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Light Grey 'Crawler Humanoid' Encountered in Norfolk, UK

Posted: 17 Nov 2021 08:48 AM PST

A British woman is driving along the A556 near her home Norwich, Norfolk when a light grey crawler humanoid ran across the road in front of her. Have you have a similar encounter?

I recently came across the following account:

"I was driving home around 3 am. I was driving on the A556 near Norwich in Norfolk which is in the middle of nowhere. It's not well lit and surrounded by forest. I pretty much know this road like the back of my hand as I’ve been driving back and forth (mostly at night) on it for a long time. There are street lights but they’re quite dim and they don’t do a great job of lighting up the road ahead.

Now as a bit of background. I’m generally a calm driver. I don’t know why as I’m quite frantic in real life but when I’m behind the wheel nothing seems to phase me at all. But on that night in June 2020 I’m pretty sure I nearly had a heart attack.

I was driving along the road as per usual on my way back home. The only way to best describe this incident is to say that about 150 yards ahead of my car, out of the woods, came this humanoid creature and it bolted straight into the road.

It was a light grey colour and it was hunched over on all fours but it could easily be about 8/9 foot tall if it stood up right. This thing bolted into the road at an unnatural speed and disappeared into the woods on the other side of the road. Now there are four lanes and no central reservation so it was a straight sprint across.

I tried to rationalise this a bird but I just knew for a fact that it wasn’t. Like I said before I’m a very calm driver but as soon as I saw this “thing” I instantly turned freezing cold and started sweating, almost on the verge of crying. I don’t know what my rationalisation was but some part of me wanted to slam on my brakes out of panic to take a breath but I just put my foot down and drove way too fast to get away from what I just saw.

I don’t necessarily know if it’s relevant but I remember looking at the clock after it had crossed into the woods and it was dead on 03:00 am. Apparently this is a strange hour for unexplained things to go on? If anyone else has had a similar experience or knows what the hell this thing was I’d love to hear it because even thinking about it gives me cold chills." K

Because of recent revelations involving the winged humanoids (The Unseen Ones), we are asking the worldwide public to come forward with your sightings & encounters. Contact us at 410-241-5974 or at - Thanks. Lon

Listen to our podcasts at the 'Beyond Explanation' YouTube channel

Have you had a sighting of a winged humanoid or huge bat-like creature in the Chicago, Illinois metro area / Lake Michigan region? The entity has also been referred to as the 'Chicago Mothman', 'Chicago Owlman' & 'O'Hare Mothman.' - Chicago / Lake Michigan Winged Humanoid Regional Interactive Map - Please feel free to contact me at - your anonymity is guaranteed. Our investigative group is conducting a serious examination of his phenomenon. We are merely seeking the truth and wish to determine what eyewitnesses have been encountering. Your cooperation is truly appreciated. You can call me directly at 410-241-5974 as well. Thanks. Lon Strickler

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Possible Abduction by Small Pale Humanoid in Invergarry, Scotland

Posted: 16 Nov 2021 10:56 AM PST

A Scottish woman observes a small thin pale humanoid with black eyes in a room she didn't recognize. She is soon transported back to her bedroom several hours later.

I recently received the following account:

"One night in March 2020, in my home near Invergarry, Scotland, I woke up in the middle of the night around 1-2 am. I had an overwhelming feeling of fear that I could not shake. I felt like someone was in our house or something was wrong. I really felt terrified. My first instinct was 'OMG. My kids!' Then I noticed our bedroom was pitch black, which is very unusual for us. Normally I have the TV on in our room all night with the volume down low (I don't like to sleep without TV on).

So I sat up fast in my bed and went to grab the sky control's from in between me and my partner, (this is where I always leave them). So I could get some light in the room, to see where I was going to get the bedroom light on, which was at the other end of the room. I wanted to check the house for intruder's or just peace of mind. (I've had weird feelings, or I can sense things sometimes when others don't, this has happened entire life)

Just as I grabbed the TV remote everything changed. Almost like a glitch? It was like I blinked and I found myself laying down in bed again. But now I'm on my left hand side facing towards my partner. But I couldn't see him and I was in a room I didn't recognise. It was dimly Iit and the light was almost rose coloured. I could see details on the ceiling (or what I took to be the ceiling/roof).

