

 BBS: Close Encounters/UFO

Date: 07-09-95 (14:50)             Number: 5420

From: I_UFO-L@WORLD.STD.COM        Refer#: NONE

  To: ALL                           Recvd: NO 

Subj: An old ship...                 Conf: (21) FIDO UFO I


From: Mike Coyle <ur-valhalla!linex.com!vericomm>

Subject: An old ship...

Message-ID: <Pine.NXT.3.91.950709134907.5537A-100000@linex>

Date: Sun, 9 Jul 1995 13:50:53 -0700 (PDT)


->  SearchNet's   i_ufo-l   Mailing List


On Sun, 9 Jul 1995, George Paschalis wrote:


> Hello..!


> My name is George and i am watching this list ..three mounths..now..


>  I belive this is the right one.. to write  this message...


> ... three weeks. ago i was talking to a friend of mine ...

>  he is in Greek Navy as mechanical to an old ship...

> This ship was given to Greece  by U.S Navy as military help

> in 60's.( Greece is a member of NATO).The ship is on duty until

> now and it's name is Leo - of course it has been reconstructed-

> ...he told me  that stange things happen on this ship..



>   last summer when the ship float on the Aegean....it became

> ungovernable... there was a problem with the propeller...they

> dive to see the problem .. you can imagine their suprise when they

> saw that the propeller has disappear.!!! ( two hours ago ..the problem

> was solved... the propeller has appear ...just like that..!!!)



> ...an other day  where  he was on duty on the engine room...

> he has the most unsuall experience.... suddenly he saw a man

> came out from the wall and go to the panel and  write to a

> notebook that he was carried... the man behave very natural and

> and does not seems to notice my friend....after 1 minutes he

> gone the same way that he came..(through the wall)..


> ...<<there are three rooms in the ship....forbidden area..

> locked...!>> he told me...


>  ..he also told me that too many things.. dissapear in the ship...

> and they always know  were to find them....


> ...an other story about a ghost ship....!!

> a ghost ship from U.S.!!! ... well you ca imagine my suprise.

> when i find out that the previous name of the ship was

> << USS Eldridge >>..

> .....the famous ship from the <<Philadelphia Experiment>>...


> I have read too many  about this ship... (any more info are welcome..)

> ...the ship were the U.S NAVY fifty years ago used in this unsual experiment

> - i can not imagine what experiment's they do today.- sail in the Greek

> sea of Aegean.


>  ....I know that  U.S NAVY has  thousands of ships.. some of them when

> they became old enough for the U.S Navy  donate to other countries

> as military help .(like Greece and Turkey..)


>  The question i want to ask ..is ... why this ship ..?!!

> ..the fact that the ship  was used.. in this experiment... make it

> very important..and I sure that U.S had too many old ships to give

> to Greece..but they give this....!!


>  If someone has an idea...please answer to this mail...


>  about the underground world...i have read in this list...I remember

> my grandfather used to said...when i was a little boy...about some people

> that the live underground Athens..and they are very powerful



> George


> Athens-Greece



> P.S if there are any Greeks in this list ..please leave me a mail..



* Confirmation of the above:


No: 709912 S10/Unexpln'd Phenomena

    08-Sep-93  16:55:42

Sb: Philadelphia Experiment, etc.

Fm: Ron -

To: The Gang




As for the *Eldridge*, here's what the official Navy

Department, CNO, Naval History Division _Dictionary of

American Naval Fighting Ships_, 1963 edition, has to say in

it's entirety (excluding the historical notes on who John

Eldridge, the ship's namesake, was):


  "*Eldridge* (DE-173) was launched 25 July 1943 by Federal

Shipbuilding and Dry Dock Co, Newark, N.J.; sponsored by

Mrs. John Eldridge, Jr., widow of Lieutenant Commander

Eldridge; and commissioned 27 August 1943. Lieutenant

C.R. Hamilton, USNR, in command."


  "Between 4 January 1944 and 9 May 1945 *Eldridge* sailed

on the vital task of xcorting to the Mediterranean men and

materials to support Allied operations in north Africa and

on to southern Europe. She made nine voyages to deliver

convoys safely to Casablanca, Bizerte, and Oran."


  "*Eldridge* departed New York 28 May 1945 for service in

the Pacific. En route to Saipan in July, she made contact

with an underwater object and immediately attacked but no

results were observed. She arrives in Okinawa 7 August for

local escort and patrol, and with the end of hostilities a

week later, continued to serve as escort on the Saipan-

Ulithi-Okinawa routes until November. *Eldridge* was placed

out of commission in reserve 17 July 1946. On 15 January

1951 she was transferred under the Mutual Defense Assistance

program to Greece, with whom she serves as the *Lion*."







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         || VERICOMM BBS 510.891.0303/MindNet : vericomm@linex.com ||




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