Are there First Amendment grounds for compelling social media platforms to post the views of those (like Trump) whose views they oppose or claim are dangerous?.

Are there First Amendment grounds for compelling social media platforms to post the views of those (like Trump) whose views they oppose or claim are dangerous? Does Trump's class-action law suit comply with the First Amendment?

 Yes and Yes. President Donald Trump recently announced a class action lawsuit against Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey and Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg. The case is about censorship by big tech that is “unacceptable and inconsistent with the spirit of free speech.” What’s going on with high tech is unacceptable because it is inconsistent with the spirit of free speech that underlies the First Amendment.”

President Trump said that, “This is a complicated case because these are not just ordinary private companies because they have special exemption under Section 230, and therefore they partake of some kind of government action, and the courts will have to parse this issue. How much of what they do is private? How much of what they do partakes of being public? President Trump said “What we don’t want is the government telling private companies what they can say and what they can do. That would be wrong, but we don’t want these crazy public enormous monopolistic companies to be restricting our free speech. The current situation is unacceptable, and this lawsuit will shake things up considerably.”


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