
The domains do not arise as a linear system from a base 1d expanding into greater complication. Rather it is more appropriate to think of it using the prime colours as an analogy. The 3 prime domains are themselves the base hierarchy. On the same level they do not expand into anything else yet like the prime colors a wide variety of expression is made from the mixing in ratios of the base three. They are the 3 aspects which create our world.

Space is the first domain and it is describable as the density of any patterns, recognizing that air and plasma -as opposed to space or the void which is misleading- are not remotely empty and are themselves phenomena as full as any solid object though in a greater state of flux with much more dispersed connections. Time is the 2nd domain spiraling in the second axis as it thrusts around space. It is describable as the shifting of patterns -or movement but the arising is always completely new- as the structure be it a brick, house or pyramid takes shape and is dissolved again. The third aspect spiraling along the third axis is that of fractal scale. For what truly makes a structure is the increasing complexity changing scale. From the brick to a room, to a building, multi-level structure, complex, town, city, metropolis. The scale is the third domain which exists through nature in plants, an ant colony, a mountain or the earth itself. The temporal movement and the shifting scales of their structure -which descend into the atomic in reverse- were the 2 aspects of human building which were overlooked in the more pragmatic look towards the structure itself. They spiral around one another each lending its own flavor to the phenomena.

In a purely spatial domain there would exist objects as differing areas of density. Yet there would be no movement nor would there be any defining features. Without the movement for fluids to push around us as we move the air would lose its empty quality because it would not be flowing but only less dense than the solids. Remember in such a imaginary realm there is no time, no movement. You could move around in such a dreamscape as though a point of awareness but you would find no change, no defining features like color or sound. Nor would there be any depth, though it would exist with the three spatial dimensions it would only be expressed ever as if moving through a computer model. Yet the images would be flat, as if when you look at a flower and see deepening patterns or zoom in and see the patterns of your finger prints, the slight structure; any such appearance would be flat and superficial.

We think we see the world in 3d but in truth if you stand still and view something by staring at it the image is flat. Now move back and forth swaying from side to side as you place weight on one foot then the other your view moves back and forth giving depth to the image. This combined with the same mental processes which make us liable to see illusions creates the 3d perspective. However in this space there is no movement and the shifting perspective of your awareness is like an old school game like doom shifting through different images and different bodies of density without any change in the actual world. This world could extend through infinity, countless worlds, systems and environments but none of them would be moving, the change would always be only of a quality of density and your perspective view of this shadowy world.

In a purely scalar domain the image would again appear as a computer rendering but one of a fractal image. Again you would be able to move around but only in scale. On any given image you would see only the pattern as it appeared at the moment. Rather than shifting the position by moving laterally within any pattern the position would be shifting by moving up into or out of pattern and experiencing it from a different perspective as the pattern recycled. The pattern itself could also be changed with a shift of focus but it would follow a structure in that the entire pattern shifts with the slightest change. However these patterns would have no felt reality and again the realm would be entirely silent. The patterns themselves would be unmoving only giving the appearance of movement as your awareness shifted higher or lower within the scales of the pattern. Any change in the pattern being instantaneous and changing the entire pattern rather than any gradual movement. Any shift of focus would have one of three effects, moving up or down the scale of the pattern or laterally, shifting the pattern completely.

In a purely temporal domain there would simply be a continual flux of vibration -or motion- without defining pattern or substance. The motion of these vibrations would be like a never quite repeating chaos of frequencies. Colour and sound continuously arising, shifting and fading. The world would never cease yet you could shift the rates of the oscillations wider or narrower, faster or slower. As with each of the others what it would mean to explore this realm would be slightly different. There would be no rooms or spaces or clear definitions to move around in. Rather the change in the perspective of your awareness would result in varying sounds, temperatures, colours. Each shifting as you moved through the flux of this vibratory complex. At times you might feel as if you were coming back to the same place but the shifting flux would never quite repeat no matter how close you were to the same experience.

