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Colorado Rancher Witnesses Horrifying UFO Cattle Abduction & Mutilation

Posted: 01 Jun 2021 01:35 PM PDT

A Colorado rancher is shocked after witnessing a cattle abduction and mutilation one night. It disturbed him so much that he decided to sell the ranch and move to Arizona.

I recently received the following account:

"I knew a former Colorado rancher who owned a ranch near Del Norte and one near Mesa, Arizona. The sight of strange harsh glaring lights on the mountains to the southeast near Alamosa, Colorado was a common sight. Odd aircraft with extremely strong searchlights would meander through the peaks. Strange and odd animal mutilations would occur here. These sights bothered him and his wife...a lot.

One night spelled the end of his continued life in this weird area. His wife had died a few years prior and he now lived alone. He told me that he had gone to bed early because he had to get up early to take care of livestock and chores. His bedroom window looked out on an adjoining east corral which was fenced in, with the house nearly a couple of feet to the fence line. Here were several cattle he looked after which had been divided from the herd for several reasons.

Around 1:00 am, he was awakened by a bright, intense white light blasting through the window momentarily. He got up to see what was going on. As he peered over the window sill, he couldn't believe his eyes. A large saucer-shaped object about 50 feet in diameter was hovering above one of his cows, not but 100 feet away from the house. A cow was surrounded by light. The vehicle utilized the light to power up a beam to lift the animal into the base of the craft hovering above. This sight put the fear of God into the rancher. He told me that he rushed away from the window. Snuggled down between the floor and wall. Didn't sleep the remainder of the entire night utterly petrified. No sounds were heard except for the animal's cries and then silence.

At dawn, the rancher dressed, rushed out to the corral area and found, less than 30 feet away from his bedroom window, the mutilated carcass of the same cow he had seen levitated by the craft. Calling the sheriff, he contacted authorities who listened to his story and basically told him he couldn't do anything about these incidents. The authorities were helpless.

I talked to him about this and he told me that Robert Stack's television program, "Unsolved Mysteries," had contacted him about the event, arranged an interview and he talked to them on camera. The rancher said he would do it under the condition that his face not be shown nor any identifying information be divulged. The harrowing incident put such fear into him that he decided all of the weird events he had witnessed over the many years he had owned the ranch (and he was raised there as a youngster) would keep him there no longer. He had decided to sell the property and move to his other land in Arizona.

I know this individual personally as I was also a horseman and accompanied him in the Arizona mountains on pack trips. He was a very dependable, conservative veteran, with many contracts to do work for electric utilities, as well as a solid work and community trustworthiness. Knowing his sincere story and knowing his background leaves no doubt in my mind. The story is true and, I believe, quite reliable because it came from him. This bizarre narrative is not something he would "make up." He received no money for this. Publicity was not welcome because of his work with Arizona utilities and he could not believe what he had seen. But had to accept the fact this had actually occurred. "This was so frightening," he said to me, "I simply couldn't stay here any longer." True story and I vouch for him." KV



Hey folks...I just found out that Google (Feedburner) will no longer support the free email subscription service starting July 1st. I'm going to explore the best options. After all these years, I'm seriously considering ending the newsletter and asking readers to come directly to the blog. We'll see. Thanks. Lon


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The Real 'Resident Aliens' - Part VII

Posted: 01 Jun 2021 12:55 PM PDT


The Real 'Resident Aliens' - Part VII

By Raymond A. Keller, PhD, a.k.a. “Cosmic Ray,” the author of the international awards-winning Venus Rising Series, published by Headline Books and available on, while supplies last.

Venus Rising: A Concise History of the Second Planet

Final Countdown: Rockets to Venus

Cosmic Ray's Excellent Venus Adventure

The Vast Venus Conspiracy

Lady Columba Venus Revelations

“What’s a president gonna do? I built a 50-foot wall at El Paso and this smart aleck alien showed up with a 51-foot ladder! Maybe Joe Biden will figure out a better immigration policy.”  See “Weird News,” Huff Post, 31 August 2015.

An Illegal Alien, of the Extraterrestrial Kind

Official UFO was a mass market magazine published nine times yearly during the 1970s and 1980s by Countrywide Publications (New York, New York).  In the May 1975 issue of this publication, editor Russ A. Rueger, Ph.D., revealed that one of Official UFO magazine’s staff writers was actually an extraterrestrial.  

“As you can imagine,” wrote Rueger, “staff come and go at the offices of Official UFO.  Government pressures, nervous breakdowns, and a generally stressful environment all contribute to the rapid turnover of personnel.  If you’re completely sane when you start working here, we like to say that you won’t stay that way for long!  Unfortunately, sometimes that turns out to be true.”

