unconditional love

In this article I will focus on the subject of unconditional love. Although we may not always realize that we are doing it, we normally place
conditions on our happiness. We decide that we will be happy when certain
conditions are met in our lives - for instance, we might decide that we
must live in a particular type of house in a particular location for us to
be truly satisfied and happy. Or it might be about a situation that we
feel must come about - for example, we decide that we must get a particular
job promotion so that we can be content in our work. There is one other big
condition that we often set before we think we can find happiness - we must
find Mr or Mrs Right. We believe another person in the shape of a partner
will make us happy.
Think about all the conditions you have set yourself for happiness - make
a list of them. Notice how we can spend our whole life waiting for these
things to be fulfilled. Even if we fulfill one, we then create a new one!
All of these conditions have one thing in common, and ironically it is a
flaw that prevents us ever finding lasting happiness. Each of these
conditions is about bringing something from the outside, to make us happy.
Each of these conditions is designed to meet a need - to fill an emptiness
we have inside. These conditions fail because ultimately we cannot ask
anybody else or any situation to heal our insecurities and sense of lack -
we must do that ourselves.
In the relationship work I do, I often hear people complaining that their
partner does not do things right - fails to meet their expectations of a
devoted, loving partner. They normally say that they no longer love their
partner in the way they did when they first met - they think their partner
has changed. This is conditional love - it says that "when you behave in
the way I want you to, then I will love you." This places a huge demand on
the other person and they feel they are being judged. They might find that
they are frozen out and starved of love, unless they behave in the expected
way. It is not surprising that this control will damage or destroy a
The way forward is therefore Unconditional Love, which as it's name
suggest, sets absolutely no conditions on the love that we feel for another
person. It really does mean that we will love them no matter how they
behave or treat us. Of course this can be a real 'stretch' because we will
often feel that the other person does not deserve our love. To
break-through this resistance we need to look within and see that the every
thing we are asking as a condition of our love is something we are not
doing ourselves. For instance - we might say that the condition of our love
is that our partner must listen to us and understand us as a person. But
how well have we listened to and understood them? As all bad behaviour
originates from low self-esteem, if they are not behaving in the way we
want them to, then we have failed to fully understand why this is. If we
could see their inner pain we would know why they are not meeting our
conditions and immediately know how to respond with empathy and compassion.
Tip:To be able to love somebody unconditionally we need to be able to see
through the surface behaviour to the beautiful. innocent, perfect person
underneath. If you find this hard to do today - think back to the time you
fell in love with them. Those amazing feelings came about because you were
loving them unconditionally - faults and all! It was only later those
faults became more obvious as you settled down to a longer-term
relationship. So think back to those heady times and visualise yourselves
back in that situation of falling in love. Re-live those feelings and then
take a long, compassionate look at your partner - see their beauty and
grace and imagine yourself melting into them. Forgive them for failing your
conditions and forgive yourself for doing the same. If you can, tell them
how much you appreciate and love them and remind them of those original
wonderful times together - those feelnigs are still available as soon as
you stop judging them and placing conditions on your love.
Conditional love is a viscous circle because if we withdraw our love as a

form of punishment, our partner does exactly the same to us. Unconditional

love has the opposite effect - it reinforces itself because the forgiveness

and acceptance is felt as pure love by our partners and they then naturally
return it. Practice unconditional love at every opportunity with your
partners, family, friends and colleagues - it is the key to sustained happiness.

It is important to understand the definition of unconditional love to be able to give it; it is the kind of love that expects nothing back, places no limits, and does not set any ideals or conditions on what it should be. When you love in this way you do it without expectation of reciprocity and with no preconceived notions of how or if they will express love back to you. This is the kind of love you see exhibited by parents and children, brothers and sisters, true friends, and the best of romantic relationships.

When you love someone unconditionally you do not set limits or boundaries on that love, not circumstances that would cause you to withdraw it, there is nothing that would cause you to not love the person. Even if the other person does something that you feel is intentional, it is overlooked if you are truly committed to unconditional love. You do not try to control the actions of the other person, nor do you tell them that you will not love them if they act a certain way or do a certain thing. When this kind of love is present, both partners feel more secure and neither of them seeks to control the other.