Brought together in overlapping cycles reality arises. In order for these domains to expand through intermixing particulars there must be a focal point. For anything to arise as an expression it must do so uniquely, it cannot be a star, a cell, heavy, light, blue, red all at once. Yet for an aspect to arise the whole must arise with it, the universe does not arise one tiny segment at a time, a star here, nebula there, a city appearing as you enter it and disappearing when you leave. It all arises from one source but this source has no size at all, not the smallest pin drop or the largest large but non existent in space, time, or scale. Being all things it is nothing and for anything to be expressed then all things must be expressed so from the focus which creates an aspect the whole uni-verse arises. All possibilities arise simultaneously, separated through time, space and scale as alternating realities each with a singular, dynamic connection. Novelty comes not through the creation but through the focus of a given perspective creating unique events within the pattern.


These 3 prime domains each provide an aspect of the pattern. The spatial is a forming of the defined pattern by shifting densities. The temporal is the revealing of slices or frames of the whole pattern through oscillation. The scalar is the formation of fractals creating a framework extending the pattern. They wrap around one another warping and bleeding into each other as is shown by the visual illusion of circles placed around straight lines or other circles and seemingly bending the lines.

As has been said the dimensions of space are only seen as 2d for we see on a flat plane. This is because the 3rd dimension is always pointing directly at us and we only perceive it through movement which shifts this direct experience. It is those spaces which are not directly experienced and therefore observable which define our reality as we experience it. The closer they are the more definition they give to our reality. The same occurs with the temporal in that each past or future defines our present to the degree of its proximity. Yet they do not extend off into infinity but recycle in similar but not identical recurring patterns. Again our upper worldly and lower bodily environments define our experience as this continually shifting and observable only through direct experience humanity. This humanity only appearing through the continual movement back and forth between our higher and lower environments.

In each expression there is a duality forward or backward, higher or lower, inner or outer. In each there are 3 possibilities that which is affirmed, that which is negated and experience itself or rather the constant in which the phenomena reveal themselves but which is itself unchanged. This can be shown in any perception of an event, for you may walk into a room and a pool table at its center makes you elated. Yet this elation is simply a flavour or a colouring of what is being perceived. Change the table with a skunk, a bear, a famous person you are fond of, your favorite foods, or the scene of a massacre and the colouring changes with each. However the fact is that there is an awareness of this event call it what you will. This base perceiving is not any kind of emotional reaction, thought nor is it locatable within the environment. Yet it is present and you could argue it has the potential to exist within any system which is responsive although not necessarily perceiving phenomena in the same way or with the same colourings of emotion and thought. You cannot exactly say that the brain reactions are responsible for it beyond saying that these reactions are a closer indicator than the pool table whose perception triggered the chemical reactions to begin with. For you could say that without these reactions the awareness would not exist, yet without the table or some physical phenomenon the reactions would not take place, would not exist. The only thing you are doing is continuing the spiral that has gone on for millennia. Rather than saying that some great worldly source, or the air, forests, seas, or the animals, or other people, or the material before you (all of which do help to inform awareness) it is the brain. A new god or idol has simply been created and because the answer is new or novel it is accepted despite the fact it doesn’t truly provide an answer any better merely closer to the self as we perceive it.

If the affirmation creates the negation and leads to the reality we perceive then there is a view you could take imagining a grid filled with interconnecting spheres. Each sphere a potential reality. Then the affirmation comes and the other spheres are negated. Yet what would a universe of limitless alternate dimensions look like. A world in which I could have been born with blonde hair, or black, or a woman, or suffered an injury with a propeller which took my arm, or had the same accident but not lost that arm, been Japanese or Brazilian, had 6 children or died a virgin, lived to 2 months or lived to 100 years and 2 months. In which 10,000 earths could exist each with specific conditions. That universe would look like this world. For the other possibilities do not disappear they exist here and now in each of us each affirmation and negation arising as one.