It was January 1975 and one of the ace correspondents for Official UFO was out on assignment.  Everything was fairly quiet around the office, so Rueger and the other personnel decided to leave early from work one Thursday afternoon.  But when they returned on Friday morning, they found an unusual manuscript on the desk of one recently hired staff writer, William Cobb, who was nowhere to be seen.  

In Rueger’s estimation, Cobb showed great promise as both a UFO investigator and staff reporter.  He was sad to see him go.  The editor and other staff had noticed that Cobb always seemed nervous.  He never wrote articles under his own name.  When Rueger asked Cobb why he was always writing under different aliases, the staff writer simply replied, “I needed to protect myself.”

The editor felt that it would be unfair to reveal exactly which articles were written by Cobb under the sundry aliases over the few months he had been working at Official UFO.  “With all due respect to Mr. Cobb,” wrote Rueger, “we will not divulge exactly which articles because some of them were risky and inflammatory.”

Slightly more than four months had passed since Cobb first disappeared.  “Since we discovered this manuscript, we haven’t seen nor heard of Mr. Cobb, and he hasn’t even returned to pick up his last paycheck,” noted the editor, who added that, “This was very unusual behavior, particularly for Cobb.  So, William, if you’re out there reading this, we hope that everything is all right and that you will get in touch with us.”

Despite editing a magazine that deals with exceptional phenomena, Rueger was of the opinion that the story Cobb left behind in the manuscript was “patently ridiculous” and only served to demonstrate what working in a hectic office environment can do in shaking up one’s sanity.  It was good, however, that Rueger went ahead and published Cobb’s manuscript exactly as he and the office personnel had found it.  A photo of William Cobb was published in the Official UFO magazine asking readers who might know where he is to make a report to the editor at the publication’s mailing address of 257 Park Avenue South, New York, New York 10010.  He never did check back in with the office; and here we have another case of one intimately tied to the ongoing UFO saga of completely disappearing off of the face of the Earth.

The last manuscript of William Cobb, staff writer for Official UFO, follows, detailing information on the alien he was working with, side-by-side, on a daily basis and why he (Cobb) decided to disappear:

The Moon is out now; and I can see it coming in through the blinds.  It used to comfort me but it doesn’t anymore.  I’ve got to get out of here; but I guess I owe it to the readers of Official UFO to tell them what’s going on.  I hope I have a chance to finish it.  

I took the job as reporter here because I believe that the government is trying to suppress information about UFOs.  I have seen several of them myself at various points in my life, so I know they exist.  When I was young, I used to think that everybody saw them; and it wasn’t until later I realized that many people still don’t even believe they exist.  So, I finally decided to share my knowledge with the public through this magazine.  But the time has come for me to move on; so, I am telling my last news story.

One of the writers at this magazine has astonishing luck in getting great stories.  No matter what he sets out to investigate, he always comes back with an amazing revelation.  I have followed him in order to learn his journalistic secrets, but to no avail.  My first reaction was jealousy, but soon that gave way to stronger emotion.

Frequently, readers of this magazine have certainly read his material.  He writes under many names, most frequently “R. J.”  At first glance, he appears perfectly normal; but there is a strange glint in his eyes at all times; and he always seems to be laughing at some private joke that only he can hear.  One thing about him is certain, though, and that is he is one of the most important journalists of the decade.  People who work for this magazine do not get nominated for Pulitzer Prizes because the world doesn’t believe what we are telling them; but if we were, “R. J.” would probably be the first to be so rewarded.  Still, how he got his great scoops remained a mystery to me.

He kept strange hours, did strange things, ate strange goods- and soon I began to suspect the truth.  “R. J.,” a writer for Official UFO, was himself an alien!  Suddenly everything made sense.  He was not a reporter so much as a publicist.  When the aliens decided to reveal information about the human race, “R. J.” would bring it into the office, write it down and publish it.  Our entire organization was acting as a front for aliens. 

I had not fully convinced myself of this by any means because it was admittedly a little far-fetched.  If aliens wanted to transmit information to Earth, they could disrupt our television communications or our radio waves without even trying.  When then, would they send an alien in human form to our offices?  The idea was too silly to consider.

Still, I began following “R. J.” with renewed vigor.  This was the story I had been waiting for.  If it was true, then I could…. could what?  Without knowing “R. J.’s” purpose, I would not be able to say anything.  One day I cornered him as he was putting on his coat at lunch time.  

