Throughout my life, I have had many problems that have

slowed me down a great deal. Mostly in my educational and

working is where most of these problems have occurred. In

every situation that I have ran across that has slowed or

halted me though, God has been right there behind me and

helped me get through that crisis or slow period. Many times

I even found that God was there and I did not even realize


Education and working has been a big problem most of my

life. I have many handicaps and one of these handicaps is

that I am slower at learning and doing things than most

humans. My education and working levels are about two years

behind of what my age group is. This has presented quite a

bit of problems because in many cases people do not realize

this and thus expect me to do something that I am not quite

ready for yet. Every time this happened though, God was with

me and was able to help me through the problems in some way

or another. Hebrews 13:16 reads "The Lord is my strength, I

will not fear what mere man shall do to me." This verse means

so much to me because if it wasn't for the Lord helping

through times of problem and crisis, then I would be even

further behind in education than what I am now. The Lord has

given me the strength to be able to at least keep up to about

two years behind my educational level.

For an example of what I'm talking about in the first

two paragraphs, the write up below is what all I have gone

through with education and work:

Throughout grade school, my teachers

had to work a little slower with my

class than most of the teachers

because at times I was having problems

keeping up with the work. The teachers

would not do this in Intermediate

because all the teachers were required

to work at the same pace. So, for the

first semester of 6th grade, I struggled

through school. Finally we located a

tutor. She was a great help because

she knew what kind of problems I was

having from an overload of home work. At

times she even did my homework for me and

all I had to do is just recopy it so it

would be in my own hand writing. She

was an elderly lady and finally passed

away toward the end of 8th grade. At

this time, I was doing ok, and so I was

able to make it the rest of the year.

There were more classes in high school

than in junior high. Thus again I was

struggling the first semester of the 9th

grade. Teachers could see that I was

struggling because I was making D's and

F's in most of my courses. We could see

that I was not going to be able to make

it so we checked out several different

options and finally I was admitted into

the Visual Handicap program and was able

to receive large print text books and a

study period. God was looking after me by

opening up the door to allow me into the

Visual Handicap program even with a vision

that was borderline for acceptability.

Finally, I graduated from high school on

June 7, 1989. This past fall, I tried

going to the local junior college, but I

ended up failing all my courses. At this

point we were at a dilemma of what to do.

So, I prayed and prayed and while doing

all this praying we were trying different

options. Finally, I was accepted into the

Texas Rehabilitation Commission and they

are now sending me out to the Goodwill

Industries and once I get done with the

Goodwill Industries, the TRC will be

helping me find a job.

During the times of struggle, I thought I would never make it

but yet I knew at the back of my mind that God was behind me

all the way and sure enough he led me through a good

education and now he is leading me through a good career and

starting to form my own life style.

If you are having problems at something and have days

that you feel that nothing is going to work out, keep in mind

that God is there with you and he will help you get through

the troubled areas if you will let him. Anytime you are

in a situation like I have explained remember that you are

not in this world alone. There is always someone else out

there and that someone else is God!


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