There is neither a absolute nihilism nor a solid empirical reality because while each affirmed aspect is only a fleeting pointer it does mirror a totality. Therefore the mirrors are dependent on the focus and continually shift but always point to something that is definite. This totality can never be expressed. Even if a great supercomputer had instruments to measure everything it could only express it as data and we could only view it in chunks. We know this because we are equipped with supercomputers and this is our situation.


Take the singular point -it has no size or quality, it is nothing- reflect it extending out in each possible lane. The 3 fundamental patterns are created, the torus, the sphere, and the double tetrahedron or diamond. The sphere maintains the essence, or the totality as mirrored from the eternal focal point -essence-. Any affirmed point results in the negation of the rest and the arising universe. In the focus of awareness on a particular 6 focal points arise the inner and outer space, the lower and higher environments, and the states of what was and will be. Any affirmed quality can only be an aspect of the totality and so acts as if a mirror of that essence.

The expression moves from solidity to emptiness and back in experience before returning to its fulfillment. The appearance of separation is created by act of affirming created by focus. Generally this focus is entirely trapped within the experience so there is no freedom the animal, plant or mineral moves in harmony but they do not move freely. They are determined by their upper and lower environments, by their space and time. Yet the unique feature of people is precisely that ability to shift focus within a given pattern.

It is our purpose to create. To create I say this because each point of awareness -which is not limited to the mind- by its existence creates further. That is the only reason for any fight for survival, to express ones potential, in experience, fulfilling that potential. Be it a single cell or a plant, an animal or a person. The only reason for a drive to survive is not survival in and of itself but rather to continue creation. However most animals etc do this naturally but also blindly. A buffalo does not purposely lay its dung in specific patterns or create its own body specifically nor adapt its environment to it purposes. It simply is moving in a harmony with its environment and therefore assisting to create both entire environments within itself and in its surroundings. A human though is one of the few creatures on this earth which can be given a blank slate and create something on it, which can purposefully reorganize its bodily and mental patterns to any number of uses helpful or not. Creation, movement and connection are fundamental aspects of this reality.


There are 3 layers at which there is a point which we could say we are and points that we can become aware of. The first is temporal the past and future we can be aware of and recognize yet our ability to directly touch them does not exist they are rather the elements of being which define our being the closer we see them precisely because they are not ‘us’ then there is this present moment which we can know but without grasping because it is ‘us.’ We see a situation which seems to bring a feeling of deja vu yet, the appearances are all different so we think that this cannot be any kind of repetition. Truly it isn’t a precise repetition but it is a recycling of very near conditions yet in addition to the slight changes which mean a continually unique arising the space and scale shift. You have already made your choice the oracle says. Your choice is your will and your focus and that shifts the entire pattern yet all at once. Many have no integrity to maintain the same pattern however so they flip between several with no resolve, slave to fate. Each domain bleeds into the others free will is irrevocable yet once a decision has been focused upon there is no break from its patterns. Free will and determinism are both idols of this world, they can only be understood as a whole.

Consider time viewing or travel, what happens when an athlete playing a sport adjusts to a play they see the potential of arising, when a military commander acts upon intuition moving where forces may be shift too rather than purely what is happening now. What happens when a child recalls a previous era and accurately depicts aspects of that era? If time is a whole pattern continually repeating in shifting ways what does it truly mean to change time. Or what does it mean that when a man strikes you at the law -reap what you sow- to turn the other cheek. Do you understand nonviolent activism which is never passive, do you understand non-action which is vibrant and alive?

The 2nd is the spatial regardless of whether the phenomenon is psychic or physical and it is something that again defines us because it is not ‘us’ but more clearly defines ‘us’ the closer it gets. It could be the -impression- of voices, imagination of an island retreat, a train, the room we are sitting in or the one that we define as our workplace 20 minutes, walking, away. Yet this is the space which we are not be it unconscious or beyond the limit of our direct perception and extended control. They again define the ‘us’ where perception occurs the shifting density of ‘us’. As with time viewing, remote viewing is very real, but what is distance, the domains bleed together.

