

1) Downloading the multidimensional light and unconditional love that is entering us through our Crown and settling in to our opened Third Eye and High Heart.

2) Loving that light and love so much that we can allow it to travel into the hidden darkness and fear of our deepest subconscious self.

3) As we travel the fourth dimension of formerly unconscious self, we allow the multidimensional light to reveal and heal any hidden fear/darkness to our conscious self. With the conscious awareness of our wounding, we can learn to use the power of unconditional love to heal our wounded ego-self.

4) Through the process of revealing and healing our fear with light and love, we learn unconditional love and detached compassion for our body, reality, experiences and persistent reactionary patterns (behaviors) that we formerly identified as our "self."

5) As we integrate the multidimensional light, unconditional love and detached compassion into our consciousness and our physical body, we begin the process of activating our multidimensional Lightbody. This activation initiates inter-dimensional travel.

6) Our inter-dimensional journeys into the higher worlds via our multidimensional consciousness serves to further activate our Lightbody. At this we began to emanate multidimensional light and unconditional love from the Core of our Self and out through our Third Eye and High Heart. It is the emanation of this higher expression of our SELF that begins the opening of our Inner Ascension Portal. This Portal acts much like a compass to guide us on our process of returning to the Multidimensional Being of light that we have always been. This open Portal allows us more intimate communication and communing with the higher frequencies of reality.

7) At this point we must SURRENDER to whatever happens. It is this surrender that allows us to begin our Final Initiation. Within this Final Initiation we will take a deep look into our deepest subconscious to love free any and every fearful thought, emotion, memory and behavior that has impeded our complete connection with our Multidimensional SELF. It is these final, unconscious elements of our ego that have dis-allowed our full return to Lightbody and de-railed our Personal Ascension. It is during this phase of ascension that we begin to consciously experience more and more expressions of our Multidimensional SELF..

8) NOW, it is vital that we believe, know and accept that everything that happens and everything in our life is PERFECT. By this point of ascension we realize that we are ONE with Planet Earth, and we dedicate our efforts not just to our personal ascension process, but to the process of Planetary Process, as well. In fact, our main dedication is to the Planetary Ascension because we have learned that we infinite, Multidimensional Beings who cannot die.

9) With the acceptance that ALL is perfect, we can embrace the innocence and purity of our Divine Child, the part of us that has never forgotten our SELF. Within this purity and innocence, we can actively await the re-birth of our Lightbody and ascension experience with a Clear Mind and Open Heart. Furthermore, we perceive our Multidimensional SELF to embrace not only planet Earth, but Her Solar Family, as well. Hence, inter-dimensional communication is becoming normal.

10) By this phase of ascension, we are in contact with several, if not many expressions of our higher dimensional SELF. Hence, we realize that our SELF encompasses the entire Milky Way Galaxy because we have entered our full Galactic Consciousness. Now, we must face the most difficult challenge of releasing whatever remnants of ego still remain. We would like to think that all ego is gone, but as long as we hold an earth vessel and live within our third dimensional life, our ego is called to duty so that it can control our Physical life. Now our great challenge is to release ALL control of our physical life to our Multidimensional SELF. In other words, now is the time to just --- LET GO!



Dear Ascending Ones,

We speak with you as your Galactic Family. We understand that you are endeavoring to release your self-image as a human and replace that with the self-image of a Galactic Being who inhabits a human form. We, the members of your Galactic Family, happily support you with your "return to SELF.

Beloved Galactic Family Members, we are so grateful that you have come from many different planets, galaxies and dimensions to assist our dear sister Gaia in Her time of need. Most of you who are incarnate on Earth at this momentous time here have had experiences of personal ascension in at least one of the realities in which you have taken form. Some of you here have even had the experience of Planetary Ascension. It is because you have within your multidimensional consciousness the memory of the process of ascension that you have been chosen/volunteered to assist Gaia now.

It has been difficult for most of you to keep these ascension memories alive within your consciousness, but you have been victorious. Unfortunately, you have also had the experience of living in the underbelly of third dimensional life, so that you could gain full insight of living in a dualistic reality. The lives in which you explored your inner darkness were great initiations in which you learned to rise into the correlate heights of living in the light and love of the ONE.

