
What happened to the radiation that was supposed to last thousands of years in Hiroshima (1945)?

If you were expecting Hiroshima to be uninhabitable for thousands of years, you are (understandably, given the deplorable state of science education) making a whole bunch of errors in your understanding of radiation. First of all, radiation isn’t magic death cooties. You and I are radioactive (traces of unstable potassium in our bones). My kitchen is radioactive (traces of unstable uranium in my granite countertop). If you have smoke detectors in your home (and you should) there’s a good chance they are radioactive (americium—quite, quite radioactive, but harmless unless you eat it or inhale it). When it comes to radiation, the type, intensity, and duration of exposure mean  everything . The Little Boy bomb contained 64 kg (141 lbs) of highly-enriched uranium. What that means is that the government sorted through many, many, many trainloads of naturally occurring uranium ore to separate out the isotope needed for bomb-making. In nature (on Earth) ura

Sensing Epiterrestrial Intelligence (SETI) Embedding of "extraterrestrials" in episystemic dynamics? - / -

Introduction Indicative prefixes: contrasting "epi" with "extra" Searching otherwise for "epiterrestrials" Potential implications of category theory   Implications of category theory for social networking and interrelationships Dynamic insensitivity of the natural sciences Phenomenological implications of "fundierung" for "epi-thinking"   Clues to the nature of "epiterrestrials" from usage of the "epi" prefix? Comparison of "epi" with other potentially indicative prefixes Potential insights from an "episystemic" perspective Re-cognizing "supernatural": superstition as superposition?   Embodiment of extended intelligent identity in time Correspondences: "epi", Euler identity, and sexual dynamics? Re-cognizing "human" in an "epiterrestrial" context References Introduction Some astronomers continue to express interest in "extraterrestrials" a