The 3rd is scalar be it smaller our cells and the atoms etc which make us or the environments as a whole, the world, solar system etc. Again there is the here-ness in which we are as human entities and they are defined by the surrounding phenomenon of scale in a greater degree as the boundary becomes closer. For example though you could say you can touch part of some skin or eye cell or part of an ecosystem or the world there is no true me as an individual cell or in direct relation nor of me as being an entire ecosystem or planet,certainly not from this perspective. Yet as you move the scales closer to specific eyes with their colour and individual ability or specific section of a mountain range with its section of a river the ‘me’ comes into greater definition.

We only consider distance in great changes of scale yet if you touch a rippling stream you are no closer to grasping an atom than you are to holding the sun by forming an o with your hand and raising it to the sky. For the suns are not simply distant but of a different scale yet the pattern still exists almost as an imprint at this level represented by its varying effects such as heat and incandescence. Yet though the sun appears distant it could become as close as a tree or a blade of grass when viewed not through space but through the scalar domain. Just as future and past could be viewed, it is always only a viewing though. One could never remain without completely altering ones makeup for we are of this scale and not of that.

These are the 3 aspects of phenomena and being. The being is the integrity of the wave patterns while the perception is simply that only the variety of patterns any given individual is capable of making take for instance a chess board seen by a rookie, a casual player and a grandmaster. The being is never only the perception which is of necessity only a slice of a whole, rather it is the whole integrity of the pattern.


These are some thoughts I have been working with. I apologize if this has been difficult to understand or if it has been very disjointed. I write it only because I believe the present world view is founded in madness and so I try to see what I can from my own experience and describe it. I generally fail at this because I understand very little and only in parts. Yet before I leave this world I have been taught that you try to add worth, to leave it better than you found it and always to aim for nothing but the highest. I wish this was worth more, that it had real clarity and value, but it is the best that I can do and that reveals my incapacity. However it has been a purposeful break from the norm and I hope that something within it has enough clarity to be useful to someone in creating something which does not simply break from the norm but creates a valid and useful view more aligned with reality as it truly is. Even if only putting a different perspective into the noos though the majority of what I will ever receive is derisive laughter -is this guy serious?- -OMG- or outright anger -fuck you man wow just fuck you, FUCK YOU-. Part of me wishes I’d never sought to open psychically, certainly not in the blindly groping way I have led most of my life. Yet this is the way things must be, regardless of the relatively shallow value of this work I would hope that any expression into the sphere would help express that this reality is not so rigidly stuck to our concepts. I would hope that it is atleast a slight indication that we can step beyond the accepted box without completely losing discernment or a critical eye.

To me the worst thing of modern science is the need to immediately know exactly what every phenoma is. It seems nothing more than a race for awards and acknowledgment and little more than blind vanity. Those who first made fire did not understand thermodynamics. Our ancestors made deep sea voyages, dog powered rotisserie chicken, aqueducts, caduceus, curling irons, mills, and massive feats of engineering in any age while believing in water gods, a flat earth and the central position of the earth. While we make inventions of great novelty in this age the only thing our rush to label everything immediately does is mask any flaw in our logic which always exists to some degree. It seems more worthy to build upon what we know in pragmatic ways while observing what we can. Having observed a great deal and formed a solid base of knowledge using the facts which don’t line up to absolutely smash every conception we have created until we see the reality more deeply. I do not think that any true knowledge can be obtained without the recognition of our ignorance but I have little or no say in this world. Anyway thank you for reading and taking the time to try and decipher what is of value from the collection of my insanity. I will not be posting much further except for the small project which has been my focus, whatever worth it possesses. Take the difficulties of this work as my own failures and inadequacy not yours and again thank you for the time you have spent to give your attention to this small effort.


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