Either way, at the point of Planetary Ascension, when the light and dark must merge into the ONE, your knowledge of the dark will allow you to maintain detached compassion. It is your detachment and compassion that will allow you to navigate the seas of Planetary Ascension as the final merging of light and dark into the ONE initiation the tremendous changes of returning to the higher frequencies of reality. We, your Galactic Family, have great hope and confidence that you as you NOW move through your phases of Personal and Planetary Ascension.

Other planets, such as the Arcturian, Sirian and Pleiadian planets, have ascended into the fifth dimension and beyond. However, none of them were as diverse and polarized as Earth. Because of the great extremes on Earth, you must heal your inner darkness and live within your great light. We are joyous that so many of you will have awakened enough to consciously connect with your true, Multidimensional SELF and can directly communicate with your Galactic and Celestial Family. It is through this communication that you will garner enough assistance to remember your own higher expressions of SELF.

Furthermore, while in contact with us, you will have access to our detached, higher perspective of the true goings on. This detachment will greatly free you from the many third dimensional illusions that will burst forth at this time. As polarities blend and illusions end, the resistance to change will be amplified by those who still carry fear of a different structure of reality. We are ever-present during this, your final confrontation with fear, to give you direct instructions regarding your process of Personal and Planetary Ascension. Please Know that you can call on our assistance whenever you wish.

The first higher expression of your SELF that you will meet is often one of the members of your ascended Galactic SELF. To become this higher expression you will need to surrender all control of your physical body and life to your Multidimensional SELF. Remember that your Multidimensional SELF is ALL the expressions of YOU on every dimension. At first, your human ego will deny this shift in "management," so it is best to allow this process of "changing of the guard" to go slowly. However, by the predicted year of ascension, the close of 2012 A.D., we visualize that all of you have released your human facade and returned to your true, Galactic SELF.

Releasing the illusion that you are "only human" will be much easier if you have released many of your other third dimensional illusions. It is our hope that most members of your reality will know that we, the Galactic Federation of Light, are surrounding Earth and assisting you as much as is allowable within the guidelines of a polarized, free-will world. That said, we must remind you that there is no simple way to release the human sense of self that you have retained for myriad incarnations. In fact, each of you will need to call upon your vast experience to find your personal process of releasing the habit of being human.

All third dimensional habits must be conscious before they can be released. Therefore, part one of releasing your habit of being third dimensional is to bring the awareness of your Galactic Self up from your unconscious and into your daily life. If you can find the courage to share your personal return to SELF with others, you will greatly assist the process of Planetary Ascension.

A physical human bound in the belief in time and third dimensional thinking will find it very difficult to navigate the transmutation into fifth dimensional Earth. Hence, each of you must first ascend beyond your own habit of third dimensional thinking to completely embrace your new Multidimensional Operating System. In this way your can remember how to think, feel and perceive all reality through a multidimensional perspective.

The process of ascension begins within your consciousness, which is why your shift from third dimensional to multidimensional consciousness is vital. With third dimensional consciousness you only have conscious access to the first through the fourth dimension. However, with multidimensional consciousness, you can perceive all realities within the NOW of the ONE. You will not need to deny your earth vessel or the physical form of Gaia, as they are one of the myriad expressions of your multidimensional world. However, with multidimensional consciousness you can perceive your higher expressions of SELF of while you still maintain an earth vessel.

Returning to your multidimensionality is important because the frequency of your consciousness will dictate the frequency of light that your form can download and integrate. Then, the light quotient of your form will determine the frequency-range of your consciousness. As your consciousness becomes increasingly multidimensional, it will become simple for you to release your attachment to your human ego. Once you release this attachment, you will be able to transmute your remnants of ego back into its higher frequency expression of SELF. During your myriad human lives you have become familiar with the power of transmuting matter into a higher frequency of expression. As your human self transmutes into your Galactic Self, the information that we are now giving you will fully awaken in your memory.