“Why are you here?” I asked him; but all he did was look confused.  I don’t know whether he suspected what I was up to, but it was a stupid move on my part all the same.  If his intentions were hostile, he might have killed me right there.  I had to be more careful.

My golden opportunity for research came this month when “R. J.” was sent away on assignment.  He was investigating new evidence of ancient astronauts unearthed at the south of France and was not expected to return for several weeks.  I began staying late in order to pursue my investigative work.  I searched his desk and found nothing except some paper clips, a red pen, a sheet of Ko-Rec-Type and a prize from a box of candy.  I was amused by how mundane it all was and applauded “R. J.” for being so careful to cover his tracks.  He was sneakier than I thought.  I would have to work harder.

I unearthed every article he had written and began going over them with a “fine-toothed comb.”  I immediately noticed several things.  Most of the stories centered on ancient astronaut controversies and all the evidence that he reported supported the existence of aliens in our past.  Other stories involved locating alien interference at specific times in human history.  Still others reported finding evidence of aliens in everyday life.

William Cobb, a staff writer for UFO Review, right before he disappeared.  Apparently, Cobb knew too much about flying saucers, for his own good.

What emerged from all these stories was the idea that aliens were beneficent creatures who had been helping mankind along the path to maturity since we were small one-celled lifeforms.  Aliens have always been with us and have always helped us, but always in secret.  They have chosen when to reveal themselves, more and more frequently in recent times.

If all of this was a well-kept secret, why was it being revealed in the pages of Official UFO?  Either “R. J.” was a renegade alien who was no longer a part of the extraterrestrial master plan or he was a major part of the plan.  Both views made sense; but the second one made even more sense than the first.  With the space program faltering and man wallowing in the 1970s, accomplishing nothing, the time had come for more severe measures to be taken by the aliens.  So, “R. J.” had come to the offices of Official UFO in order to start acclimating humanity to the idea of aliens.  Once humanity is sufficiently “prepared,” then the lid can come off and the aliens can reveal themselves.

That’s the story of “R. J.,” as far as I can determine.  On the back of one of his pads of paper, I found some doodling, but doodling unlike any I’d ever seen.  It was a solar system, but one totally unlike ours, with a pulsating binary star and six ringed planets.  Written underneath the drawing was something- I don’t know what- because it isn’t in any language I’ve ever seen on Earth.  So now I am writing this.  

Should I have revealed “R. J.’s” plan?  What will they do to me when they find out?  It’s obvious that I will have to develop a whole new identity.  I will also need a new job.  The world doesn’t need me to tell them about UFOs anymore.  They’ve got “R. J.”


-William Cobb

10 January 1975

New York City, New York


(Editor’s Note:  Keep reading this series for Part VIII of the Cosmic Ray’s Real “Resident Aliens,” where Dr. Keller speculates on the possibility that the UFOs themselves are living organisms.  - Lon)


Black-Eyed 'Man in Black' Continuously Manifests in Experiencer's Bedroom

Posted: 01 Jun 2021 12:26 PM PDT

An experiencer has seen several manifestations of a black-eyed 'man in black' in is bedroom after waking. The being would appear amid a bluish light and talk to the witness.

I recently came across the following account:

"I don't know much about UFOs or aliens beyond fiction, which is why I'm a little baffled at having met a 'man in black' four times. There's not much I can do for evidence so if you don't believe this, that's fair enough. I'm well aware that it sounds far-fetched. I am hoping I can find people who've had similar experiences though.

The most "logical" explanation is that it's sleep paralysis. Or hallucinations. But it doesn't seem to quite add up.

He appears in my room at night. Very consistent every time. He dresses like it's 1952, neat suit, trench coat and wide brimmed fedora. He used to wear dark sunglasses, but he stopped doing that more recently. His eyes are entirely black.

Sketch provided by witness

The first time I saw him was last September. I woke up to a bright blue light shining from outside, and a man standing at the foot of my bed in front of the window. I felt extremely sleepy. The first thing he said to me was, "you're going to be fine."

I feel like the next thing he said does nothing to help my credibility, but he told me to "remember Mothman Prophecies 9 66".

I hadn't heard of that book at the time. It took me months to get around to reading it, since I'd written off the initial experience as some sort of fever dream. I'd been very sick at the time it happened.

The second time I saw him was in January. I'd nearly finished reading 'Mothman Prophecies' by then. I was dreaming, I saw the man on a street and I ran over to him. I said, "excuse me", and he turned and said, "you should come with me now." I woke up and he was kneeling next to my bed, his face close enough that I could make out his features despite my bad eyesight. The room was lit with blue light like it was before. This time I could barely keep my eyes open and it was difficult to focus. He told me, "don't worry, you're just in a trance." I'm not entirely sure what he said then, but it was something about computer programs and minds. He told me to finish reading 'Mothman Prophecies' and that I should keep a record of my dreams.

