
Challenges Simulating a Global Brain: using networks of international organizations, world problems, strategies, and values (Part #4)

Mathematical limitations:  Because of its institutional and financial setting, the UIA has been unable to bring to bear on the knowledgebase the quality of mathematical expertise which the data structure could be said to merit. Although it should be borne in mind that priority has been given to an integrated solution that resulted in user access to results generated with particular generic software rather than laboratory analysis of data sets using tailored software. So, for example, the following are primitive and more akin to proof of concept: analysis of loops identification of meaningful network properties and sources of potential error (redundancy, etc) algorithms to generate virtual reality frameworks to interrelate entities See elsewhere for a discussion of some relevant mathematical challenges for systems scientists (Judge,  1999 ). A related concern arises from the fundamental conceptual challenge faced by the international community concerning territorial conflicts (K

Current status and methodology

Simulating a Global Brain: using networks of international organizations, world problems, strategies, and values  (Part #2) The core activity is based on maintenance of profiles of international nonprofit  organizations , whether governmental or nongovernmental -- in every field of human activity (some 800 subject classifications). Links between profiles, of different types, are also maintained as well as links to profiles in other knowledgebases -- since these organizations are usually associated with  strategies  on  problems,  articulated in  meetings , in the light of  values  and in pursuit of some understanding of human development . The table below provides an overview -- and links to further information. Information is collected from international organizations (or the web) on a regular basis. The work is funded by sale of information services as indicated below, or through occasional projects (eg 1997-2000 through EU Info2000, DG-XIII). Projects Databases Comments