Transmutation is the process of raising the resonance of any person, place, situation or thing by infusing it with the frequency of Violet Light to transmute all shadow into light. Due to Earth's law of free will, you will not have permission to transmute another human, but the Fire of the Violet Light will clear all shadows in which a person can hide their own darkness. It is the vision of one's own darkness that will disable anyone who has become so lost in fear that they would want to harm another. Furthermore, the Violet Light raises your own energy field beyond the perception of the lost ones, virtually making you invisible to their limited perception. To release the Violet Fire into your reality, simply say:

"Blaze, Blaze, Blaze

The Violet Fire

Transmuting ALL shadow into

Light, Light, Light"

It is best to repeat this mantra three times, once for Wisdom, once for Power and the third time for Unconditional Love. As you continue to download and integrate the higher frequencies of light, the great force of the unconditional love of the Mother of Creation, the ONE, will fully awaken your multidimensional memory. When you begin your process of returning back to your Source SELF, you will know to contact us directly. We are ALWAYS here to assist you and KNOW that you will return to us!



In just a few months, all that you have waited for will be here. Therefore, we wish to instruct you on how to align the frequency of your human self with the frequency of your Galactic SELF. You can best create this alignment by directing your thoughts to believe you are Galactic while you center your emotions on the feeling of unconditional love emanating from us, your Galactic Family. In this manner, you can better listen to our voice, see our presence with your imagination and feel us within your aura. With this intimacy of contact we, human and galactic, are ONE Being resonating to two frequencies of reality.

Now, connect your Heart and Mind by feeling our love while thinking of your Galactic SELF as you inhale our multidimensional light. Observe how our light shoots up into your Homeworld and down into Gaia. We ask you now to focus on this Light to see your Galactic Lightbody standing in front of you. Look into the eyes of this higher expression of your Multidimensional SELF and know that we are ONE. Feel the touch of your Galactic Lightbody's hand as it caresses your heart and touches your forehead, and experience the gentle rush of energy flowing between your human and Galactic SELF. Remain within this image as long as possible...

While you maintain this connection, recognize the doubts of your Ego and say, "I love you Ego. Please join our Galactic SELF.. You know that your ego's thoughts are just a habit that arises from our unconscious. To better hear your unconscious, release ALL judgment of your Ego and say again, "I love your Ego. Please join our Galactic SELF." Continue to lovingly note any 3D, ego thinking, and remember that judging yourself only reinforces that habit. Therefore, be conscious of your Ego thinking in a detached and accepting manner.

Be patient, as in order to release all ego, you must release all fear. Fear=Ego and Ego=Fear. Ego is not your enemy. It is just a primitive frequency of humanity that only exists in the third and fourth dimension. Ego is much like the white part of the egg, as it feeds the embryo until the chick is ready to break out of the egg. If you can recognize your ego having fear, then you can remember to Surrender that fear to my Soul.

The difficult part is to remember to recognize when your ego is in control. Basically, if you perceive your self as human, your ego will be YOU. On the other hand, if I perceive your self as your Galactic SELF, then your SELF is in control and ego is the pilot for your earth vessel. Hence, instead of being your human self and listening to your Galactic SELF, BE your Galactic SELF talking to your human self. Because your Galactic SELF resonates to the fifth dimension and beyond, he/she/it will be speaking to you in the plural of unity consciousness:

Our dear Earth Self,

As our earth vessel holds a higher and higher resonance we connect directly heart to heart. However, we ask you to be patient for you are recovering from wounds that you have suffered in myriad third dimensional earth lives. Thus, we are sending love along with this message to assist with your healing. As you continue to download and integrate our light and love, your Third Dimensional Operating Systems that are still on-line will be replaced with your Multidimensional Operating Systems.

We anticipate that this upgrade into higher frequency neural patterns will be complete within about six months of your time. However, since time is an illusion, your neural circuitry may be transmuted sooner. In fact, within our NOW, your form is fully transmuted, which is why we are hovering directly in front of you. Every time you recognize our presence in your aura, for we are IN your aura, your process of transmutations exponentially accelerates your transmutation into Lightbody.

