
Monthly Astro-Forecasts January 2015

Message for January 2015 As we step from one year into the next, there is a sense that January will be a month for quiet reflection and contemplation as we prepare for the journey ahead. Of course, we each have our own journey in life, one that is unique and distinctive, yet we also collectively walk together at the same time, and it seems that both of these are growing stronger and more vibrant with each passing day as though the threads are beginning to entwine more tightly and more concisely than ever before. In many ways this is a sign that individually we are letting go of fear, anxiety and the sense that we haven’t, as yet, reached that elusive destination where we feel whole and complete to instead realise that we already  are  whole and complete exactly as we are. As a result, the disconnection that often appears when we live at a tangent to our own truth is fading as we open up to wholeheartedly feeling, living and being all that we know ourselves to be. Feeling connected

The Empath Ultra Sensory Integration

In the coming weeks the New Earth frequency will require the ultra sensitive forerunners and Blue Rays to take some private and alone time. Taking periods of time to be in your own energy field will allow for your new sensory multidimensional upgrade integration. Many of you, the New World Servers, Light Bearers and Blue Rays are the first in experiencing and carrying these expanded resonances field vibrations through for the New Earth. 333 As you take this respite for recharging, a transformational renewal cosmically empowered by the expansion of Galactic cellular Light is creating your new foundation, a truer frequency. The old, outmoded restrictions and limitations that you may not even have known existed and that were placed upon you by others will be lifting. The universe is preparing you by shifting, rearranging, orchestrating endings and new beginnings and these can occur unexpectedly. 12 12 Ascension Symptoms Ultra Sensitivity and Emotional For some Blue Rays, you may

Men and women

    Men  Still waiting on this intelligence I keep hearing about..   From what I can tell they are for the most part under endowed, overly sensitive, love to tell war stories, fundamentally egotistical, unless they get their feelers hurt (then it time to cry out for sympathy from the opposite sex as they have found that this tactic is effective at getting acknowledged however, it is unbecoming in their true desires) They tend to have addictive personalities but repress these feelings of hopelessness.. They are insecure and always have feelings of inevitable lose .. Hence them being pathologically over protective   Yes I am speaking of myself as well   Women   They like to blame their problems on the moon. They Have a great rack and are for the most part compassionate unless the feel threatened then they seem to be rather vengeful. They enjoy attention after they get it they will dismiss it just as quickly.   "Be berry berry quiet" When interacting

a directed answer to the 911truth movement scam pt2

Was There A Natural Phenomenon Present On 9/11 That Fully Explains Hurricane Erin's Movements on 9/11?  So enough of Prof. Wood's 6 hour "misrepresentation" of Erin's official time/position data.  I believe that there is a far more serious omission of information regarding Dr Wood's claim that Erin was artificially controlled on 9/11. As I said in my introduction, Dr Woods' claims about Erin originally interested me because I live on the SE coast of the US where hurricanes hit or pass by fairly frequently, and have lived here for 20+ years, and so have a fair amount of experience with and interest in the need to track hurricanes accurately. Another,  Directly Related Natural Phenomena Occurrence on 9/11? I was fairly sure [from memory] of one very important [for hurricane trackers] natural occurrence influencing the weather on the East coast that day , and was interested to see whether or not Dr Wood had considered it/ included it or ac

a directed answer to the 911truth movement scam pt1

This post has been placed as a response to most of the junk science presented by the 911truth movement and the supporters of their scam theses are nearly social engineering theologians using an national tragedy for political and financial gains by writing speculative fiction and using social media to push agendas rather than real evidence or science.  The claims that Dr Judy woods makes are from recovered vehicles that were moved from their position at the time of incident to holding areas for transfer to Satan Island and fresh kills land fill most of her photos of such vehicles beyond 14 days after incident.  She also negates NYPW movement of vehicles during the incident to provide seraph and rescue access to the site.  Most of those directly involved in search and rescue and eyewitnesses whom lived through the incident are better at explaining then theses groups that use speculative fiction and false appeal to authority talking heads whom have no real background in the physical su