I tried to sit up again, but I was frozen. I couldn't move a thing. I could only move my eyes. I looked up to my right where I noticed a pale (sort of off white coloured) hand that had four very long thin fingers that were above my head. Then the hand pulled away from me quickly. I freaked out. I tried to scream for my partner again, but I couldn't get any words out. More and more panic set in as I continuously attempted to scream for help. Then I looked towards my feet and I saw a small thin humanoid figure with black eyes looking at me. I couldn't see any clothing on it? The humanoid felt as if it was female, but that's just the feeling I got from it. This scared me even more?

On seeing this being/humanoid at my feet, I tried to scream more and louder but I couldn't get a word out or move a muscle. Like before I could only move my eyes. Then all I remember was opening my eyes again and seeing my partner back beside me in bed and in my bedroom. I looked at the time and it was around 6.15 am. I told my partner what I had experienced, I also told my father. They both felt maybe I was dreaming or maybe I was suffering with sleep paralysis. I've experienced sleep paralysis a couple of times as a child. It was not the same, this experience was different. The whole event felt real and very different.

I've experienced weird things my whole life. I've been able to sense some things that others can't.

I know this sounds mad, but it felt real and was not a bad dream or sleep paralysis. I still see that room clear in my head. I remember all of the details on the ceiling/roof." Name Withheld

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'Guardian Angel' Appears Along Rocky Oregon Coast

Posted: 16 Nov 2021 10:21 AM PST

Two kids are exploring the rocks along the Oregon coast when they are soon accompanied by an old man and his dog. After the kids walk away from the dangerous rocks, the man and dog simply vanish.

I recent came across the following account:

"When I was growing up my grandmother would rent a beach house on the Oregon coast and take the whole family every year. If you have ever been to the NW coast you know it has large rock cliffs jutting into the ocean. I have always loved climbing these rocks and going out onto them to watch the ocean.

Anyways, one year when I was around 10, my cousin and I decided we wanted to go for a walk. So, after getting permission, we headed out up the road. Before long we found a trail that was fairly overgrown leading in the direction of the coast. We decided to head up the trail and see what we could. This trail winded though the dense vegetation and in the sandy path we could see many foot prints. Before long we exit the trail and find ourselves on top of one of the cliffs far enough into the ocean that we surrounded on 3 sides by water.

We are very excited with our discovery and quickly start climbing all over the rocks. A very short time later we notice this old man looking every bit the casual beach go-er with a bright blue windbreaker, grey dockers, bushy beard, and little white dog. I get the feeling looking at him that he is a very friendly guy...kind of looked like Santa. He meanders over and says 'hi!' and tells us to be careful up on these cliffs seeing as how it is so windy (easily 30mph winds). 

My cousin and I proceed to keep exploring and this guy follows us, standing close by as we make our way around. We are being pretty stupid and running and jumping on these sharp wet rocks, leaning over the edge of the cliff to watch the water spray, etc. all in the high winds. So maybe he is just trying to be responsible. But at one point when we are leaning over the edge watching the ocean we start to get a little nervous and say 'maybe we should head back.' Soon, as we turn around to leave, that guy that had been following us is gone.

We head back up the trail and are talking about that guy. Both of us thought it strange he was gone as soon as we decided to leave and by the time we reach the trail head we are convince he vanished. We turned around and walked back down the trail looking for foot prints left from his dog. We find no sign this guy's dog walked down the trail. There was no other way onto the cliff besides the trail. To this day, I don't know if he decided to carry the dog or if he really had just vanished. I do know that both of us were freaked out after not finding the footprints, and the coincidence of him showing up right after we did and leaving right as we decide to go.