Take a long breath and breathe us into your heart and mind...

As you breathe-in our frequency, your heart opens and your mind expands enough to release all fear-based concerns. You can release old fears now because your inhale is pulling up old patterns of third dimensional programing, which you will fully release with your exhale.

With you exhale twice as long as you inhale, you can better complete the release of fear-based, third dimensional programing.. Please try this breathing now...

Now try having two exhales for your one inhale. Inhale to pull up the old programing...

  • Then, use the first breath of your exhale to release that programing...
  • Use the second breath of your exhale to stabilize the higher circuitry that is instantly activated by the release of fear-based thoughts...

Now, inhale again to pull up more old programs,

hold your breath to FEEL the emotional aspect of this program,

and exhale in two breaths,

the first exhale releases the old programing

the second exhale integrates the new programing



Dear Ascending Expression of our SELF,

Please remember that your mind expands and contracts just like your breath. Your mind contracts when you think in a third dimensional manner, but expands when you think multidimensionally. You can actually feel the difference.

Think about a third dimensional duty or obligation...

  • Feel how your face, and body, constricts...

Now think about a multidimensional experience, such as being in the multidimensionality of Nature...

  • Feel how you relax. In fact, you may even feel inclined to take a long exhale or sigh....

It is the obligation placed on you by the illusion of "others," as well as the "time" constraints that must be met that creates the constriction of third dimensional thinking.

  • Take a moment to ponder that thought...
  • Inhale as you think third dimensionally and feel how your mind contracts...
  • Think about paying bills and feel how your mind contracts...

On the other hand, multidimensional thinking allows your consciousness a higher perspective and an inner place to relax.

  • Now think multidimensionally to feel how your mind expands...
  • Think about visiting with a Light Being and feel how your mind expands...
  • Imagine yourself walking in your favorite place in Nature...

Follow these multidimensional thoughts as they carry you on a cosmic journey into the unknown. However, this unknown is the "well known" to the higher expressions of your Multidimensional SELF who enjoy the dimensional waves of reality beyond the illusions of time.

  • Feel how these waves of thought move up and down as they undulate through your mind...
  • Experience how these waves of thought open your High Heart and lead you into the feeling of unconditional love...

Soon these thought waves can no longer be encased in your small brain, and they must venture out into the Collective Mind of all humanity...

Then into the Planetary Mind of Gaia...

And into the Galactic Mind of the Milky Way...

They then soar into Universal Mind of your Local Universe...

And settle into the Cosmic Mind of the All That Is...

As you follow this Mind Wave you extract information from the molecules of reality through which you travel.

Feel these molecules as you revisit:

The Collective Mind of Humanity...

The Planetary Mind of Gaia...

The Galactic Mind of the Milky Way...

The Universal Mind of your Local Universe...

The Cosmic Mind of All That Is...

As you revisit these great Minds, your mind expands into pure consciousness. Pure consciousness is unencumbered by any form of encasement, such as your brain or even your mind. Your personal consciousness is related to your current embodiment. Conversely, your multidimensional consciousness intermingles with the "Breath" of Beings who have pure consciousness and have not held embodiment for millennia or, in some cases, have never held form.

  • As you allow your consciousness to intermingle with these formless Beings, feel their energy flow through you like a warm breeze...
  • As you breathe in this consciousness memories of life after life are carried up to the surface of your awareness so that you can gather their gifts and set them free with your exhale...

Do NOT collect these memories, for they bind you to the dualistic model of reality, which you are now releasing. Therefore,

  • Exhale the myriad pictures, feelings and thoughts into the collective energy field of all that you have experienced in your many third dimensional incarnations....
  • Allow these vanishing memories to wash upon the shores of the ONE so that Source to enjoy your myriad experiences of incarnation...

With that release, your consciousness expands even further, and you find that you are among the ONES who have overseen your many incarnations. You feel your great consciousness intermingle with theirs, as you Flow through an endless ocean of light.

