Elemental Ring Of Power

Deep within the heart of the hidden forest we find the elemental ring of power. The elemental ring of power is the meeting place of the earth energies and the nature spirits, and is where the seven protectors of the elemental ring are found when called upon by the ancient ones of the hidden temple within the hidden forest.

It is here that we find the ceremonial order of the earth energies. Each one of the elemental pillars of the ring symbolizes one of the elements of terra earth the Elements being Earth, Water, Fire, Nature, Ether, Lightening, Thunder, and the eighth house of elemental wind, which governs the movement of energy between the four etheric planes and the physical plane

It is common for the members of the seven to ethereally project to the elemental ring of power for gatherings and the partaking of energy ceremony. This is normally done through bi-location or etheric projection, which are common abilities shared by all members of the seven.

Through countless life times over thousands of years we have gathered in the hidden forest around the elemental ring of power, and it is here that we form our union with the elementals and other nature spirits of earth.

We have always followed the old ways taught by the ancient ones, elements, angels and celestial light beings of the higher powers, and we commonly hear the calling of the elements when we are in the physical plane.

We share memories from our brothers and sisters when we awaken from our dreams. For the echoed whispers in my thoughts and I am honoured with their thoughts, and knowing we walk the shadows seeking home beyond the hidden forest where we roam.

Elemental Ring Of Power

Oracle henge - ring of power

The pillars of the elemental ring would stand about waist height on me and are made from stone and are positioned in alignment with the eight compass points starting from the north, north east, east, south east, south, south west, west, and north west.

And each holds an elemental power when we blend with our elemental stone we form a ring of energy which encircles the ring of power once the elements are blended they are passed onto the elemental that stands at the north east compass point and then the energy is handed to the guardians of the four elemental winds.

From there it is passed into the physical plane through the meridians or rose lines as they are sometimes called and this movement takes place just before sunrise when pranayama is at its highest point.

We have also noticed that the nature spirits and elemental spirits gather behind us while we form the elemental ring of power and this gathering I would call the celebration of energy and the partaking of energy. As they are the caretakers of the elemental powers.

I would best describe our role within the elemental realm as being the protectors of the elemental ring and knights of the elemental temple within the hidden forest.

Each one of the seven upon the earth today holds an elemental power and we are honoured by the elementals of our element house. My element within the sacred circle is that of fire and I am honoured by the salamanders and fire elementals for my role within the sacred circle.



My sister Anita is honoured by the element of lightening, and Julia another member of the seven is also honoured by her element, same as our lost sister Athellia is inturn honoured by her elemental house.

A couple of years ago while I was learning Reiki my mother in-law was visited by my sister Athellia, who left a message with her. She wrote the message down for me when I received it the message was written Hi my name is Athellia tell Darryn not to forget me.



Also while at reiki I was told that in three past lives I had lived my lives in Wiccan circles, such as sorcerer, and witchcraft, and in this life I am following the same cycle. As we know magic is based around the elements, and as such so does the faith that we are taught within the hidden forest, the master at reiki also commented on how closely energy and I were and also informed me that I had the ability to call upon the angels, and if I did so they would come.

It is as he said; I have a close relationship the angelic realms and the angels that I have worked with, Gabriel and I have become very close over the last couple of years. The same can be said for my highest healing guide and spiritual advisor Shenatobah


How We Appear To Each Other In The Hidden Forest


We seem to follow a ceremonial dress code while we are in the hidden forest. I have known for some time that I wear a white robe and the etheric part of me has been seen by others dressed in a white robe with wings and a gold band around my head. Some have suggested that I am a celestial light being

After talking with the others though and after my own encounters over time it appears that even though we are dressed in ceremonial white robes in the forest. Those of us that haven't been found on the physical plane appear to be concealed by a darker cloak and only the face is visible to us so in this picture I have dressed in a darker robe to make it easier for my brothers and sisters to identify me in the physical plane those members of our group that have been found now appear in white robes.

Differences Between Our Etheric And Physical Forms

Etheric Body

It was brought to my attention through one of my sisters Julia that my body appeared to be smaller in the physical plane after observing my etheric form in the etheric plane of the hidden forest. At first this surprised me then I thought about it. If the etheric body in the aura was being emitted at least half an inch beyond the physical body. Then this would explain why we appeared to have bigger builds in our etheric form.

It was brought to my attention that I may be appearing in the hidden forest with longer hair so I've added this picture for my brothers and sisters looking for me. The picture was taken between 1995- 1997


We also find that abilities such as teleportation, telekinesis, levitation, and telepathy are brought to our attention and all members so far have showed interest in the arts, and creativity, we also share a lot of common traits, which is most likely because of our interaction in the hidden forest. I have been handed great knowledge of future events such as the Great War that is to come, and knowledge about the movement of energy and the elements. Other abilities that I'm aware of are moving beyond time and space, time travel, and interstellar travel. Chakras are also of key interest to all members of the seven, and kundalini is an interest of ours as well since it is where all dormant energy and ability lies.


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