
Boys to Men ch2

  Chapter Two   Not again. No way he could face this, not now. Johnny stirred through the brown mess. It might have taken some of the long out of the men’s faces if Cookie had put some meat in the ground, slow-cooked it, or even put it on a spit to roast over coals. The man could have figured out something besides beans to feed the crew. But no, the best thing he thought to do with Lancer beef was to throw it in with some frijoles, boil it down, and serve it up.   At least when the sun dropped behind Macon’s peak, some of the gosh-awful heat had left. Maybe tempers would cool some, too. “Coffee hot?” Johnny saw Mateo filling his cup from a pot near the fire where the men had gathered.   “Si. Cookie fix it strong. Te gusta el cafĂ© fuerte.”   Johnny helped himself to a cup, blew on it, and took a sip. “Tastes perfect for me.” It was one thing Cookie made just right. Checking around, he saw where he needed to eat his supper.   “Davie.” Johnny balanced his meal and sat on a log beside him.