  • Within this intermingling, you receive pictures, thoughts and emotions of your myriad incarnations in your higher dimensional realities...
  • Do not try to contain these sensations, but let them Flow through your consciousness like the light of dawn flowing through the trees...

The "trees" represent your many higher dimensional incarnations. And, the light is the energy field that Flows through every experience allowing you to share your myriad realities with the ONE. The ONE breathes in these experiences and shares them with the consciousness of All That Is. In this manner, all life breaths as ONE great Being who inhales the realities of all creation and inhabits each experience with its cosmic exhale.

Do you realize now how reality is ONE breathing Being with infinite personal experiences? In fact, every physical person, place and thing serves as a Portal through which the ONE experiences the worlds of form.


Back in the third dimension on a small planet called Earth in the Solar System of Sol and the Galaxy known as the Milky Way, a light is expanding beyond the planet, beyond the Solar System and beyond the Galaxy. A small light that was once limited to a clay form has been freed from its confinement and soars beyond all that once constrained it.

This small light joins many other, similar lights to become a glow. As more and more lights are freed from their confinement, the glow becomes a great beacon of light that guides other small light to be freed from their lower-frequency forms.

Gradually, the frequencies of separation intermingle with the frequencies of unity to create a Flow of Ascension that becomes irresistible. Even those who have been trapped in the illusions of time and separation for millennia are awakening to the constant Flow of unconditional love.

An ocean of light is arising as that which was separate is returning to that which is ONE. The ONE is calling its volunteers Home into its SELF.

You have served the ONE by creating new realities, which you will contribute to the ONE upon your return. As the Ocean of Light Flows back to its Source, that which cannot be incorporated into the new wave of reality is released.

What will you need to release to join this wave? What will you need to release to breathe the Cosmic Breath and become ONE with the shores of your new reality? That question can only be answered from deep within your Inner Knowing.

You are in the process of choosing to release that which has held you back, that which has made you suffer. The choice may seem clear, but suffering has become a best friend. When you suffered, you were a "good person." You were NOT those who made "others" suffer. In fact, you fought against those who created suffering.

But now, you are ONE. You are ONE with the suffering and even ONE with those who created it. Can you release that suffering and remember the feel of the Light as it nurtures, informs, protects and expands your consciousness?

Suffering binds you to that which you fear. To be free of suffering, you must loosen that binding by releasing ALL fear. Yes, fear and suffering have been your best friends. They have told you that you are a good person and that you are trying hard to be better.

But now you KNOW that you were always better and always good. In fact, you know that the terms of "good" and "better," and even the term "suffering" are ALL illusions of a reality that is coming into its completion.

Can you choose to release all fear and FEEL the Light as it flows through you with your every breath? That choice sounds like a simple solution, but fear and suffering have been your "red badge of courage" for most of your earthly incarnations. How do you release that which you believed made you "good person?" You Release it by Surrendering to the Flow of the ONE!



Dear Ascending Expressions of our SELF,

We speak to you, the grounded expressions of our Galactic Group Mind, because you are remembering your higher expressions of SELF. The higher light of the Galactic Center is creating a great awakening by activating your 97% Multidimensional DNA. With these DNA patterns finally active, you are remembering that which has been forgotten for millennia and returning to your true, Signature Frequency. Your crystalline-based Lightbody carries this Signature Frequency as your "name."

Your Signature Frequency is the collective harmonic of your Multidimensional DNA tones. Because this DNA exists dimensionally, as well as biologically, it connects you to the many frequencies of light and sound in which your Multidimensional SELF exists. All of your expressions are unified into the Signature Frequency that serves as your name. The infinite frequencies of light and sound, which are united in the fifth dimension and beyond, connect you to the Universal Harmonic Signature of your local universe.

We wish to tell you that the Universal Harmonic Signature embraces the Signature Frequency of your life-stream and welcomes you into its great ONESS. It is the breathing mode of the mind that inhales this multidimensional light and sound and integrates it into your DNA with each exhale. Please remember that this form of breathing is a metaphoric term. However, the multidimensional thinking of Light Language is based on metaphors. Light language causes certain neuron to fire, which creates perceptions of images, tones and metaphors.