I was very much convinced that it was just sleep paralysis and a whole lot of coincidences. But in February I saw him in a dream again. He showed me the opening scene of a horror movie that I wouldn't watch until a week later (I've been having a lot of prophetic dreams, I don't want to go on that tangent here). In the dream he gave me his hat. When I woke up, my room was once again lit up in blue light, but this time I wasn't so sleepy. I sat up in bed and noticed that the hat he'd given me in the dream was on the pillow next to me. This is why I'm not so convinced that it's sleep paralysis. I was able to pick up the hat, and I could feel the material and the weight of it. It seemed exactly like a regular hat. After some minutes though it disappeared, it looked like one of those optical illusions with the vanishing dots. Very bizarre.

The next time I saw him was in April. I don't remember dreaming about anything this time, I just woke up and he was there. No blue light now, my lamp had been turned on. He was kneeling next to my bed like before but this time I felt more awake. I looked at my clock, 5:08am. I looked at him and said, "this must be sleep paralysis." He said something that sounded like gibberish to me. I said, "what?" and he repeated himself, very calmly. I didn't have a clue what he was saying. I think he repeated himself 3 times before I started to fall asleep. I was startled awake by the sound of my door being closed, the lamp was off now. My clock said 5:12am so whatever this was happened in real time, which makes me think I wasn't dreaming.

He came back again the same night. The room was lit in blue again and he spoke English this time. I just stared at the ceiling. He said, "your sleep paralysis demon is trying to contact you." I got to assume that was an attempt at a joke, given that I've been calling it sleep paralysis for so long. He told me to take note of the number 4, and then he was gone. I got up to get my dream journal, but as I flicked through the pages it seemed like it wasn't mine. It was full of drawings I didn't recognize rather than writing. I went to the front page and written there was "My name is Michael." Is that what he'd been trying to say earlier? I put the book down and went back to bed.

My most recent encounter was again in April, a couple of weeks after the previous one. I woke up to blindingly bright blue light and 'Michael' was standing next to my bed. He was talking to somebody but I couldn't tell who. He said, "people who experience reality shifts sometimes come back changed. She thought that's what happened to her, but she's always been this way." I haven't got a damn clue what that's supposed to mean.

Please let me know if you've experienced anything similar, or if you have any idea what's going on." AC

NOTE: This is very interesting, The incidents seem to correspond to some of the events that occurred in Point Pleasant, WV after the Silver bridge collapse, namely, the appearance of the 'Men in Black.' The name 'Michael'...some people may interpret this as a manifestation of Michael the Archangel (though I doubt this). I'm sending a message to this experiencer in the hope that they will follow up with any further incidents. Lon

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ARCANE RADIO - Ken Gerhard - Cryptozoologist & Author - Bigfoot, Loch Ness, etc. Discussion - 'In Search of Monsters,' 'Monster Quest,' 'Missing in Alaska' and More

Join Lon as he welcomes cryptozoologist & author Ken Gerhard to Arcane Radio LIVE on YouTube this Friday June 4th at 9pm EDT / 6pm PDT. Ken Gerhard has traveled the world searching for evidence of mysterious animals and legendary beasts including the Loch Ness Monster, the Chupacabra, enigmatic winged creatures and werewolves. In addition to co-hosting the History Channel TV series Missing in Alaska, Ken has appeared in three episodes of the television series Monster Quest and is featured in the History Channel special The Real Wolfman, as well as other series including Ancient Aliens (History Channel), True Monsters (History Channel), Unexplained Files (Science Channel), Legend Hunters (Travel Channel), Paranatural (National Geographic), Weird or What? with William Shatner (Syfy),Monsters and Mysteries in America (Animal Planet), True Supernatural (Destination America), Ultimate Encounters (TruTV), Monster Project (Nat Geo Wild) and Shipping Wars (A&E). His credits include appearances on numerous news broadcasts and radio programs like Coast to Coast AM, as well as being featured in articles by the Associated Press, Houston Chronicle and Tampa Tribune. Ken is an author and has contributed to trade publications including Fate Magazine. He currently lectures and exhibits at various conferences and events across the United States. An avid adventurer, he has camped along the Amazon, explored the Galapagos, hiked the Australian Outback and has visited many ancient and mysterious sites, from Machu Pichu to Stonehenge. Ken's website is at -

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