes to an extreme, and are less apt to intellectualize feelings. Intuition is the filter through which they experience the world. Empaths are naturally giving, spiritually attuned, and good listeners. If you want heart, empaths have got it. Through thick and thin, they’re there for you, world-class nurturers. The trademark of empaths is that they know where you’re coming from. Some can do this without taking on people’s feelings. However, for better or worse, others, like myself and many of my patients, can become angst-sucking sponges. This often overrides the sublime capacity to absorb positive emotions and all that is beautiful. If empaths are around peace and love, their bodies assimilate these and flourish. Negativity, though, often feels assaultive, exhausting. Thus, they’re particularly easy marks for emotional vampires, whose fear or rage can ravage empaths. As a subco

Happy Vesak to All Beings!

Friends: At this Fullmoon Day do all Buddhas Awaken: 5th May 2012 Vesak Day celebrates birth, Enlightenment , and passing away of the Buddha Gotama . Rejoice! Keep clean, calm, cool, clever, and caring... About this Buddhist Vesak Festival: This May full moon also celebrates the Buddha's third visit to Sri Lanka in the eighth year after his Enlightenment, where he journeyed to Kelaniya on the invitation of the Nāga King Maniakkhika (Mahavamsa i,72ff.). The day also celebrates the crowning of king Devānampiyatissa ( Mhv. Xi.42), and the laying of the foundation stone of the Mahā Stūpa ( Mhv. Xxix.1) Please Remember: At this very May full moon in year 528 BC the Blessed Buddha awakened by completely perfect and utterly unsurpassable self-Enlightenment! At that time a girl named Sujata Senani lived in Uruvela . When adult she prayed before a certain Banyan tree, that she might get a good husband equal to herself in caste & that her f

Do you have A Ghost or not??? (signs)

Are you experiencing of the following? If so you probably are haunted Visual: 1. Sightings of apparitions have taken place 2. Shadows or images are visible in the peripheral vision 3. Circular lights/Orbs are plainly visible 4. Unexplained flashes of light take place 5. Mist like forms are visible 6. Faces or figures appear in windows or mirrors 7. Photos or videotape have strange anomalies in them 8. Light arcs or halos of light 9. Moving shadows or images Auditory: 1. Voices are heard with no apparent source 2. Sounds of furniture moving 3. Sounds of music or parties 4. Screams 5. Sounds of laughing 6. Voices calling a particular person¹s name repeatedly 7. Sound of doors opening or closing, windows opening or closing 8. Knocking sounds or raps, particularly against walls 9. Sounds of scratching 10. Sounds of pounding or other unidentified sounds 11. Hearing footsteps, walking, creaking sounds Tactile: 1. Feeling of being touched 2. Feeling of hair being brushed 3. F

The Base of Soul and Emotion

  Moon Base When you’re new to this world, it’s all about instinct and emotion. You are reacting to stimulation, and taking it all in – like the Moon, you reflect your experiences. It’s like a baby’s face, one moment all giddy smiles, the next scrunched up with need and crying. When we look up at the night sky, sometimes, the Moon is bright, sunny even, reflecting the brightest Sun. Other times, it’s like something from a gothic novel, with dark wisps of cloud moving over it. The Moon in astrology is your base, from which you radiate out (with the development of Sun sign traits). The Moon relates to the earliest babyhood, and even the time before that – in the womb waters. As you place yourself in time, the Moon traits become less obvious, and for some, go underground. Your Moon base is where you return at the end of the day. It’s who you are when you’re totally relaxed, or what you reach for to comfort yourself. In a time of crisis, the Moon becomes visible, as you go into reac

Scottish Ghosts ~ Green Ladies

The second ghost at Ashintully Castle (above) is that of 'Crooked Davie', who haunts the drive to the castle. Davie was employed by the Spaldings as a messenger and despite his deformed back, was fast on his feet. On one occasion, he was sent to Edinburgh with a very important message. Davie had a sweetheart at Ashintully, one of the maids, so he was even more keen than usual to hurry back. In fact, he made it to Edinburgh and back within the same day.  Returning to Ashintully, he was so exhausted he fell asleep by the fire in the great hall as he waited Spalding's return. When the laird did arrive home, he spotted David fast asleep with papers hanging out of his pocket. In a rage, thinking he had not yet set out for Edinburgh, he slew him on the spot. It turned out the papers were, in fact, the answer to Spalding's letter. The specter of 'Crooked Davie' is said to wander along the lanes around Ashintully, seeking revenge on the Spalding family.      A third p