The enemies of Freedom are normally operating domestically as messengers of faux freedom.

  • U can't blame Hitler for how the Zionist Jews treated the non Zionist Jews. ..the Zionist Jews forced the non Zionist Jews to go occupy Palestine. ..Hitler merely accommodated the Zionists through the TRANSFER AGREEMENT. ..blame the Zionist Jews who infiltrated the German government not Hitler...he just wanted the Jews out of Germany
  • Teren Blackthorn .. turned into something else... didn't it?
  • Craig Beardsley Nothing changes...the Jews constantly blaming Gentiles to redirect the finger of blame to anyone else but the Jews...I am so sick of their lying criminal azzes
  • Teren Blackthorn It's just criminal humans to me.. as least most of them.
  • Daniel Grant Wilks Nothing changes scapegoat an target group and show your extremist pro natzi views faux patriotism
  • Shawn Crockett ^^^^ this guy can't even form a sentence^^^
  • Shawn Crockett Or spell Nazi...... Derp!!!!
  • Shawn Crockett If ya gonna try and be bold..... at least have a common understanding of basic English and sentence structure
  • Teren Blackthorn Daniel... I'm not the one backing a racist prison nation, you are... It's extremists of you to say that I am extremist.. Everyone thinks you're a shill. When I stand with truth, love and liberty and you try to take that from me.. that's terrorism. You call liberty extremism.. you're starting to sound scary yourself Daniel... they brainwashing you in there? They already lied to you and spread their lies about liberty and sovereignty and you back them.. I am not property owned by the US INC. I'm the result of too much police state, too many prison, and too many fucking government hacks that are being paid to destroy freedom... equal reaction to lies and corruption is how you get a being like and you're calling me bad..shame on you brother... I'm not bombing people and torturing people and throwing them in racist prisons... but you back that tyrannical shit? What's that make you? One of them...
  • Daniel Grant Wilks First off the prisons are buildings that are not animate or alive. So saying they are racist is really a logical failure. As the buildings are incapable of being anything but a structure. 
    The English language is an invasive language and one my ancest
    ors were forced to learn as a part of civilizing them. You humies are the tyrants and always have been the invaders of indigenous tribes and lands. 
    Also for those whom like to harp shrill at individuals whom call you on propaganda and lies used to falsely persuade others in your social engineering campaign. You placed Obama in office and now the same socialist are claiming freedoms from a document they don't follow
  • Teren Blackthorn The system is racist.. you're being a dick daniel.. that;s all... trying going back to being a human again?
  • Teren Blackthorn I didn't place anything.. you lie.
  • Teren Blackthorn english sucks we agree on one thing.
  • Teren Blackthorn i unfriended daniel.. since so many asked why I keep him around... you don' have to ask anymore... he has no respect for liberty and human freedom.
  • Keir Ritchie ^ shame. I wanted him to justify how he can say your post is pro-Nazi.


n (sometimes capital)
1. (Government, Politics & Diplomacy) any ideology or movement inspired by Italian Fascism, such as German National Socialism; any right-wing nationalist ideology or movement with an authoritarian and hierarchical structure that is fundamentally opposed to democracy and liberalism
2. (Government, Politics & Diplomacy) any ideology, movement, programme, tendency, etc, that may be characterized as right-wing, chauvinist, authoritarian, etc
3. prejudice in relation to the subject specified: body fascism.
[C20: from Italian fascismofrom fascio political group, from Latin fascis bundle; see fasces]

So Calling me a Shrill or a dick is a weak argument as .you call American Government Fascist. Well it is not as  any ideology or movement inspired by Italian Fascism, such as German National Socialism; any right-wing nationalist ideology or movement with an authoritarian and hierarchical structure that is fundamentally opposed to democracy and liberalism falls under fascism so this is what you are practicing by backing extremist Sovereignty movements that place blame on every group that is external to the incident that opposes their views. It is part of the group's politics to create misinformation and fail to get the physical facts straight and using terrorist attacks on the United States as a base for their push in social engineering and covering their pro  Nazism (/ˈntsɪzm/) or National Socialism They have used this ideology As the socilogical tie into the National Libertarian Socialist party as well as military through Aryan Nation and other extremist groups. Pushing such books as The Protocols of the Elders of Zion (1912) was an antisemitic forgery created by the police of the Russian Empire. Antisemites believed it was real, and the Protocol became widely popular after World War I. 


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