You can easily perceive and interact with the dimensions below you, but you must expand your consciousness to match the higher dimensions in order to perceive and interact them. Furthermore, the level of your consciousness determines the frequency of your creations. If you create something while in third dimensional consciousness, it will exist only in your physical reality. It may also hold some form in the fourth dimension if a great deal of emotion and/or thought has adhered to that creation..

On the other hand, if you create something while in fifth dimensional consciousness, you will perceive it even while you are still holding the majority of your consciousness in your earth vessel, as its resonance will Flow down into your fourth and third dimensional expressions of SELF. Therefore, you will be able to perceive this creation in the third, fourth and fifth dimensions.

The reason for this discrepancy in creation is that third dimensional consciousness limits your thinking to sequential, linear patterns of thought, which are bound by time, space, separation and illusion. On the other hand, multidimensional consciousness allows your thinking to flow in ever expanding circles of reality. You can expand these circles with the power of your breath. As you breathe, allow the power of your imagination to create colors, sounds and images within your mind and heart. For example:

  • Take a long, slow, deep breath to expand you consciousness up into the fifth dimension with your inhale and down into the second dimension with your exhale...
  • Now, take another long, deep breath to expand your consciousness up into the sixth dimension with your inhale and down into the first dimension wit your exhale...
  • Finally, take a long, slow, deep breath to expand your consciousness up into the seventh dimension with your inhale and down into the quantum realities with your exhale...

The multidimensional spectrum of the quantum reality to seventh dimension includes all realities of form. The seventh dimension allows you to share your creation with your Oversoul, whereas the quantum reality allows you to instantly bi-locate into the reality of your creation. Your Oversoul is the collection of all the expressions of your Multidimensional SELF in ALL of the realities in which you have ever held form. Therefore, you can perceive the dimensional range of your myriad incarnations and powers of creation.

Creating reality while in your multidimensional consciousness allows you to form frequency bridges into New Earth. When you can expand your consciousness into the higher dimensions, you have perceptual access to the molecules of Spirit, which can be blended into a form by the power of your unconditional love. Since the higher frequency realities can easily perceive the lower ones formless beings, who often express themselves as Group Minds, from the eighth dimension and beyond can easily perceive and enjoy your creation.

Beloved Grounded Expressions who are NOW ascending, you have moved into a new octave of your multidimensional thinking. Consequently, there is no longer the illusion of separation between YOU and the Source of Light Language that you are receiving. The illusion of separation is beginning to blur into the ONE for many of those in earthen bodies. Within the same moment, the truth of the multidimensional expressions of your EVERY state of consciousness, thought, emotion and creation is seeping into your mundane thinking.

We wish now to speak about "Crossover Messages." Crossover Messages are communications/memories that you can pull forward from your sleeping and/or meditative state into your daily state of consciousness. In this manner, messages received when your consciousness is free of the limitations of external focus can be more easily accessed in your third/fourth dimensional state of consciousness. We say "third/fourth" because most of you can maintain a fourth-or even fifth-dimensional resonance, unless you are experiencing physical, mental or emotional stress.

When you experience stress in any manner your earth vessel releases adrenalin, which instantly lowers your consciousness to survival mode. This "breaking system" is very important for the protection of your earth vessel as it alerts you to any physical conditions to which you must attend. One day you will no longer need this warning system because you are matching your resonance with Gaia's. In this manner, you can assist Her and She assists you with the process of Planetary Ascension.

Realize that with every breath you are creating your reality. Remember that with every breath you are merging with your higher expressions of SELF, and know that every breath is connecting you with your higher expressions of SELF. We, your Galactic Family, are always with you, as well as Gaia. Stay connected with the Quantum Reality through the Seventh Dimensions as much as possible.

We realize that you have to narrow your focus to a smaller spectrum to live, work and maneuver through your remaining third dimensional experiences. Therefore, do not hesitate to call us. You will know that we have answered you by the feeling of our Unconditional Love within your Heart and Mind.


Your Galactic Family

We wil keep the light on for you!


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