Sacred Geometry and the Eternal Universe

The “Big Bang” theory is the prevailing cosmological model that explains the creation of the Universe. According to the Big Bang theory, the Universe was once in an extremely hot and dense state which expanded rapidly. This rapid expansion caused the young Universe to cool and resulted in its present continuously expanding state. According to the most recent measurements and observations, this original state existed approximately 13.7 billion years ago, which is considered the age of the Universe and the time the Big Bang occurred. After its initial expansion from a singularity, the Universe cooled sufficiently to allow energy to be converted into various subatomic particles and the material universe was formed.

The biggest problem I have with the Big Bang Theory is not that it didn’t happen, but rather it is all effect and no cause.  One of the seven great hermetic principles, that of cause and effect, clearly tells us that every cause as its effect and every effect as its cause.

Mainstream cosmologists state that the universe as been expanding ever since the big bang, and that expansion rate is actually accelerating.  With this model they tell us the expansion of the universe will continue until the universe finally dies a cold death.  In other words there will be a definite end to the entire universe where it will be no more.  It is a linear model big bang birth to cold empty death.

Alternative models have recently been put fourth, that the universe is cyclical in nature and exists eternally through cycles of birth and death.  The research of Dan Winters and Nassim Haramein show great evidence for this cyclical model of the universe.  Their websites are and respectively.

According to Hindu Philosophy, the universe (or multiverse) is perpetually in flux. Space and time are of cyclical nature. This universe is simply the current one, which is in flux and constantly changing, when it finally ceases to manifest, a new one will arise.

This is similar to the Cyclical Universe Theory in physical cosmology. The “Big Bang” is described as the birth of the universe (Brahma), the life of the universe then follows (Vishnu), and the “Big Crunch” would be described as the destruction of the universe (Shiva).

This is the model I believe is the model which best describes our universe.  I have produced some graphics, diagrams to support the case for a cyclical universe.  During my extensive 9 code studies, I have deciphered a considerable body of Gematria code which may also support this model.

Before I proceed into the physics of this cyclical universe, I will briefly explain what gematria is for those unfamiliar with it.  Throughout history, individuals and organisations have chosen to guard their secrets by various cryptic means and gematria is not only one of these, but arguably has the most distinguished provenance of any. Although gematria starts with the book of Genesis, was ubiquitous in the culture of the ancient Greeks and forms a blueprint for the foundation of Christianity. In particular, the gematria of English provides the key to unlocking many of the secret doctrines of the Freemasons, Iluminati and hermetic wisdom. Basically the English alphabet is given a numerical code as follows:

A1 B2 C3 D4 E5 F6 G7 H8 I9 J10 K11 L12 M13 N14 O15 P16 Q17 R18 S19 T20 U21 V22 W23 X24 Y25 Z26
"Nine Code Unlocks Hidden Secrets" in A=1 Gematria Equals: 297 = 9
"Nine Code is the Hidden Truth" in A=1 Gematria Equals: 261= 9
"Nine Truth Nine" in A=1 Gematria Equals: 171 = 9
"Gematria Reveals Nine Code" in A=1 Gematria Equals: 225 = 9
"Gematria Reveals a Hidden Nine Code" in A=1 Gematria Equals: 270 = 9
"Gematria is the Key to Hidden Nine Code" in A=1 Gematria Equals: 324 = 9
"Nine Code = Hidden Truth of Ancients" in A=1 Gematria Equals: 306 = 9
"A Number Nine is Truth and Wisdom" in A=1 Gematria Equals: 333 = 9
"Nine Equals Truth and Wisdom" in A=1 Gematria Equals: 306 = 9
"A Wisdom is to Know Nine" in A=1 Gematria Equals: 252 = 9
"Wisdom Equals Understanding a Nine Code in A=1 Gematria Equals: 378 = 9
"Nine Code is Wisdom" in A=1 Gematria Equals: 180 = 9
"Nine Code Reveals Wisdom" in A=1 Gematria Equals: 234 = 9
"Nine Code = True Wisdom in A=1 Gematria Equals: 216 = 9


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