stargate info

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They are massively complicated devices of no known human technology, which are powered by a contained Singularity\plain\fs20\super\f0 1\plain\fs20\f0 . These Singularities generate the power that creates the Wormhole\plain\fs20\super\f0 2\plain\fs20\f0 and may also be instrumental in other aspects of Wormhole creation. The Stargates have predictable periods of activation, to predicted locations. The Wormholes which are created are "oneway" in so much that an Outgoing Gate from a gate \line will not allow\f0 matter to travel from the location where the distal point of the Wormhole forms. Similarly there are Incoming Gates that do not allow travel to the originating location. There seems to be no pattern between Incoming and Outgoing Gates. Duration betwee\f0 n Wormhole formations varies greatly. As of yet there is no understanding of why the "free" end of the Wormhole (the end not "tethered" by the originating Stargate) has a semi random touchdown point.\line\line The last attempt to dismantle a Stargate resulted i\f0 n a massive implosion when the Singularity escaped containment. This has resulted in a lack of technical information on how the Stargate works. Therefore all data in this document is based solely on observation of what we consider "normal" Stargate ope\f0 rations.\par \pard\s18\sb100\sa100\keepn\frmtxlrtb\plain\b\fs28\f0 History\par \pard\frmtxlrtb\plain\fs20\f0 I will now examine exactly what we know about the operation of the Stargates and their attendant Wormholes.\par \f0 The Stargate mechanisms (of which there were originally 78) were found under the ice or Antarctica in the early forties. Some were removed and sent to various countries around the globe. As of yet the Gates which were left in Antarctica have been unrec\f0 overable under the permanent ice after the destruction of the Antarctic base. One wonders what effect global warming might have on the discovery of new Stargates.\par \pard\s18\sb100\sa100\keepn\frmtxlrtb\plain\b\fs28\f0 Stargate composition\par \pard\frmtxlrtb\plain\fs20\f0 Physically the Stargates are limited in size. This obviously has an effect on the amount of matter that can be transferred through the Wormhole at any given time. Indeed the first colonies set up off-world were assembled piecemeal over the past few dec\f0 ades. This means that the loss of any off world base is a loss of massive amounts of time, money and manpower. It takes roughly five trips to transfer the pieces of machinery the size of a jeep, although this is due to other considerations that are men\f0 tioned below\plain\fs20\super\f0 3\plain\fs20\f0 . There appears to be no control structures around the gate itself.\par \f0 At present we have no knowledge of the actual composition of the Stargate. It appears to be constructed of an unknown metal. No samples have been made available due to the risk of Singularity containment failure, which would be catastrophic for the gat\f0 e itself and for the local environment. Ultrasound and other scans have shown no internal structures, although it is unknown whether this is due to the structure being solid, or that the construction of the Stargate is opaque to ultrasound, X-ray and r\f0 adar imaging. As mentioned above the power for the creation of the Wormholes is generated via the containment of a Singularity within the Stargate itself. We are only aware of this due to the surviving archive information from the previous disastrous a\f0 ttempt to dismantle a Stargate. \par \f0 We do not know how this Singularity is generated, nor contained from affecting the Stargate or its immediate environs. Obviously the containment of a Singularity shows that the Stargate creators have/had/will have technology that is vastly more advance\f0 d than our current technology.\par \f0 Due to the lack of any form of control structure we have no way of initiating a Wormhole, and indeed this may be physically impossible. The supercomputers back at SGCUNI have sensors that detect the minor fluctuations in the local gravity/electromagnet\f0 ic fields\plain\fs20\super\f0 4\plain\fs20\f0 , and this allows the prediction of Incoming and Outgoing Wormholes. These appear to be cyclical and the prediction systems run from data that survived the destruction of the Antarctic base. I have heard rumours that these programs and datasets will so\f0 on be obsolete, leading to an inability to predict Stargate activity. If this is true, then every effort must be made in order to gain information that will enable us to remain able to predict Wormhole formation.\par \pard\s18\sb100\sa100\keepn\frmtxlrtb\plain\b\fs28\f0 Wormhole\par \pard\frmtxlrtb\plain\fs20\f0 Outgoing Wormhole formation begins with a short burst of low power radio waves; these rapidly increase in frequency until the energy output crosses into microwave frequencies. The energy output remains stable as the energy form shifts into heat and the\f0 n into the characteristic glow of visible light that lasts approximately half a second. The energy then continues into the ultraviolet and then onwards towards a burst of low powered X-rays. This X-ray burst is roughly equivalent to the radiation recei\f0 ves by a medical chest X-ray\plain\fs20\super\f0 5\plain\fs20\f0 . There is then another burst of Gamma radiation at which point the Wormhole forms. An Incoming Wormhole forms in much the same way, except that the energy output is reversed, i.e. Gamma radiation, X-rays, ultraviolet, visible light, infrared, microwav\f0 e and finally radio waves. At all times the radiation output by the Wormhole is well below the tolerances of the human body. This may point to the creators of the Stargates having similar physiological tolerances to our own.\par \f0 Once the Wormhole is formed it connects to a distant location, the common belief is that it connects to another planet although I will later show why I do not believe this to be the case. The Wormhole can be likened to a long tunnel dug vertically, in \f0 that the entry side is the "top" of the tunnel, and the exit point is the bottom of the tunnel. Organic items entering fully into the entry side of the Wormhole "fall" towards the "bottom" or exit point of the Wormhole. Reverse travel is therefore not \f0 possible at present. It may be possible to change this in the future by inputting energy into the Wormhole after it has formed, at present this is not possible with our technology although there are anecdotal accounts of organisms travelling through an\f0 inbound Wormhole. Another way to climb "up" the Wormhole might be to adjust the vibration frequencies of the Wormhole energies. I leave this for further experimentation.\par \pard\s18\sb100\sa100\keepn\frmtxlrtb\plain\b\fs28\f0 Properties of the Wormhole\par \pard\frmtxlrtb\plain\fs20\f0 There have been a number of occasions where transports of non-living materials were attempted. All of these experiments ended with failure. Current theories tend towards the presence of both water and electricity being needed to send an item through a \f0 Wormhole. Coincidently these elements are found in all living beings. I theorise that it is instead the living "aura", such as that revealed by Kirillian photography which restricts Wormhole travel to living or recently dead beings. Although this is of\f0 great defensive importance, for example \line weapons fire cannot travel through a Wormhole, it also greatly limits the transfer of equipment or resources off-world. Therefore all colonies should be completely self-sufficient. I would theorise that the liv\f0 ing "aura" put out by a human subject extends approximately 40 cm around their body. This would explain why clothing and other light equipment can be safely transferred through the Wormhole. Further experiments will need to be undertaken, as will the i\f0 dea of where items, which do not reach their destination, end up. \par \pard\s18\sb100\sa100\keepn\frmtxlrtb\plain\b\fs28\f0 The "Many Worlds" theory\par \pard\frmtxlrtb\plain\fs20\f0 As mentioned previously I believe that the Stargates lead not to another planet, but instead to another


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