Since there are, no boundaries or conditions the people in a relationship of unconditional love do not have to worry about the other person leaving or not loving them over a particular situation or behavior. Siblings in most cases are a good example of this, even though they may have quarrels and disagreements throughout their lives the bond between them remains unbroken and their love continues through any and all conflicts.
If you love someone, unconditionally you will want whatever is best for them and you will always give them the freedom to seek out the things that really give them happiness. You will let them learn things for themselves and explore situations and experiences that they feel will make them happy, even if you think that you know what is best for them. Although they may make bad choices and do things that are wrong, you will always be there for them and never judge them if you truly love them unconditionally.
Know The Dragon Cluna Sombleado Alliance is offering you our unconditional love! We are offering you deep and meaningful engagements rather than the more shallow ones you often tend to receive from others in your life... We are able to do this because we pass no judgments and place no conditions for you It means that I am offering you my unconditional love! We are offering you deep and meaningful engagements rather than the more shallow ones you often tend to receive from others in your life... We are able to do this because we pass no judgments and place no conditions for you to meet in order for us to be your friend and offer you our love, energy, acknowledgement, understanding how and why it is to love you for you, and no other reason.  We love you because you exist, and that is all.  For us to acknowledge you and love you in this way are something fulfilling for us to do.  We do it because it resonates our souls with warmth and makes us happy to do. Once you can understand to be this way, there is no other way you would rather be really.
  To resonate with unconditional love, It is, as though, we are extending my consciousness and energy outwards towards all possibilities and all other aspects and entities in existence. It makes us just feel free and heavily to be in that state or as close as possible to it as we can get! We are not limited or withholding or withdrawing ourselves, which is the state of being people obtain when feeling depressed or 'unloved'...! We have been there as well, so we know it was like..!
It was two years ago when our master started worrying about self and being selfish in that way. We became more selfless and interested in loving others and being there for him.  His Depression and feelings of alone was like a spiritual implosion and began to alienate all around him.  We came to him giving of ourselves as unconditional love is an explosion and expansion that envelops, connects and feels close to all things in existence and it just feels the best it does. Where depression is cold, lonely, isolated, bland, meaningless feelings, togetherness is connectedness is warm filled with friends and allies always changing and exciting.
If we speak in the tongues of men or of angels, but do not have love, we are only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal.  If we have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and if we have a faith that can move mountains, but do not have love, we am nothing. If we give all we possess to the poor and give over our body to hardship that we may boast but do not have love, we gain nothing.
  Love is patient, love is kind, does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud.  It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs.  Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, and always perseveres.
  Love never fails. However, where there are prophecies, they will cease; where there are tongues, they will be stilled; where there is knowledge, it will pass away.  For we know in part and we prophesy in part, but when completeness comes, what is in an individual part disappears into the whole collective.
 When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child understanding the world from my own point of view, Me , Mine, them, they.   When the singular individual I perceived as me became aware of others around me whom have different viewpoints and began to see how inadequate my own singular perspective of my place in the world was my embracing the  childhood wonderment and unconditional acceptance of  others grew to  put the ways of the selfish childhood behind me.

 We see each other
 For now we see you as not only as reflection as in a mirror,  but seeing face to face soul to soul learning and accepting your way as my own without prejudging it.  Only through the unconditional acceptance and loving embrace of a child accept me as us and now you become one united Cluna with many other Clunas so we know each other fully, even as we are fully known fully now to you as part of us now these three remain faith, hope and love. However, the greatest of these is love. Feel our embrace and know us as part of your Cluna as the many become as one body
“You were not made to be any puppet of some game. Humans were not brought here by us to play games. You wonder why you think about how the world works and why people respond the way they do. You wonder about why you cannot do what others are doing...
 Nevertheless, I see something far different. You are you and you are here for what it is to be. You are the way shower to a world of what is and what will be. You are the force of life that is. You are the reason why you are... You are the force that drives all things... you are what is and all that will be. You were called forth to show the way not to be light not to be dark... you are ma’at the energies of balance. You are the merger of both to become one. You are the healer of the way and flow of energies... Why you waste your time on things that are not you. You are beyond that of trivial physical things.
Stop with your thoughts that no one will listen you are not to be the person that makes these decisions you are as you are. You are the way and do not need to wait, for the universe waits for no one, it just is and you know this and understand yet you wait. For what? Trust in the universe yes, it is a large step, but do you know. You do nothing to follow with what the universe provides you miss the flow and miss the wave. You miss all that is. You must stop. You are not this you never have been but you waste and squander your thoughts on waiting. Thoughts are sent to you from all sources, that includes our own and your family. From me and from all others, we are the reflection of you as you see me as you see me now we move together as one riding the winds of the universe soon. Do not put yourself in suspension We are here to move you forward.
My children you know our ways you have been privy to all that is in understanding. You see. We do not wait for nothing yet here We are waiting. I see you right through that skin you wear of physicality you are so much more... You already been through battles you have been through times of love and peace you are the energy of all that is... You are part of all that is you are all that is... You are born of the breath of all that is you are an expression of all that is. Watching your world blame others for their own follies and labeling what is right and wrong you know does not exist but only a perception. Why you allow your physical body and traits horde you on is beyond me.
 Ideologies of a world where everyone, every being in their own physical bodies viewing life through their own lens makes everything so complicated yet it is not... Don’t you see? It isn’t complicated at all yet you and the race within what you have embodied yourself in cannot see. We do not forget, we are not blind yet here you are waiting watching through your own lens... Move past this you are bigger than this. You went down there for a reason, do not squander it away. Time is of essence because you have made it so. Tick tock tick tock, time marches onwards for you because of the bodies in which you have cocooned yourself. It grows, it lives, it dies, but you do not. Nevertheless, you only have an allotted amount of time to accomplish such things.  What we embark upon is the reunification of Dragon and human not for temporary times but eternally as one. This is just a start it has taken me many generations to develop this new spirit in you and it is a pleasant evolution back to where your race belongs.
We are the dark, we are the light all together as one. There is no separation. We are the rock, we are the sun, we are all the energy that moves between it all. We are the nothingness, we are everything, we are physical, we are spiritual, we are energy, we are the energy that creates and destroys. We are the universe... and so are you. We are one mighty force of individuals adding their own talents for the betterment of all the Clunas in a single unified movement as one. We are The Great dragon Sprit Yahweh~Yeshua which is our strength as creator of all that is and to become.


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