I have always felt he must have been our guardian angel, taking care of two stupid kids playing where they shouldn't have." S

Because of recent revelations involving the winged humanoids (The Unseen Ones), we are asking the worldwide public to come forward with your sightings & encounters. Contact us at 410-241-5974 or at - Thanks. Lon

Listen to our podcasts at the 'Beyond Explanation' YouTube channel

Have you had a sighting of a winged humanoid or huge bat-like creature in the Chicago, Illinois metro area / Lake Michigan region? The entity has also been referred to as the 'Chicago Mothman', 'Chicago Owlman' & 'O'Hare Mothman.' - Chicago / Lake Michigan Winged Humanoid Regional Interactive Map - Please feel free to contact me at - your anonymity is guaranteed. Our investigative group is conducting a serious examination of his phenomenon. We are merely seeking the truth and wish to determine what eyewitnesses have been encountering. Your cooperation is truly appreciated. You can call me directly at 410-241-5974 as well. Thanks. Lon Strickler

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The Majestic 12 Documents and the FBI: Could Some of The Files be Creations of the Russians?

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Cops in New Zealand Rescue Woman 'Held Hostage' by Aggressive Possum

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Bizarre White Floating Mass Observed on Colorado Hiking Trail

Posted: 17 Nov 2021 03:16 PM PST

A couple encounters a bizarre white blurry 'mass' along a state park hiking trial in Colorado. They are unsure of what they observed and ask for information.

I recently came across the following account:

"I am not very well versed in the paranormal. I am pretty experienced with hiking and the outdoors. I have spent a lot of time hiking and camping in both Colorado and the White Mountains, as well as some hiking abroad in Morocco, Iceland, Switzerland and a few other locations abroad. I am very comfortable outdoors and in the woods, and I like to think of myself as a pretty level headed hiker. That being said, something happened this week that neither I or my boyfriend have been able to explain.

We took our dog out for a walk at a state forest close to our home in Colorado. We arrived at around 4:30 PM, which is unfortunately dusk in our area at this time of year. We figured, “no problem, well-marked trails and a populated area.” We had just gotten out of the car, gotten our dog leashed up, and had started up a paved trail onto the path.

We had only been walking for about two minutes when I got an unmistakable, alarming feeling. I have never felt this in all of my years spent in the outdoors, and I immediately felt as if something was watching us.

We have a very alert, very active dog who can hear a squirrel from quite a distance. He didn’t look alarmed and wasn’t acting out of the norm, so I tried to brush the feeling off. But only a moment later, I looked up and saw something that I have absolutely no explanation for.

About 20 yards ahead of us, I saw a white mass floating between two trees. It was floating about four feet off the ground. I physically could not wrap my head around what I was looking at. It was almost shaped like a band-aid (I have no idea how else to describe it). It was staticky and not quite a solid shape. It was about 1.5 to 2 feet tall from top of bottom. I have great vision, but the mass was blurry and kind of twisting and spinning in place. I tried to focus on it but I just couldn’t get a clear vision of what it was, despite still having some sunlight to work with.

I grabbed my boyfriend and immediately pulled him towards me and pointed, and said “what the fuck is that?” I think this was the first time in my life that I felt fight or flight kick in at full capacity.

He laughed and thought that I was messing with him, but it quickly became clear that I wasn’t. He turned to look, and just as he did the mass floated to the right and ducked behind a tree.

We stood and watched for a moment. The mass floated from behind one tree to another, and it was almost like it was peering out and looking back at us. My boyfriend equated it to playing hide and seek with a child, who is poorly hidden but peeks around a corner to see if you can see them.

It made a few more bizarre, floating movements before it disappeared. We stood there for a minute or so, waiting to see if it would reappear, and trying to rationalize what we had just seen. We did move a bit closer, just to confirm that there was no trash or any debris in the area that we could have been looking at and there was not. We headed back to the car and called it a day after that.

It has been a few days since this happened, and we still have absolutely no idea what we could have just seen. We are not huge believers in the paranormal, but I’ve been digging through some paranormal sites this evening to try and find out what we were looking at.

We know that it was not a human or an animal, and have not been able to find any other explanation for what the hell we could have just seen. Would love to hear if anyone has any ideas or has had a similar experience to ours.

Also from my reading on these subreddits this evening I do want to preface with some obvious lol! We were both well rested, sober and do not use any type of drugs or take any medications." TK

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