book review

“Intrusion” details the accounts of four people claiming to have had contact with otherworldly intelligences. It is written by the late Bob Mitchell, Canadian author and journalist who worked for the Toronto Star for more than 35 years. Though at times I was questioning the validity of some of their experiences-as they themselves admit could have been merely dreams-it is still difficult to dismiss the experiences of a young child, ignorant of the concept of “flying saucers” and “grey aliens.” These cases resonate similarities to many abduction encounters. One is left to wonder what their ultimate goal is. What is the purpose of their visitations? Is the image of a “grey alien” even their true form or a manifestation of our unconcious collective interpretation of what we think an alien should look like? Although the book could have used a little more editing in terms of grammar and punctuation, I see it for what it is-Bob Mitchell felt these cases were important and compelling enough to put into print. He wanted the world to hear their stories because he felt they had something important to share. If what they are saying is true, then the possibility exists that we are not alone in the Universe.
“There’s not just physical aliens, which most people think about, I think there’s probably hundreds of different dimensional beings that we have no, even, concept-that they’re around us all the time. And people that are into this conciousness stuff, they [the beings] are becoming aware of them doing it. I also think that it seems to me that most of the abductions that are taking place- still today- are not taking place in the physical form. I think what’s really happening is that you’re sleeping, and you have sort of an astral, out of body experience- but they do it for you. They are able to get your- I won’t say, soul- but it’s your conciousness. They don’t need to take you physically; they take your conciousness somewhere and they get out of the conciousness what they need.“-Bob Mitchell (


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