Well, this is the last episode of the season.


There’d better be lots of Johnny and Scott in this one.



Ooh, we’re outside—and I see both Johnny and Scott. Yay!


Jelly and Murdoch are there as well. They’re all outside, looking at a cow that’s  lying on the ground.


There’s a man next to it, with Jelly holding the cow...or maybe it’s a steer? I dunno! The man must be some kind of vet, because he’s talking about Valley Fever and if they isolate it, it’ll be alright, because it’s a mild strain.


Murdoch’s on his horse, looking down. “I’m not so sure, doc.”


And Scott’s holding the rope that’s attached to the cow. “We’ve had eight head down this past week. Same thing.”


Ooh, that doesn’t sound good. I remember a Big Valley episode about anthrax.


Johnny’s just standing there, looking on. Looking pretty cool in his short jacket with the matching pants. *Sigh, I wish I could take a picture right off the TV screen!


“The vet’s just saying, “There’s got to be a deficiency somewhere,” when Jelly sneezes loud enough to start an earthquake. He lets go of the cow and before  you know it, the thing’s spooked and on the run.


Hee, Johnny just kinda watches it go but the vet yells out, “Don’t let him mix with the herd.” (I think that makes him a steer or a bull.)


Ooh, and there goes Murdoch, swinging a rope above his head. I didn’t know he could do things like that!


Oh good, Scott and Johnny are mounting up and following him but just as they get there, Murdoch has a heart attack!! Oh no!


But then I notice Johnny’s hat has come off and it’s just as well he has those stampede strings because that stops his hat from flying off his head.


Oh, back to Murdoch. And yes, I really was concerned. I don’t want AD to leave the series…but…you know…Johnny’s hat coming off was kinda more important just then. It’s hard to look at anything else when he’s on the screen.


Well, I gotta say, for someone having a heart attack, the boys don’t look too worried.


Scott asks, “You alright?” (Well, Scott, clearly he isn’t, bent double like that.)


And Johnny squats down, saying, “What you trying to do, kill yourself?”


Murdoch can’t stand but he manages to say, “Never mind me. Johnny, get him out of here.” (I thought he meant Jelly, at first, but Mudoch was pointing to the steer.)


Scott’s pretty cross as he grabs hold of Murdoch. “Anyone of us could have picked up that steer. You’re not a greenling. Act your age before you kill yourself.”


Wow, Scott, that’s kinda severe, isn’t it. Your father might be dying and you’re telling him off!


“Just give me a hand. I’ve had my back go out before.”


Oh, it’s his back! Not a heart attack.




Scott’s in charge! He’s telling everyone what to do, including his father. “You’ll never make it. Jelly, bring up the buckboard.



It’s kinda cute the way Johnny’s just standing there, letting Scott take command.


But of course, Jelly doesn’t get the buckboard. He has to  put his two cents in. “Mr Lancer. Any sensible man’d leave that kinda fool riding to the young bucks at the rodeo.”


Exactly—like Johnny and Scott. They’re the ones we want to see being brave.



We’re back at Lancer, in the kitchen now—and Murdoch’s yelling in pain.


Frankly, if anyone’s gonna be in pain, I’d prefer it was Johnny—or Scott. But not Murdoch. Besides, Johnny’s way too cool to be yelling like that, even if he was in agony!


Ugh, and Murdoch’s got his shirt off! Really, Mr director? You think I want to see that?


“You’re scalding me. Take that thing off.”


Well, that’s Scott’s fault. He’s the one with the hot towel on Murdoch’s back.


Johnny, very wisely, is keeping out of the doctoring.


Teresa now wants to give Murdoch some medicine.


“I don’t need energy medicine. It’s my back.”


But she makes him swallow it. “Will you stop acting like a baby.”


Johnny’s got real brave now and he’s got closer to the action. I think he wants to laugh out loud but he’s holding it back with a smile.


Now Teresa is being bossy, too. “It’s about time you start acting your own age.”


“Age has nothing to do with it. This has been happening to me ever since I was a pup.”


“Well, you’re not a pup anymore,” says Scott, just about burning his hands on the hot towels. (Boy, if his hands can’t take the heat, what about Murdoch’s back!)


Murdoch tells Scott to lift his leg—that that’s what will help.


“I ought to break your leg, it’s the only way to slow you down.”


Yep, Scott’s really being bossy. I don’t think Johnny would ever talk that way to Murdoch. I’m noticing him being very silent down by Murdoch’s feet.


Anyway, Scott cranks Murdoch’s leg up; and I’ve gotta say, that looked darned uncomfortable. Kind of like pulling a tooth out.


Johnny sounds surprised. “I heard something.”


It must have been Murdoch’s back popping, because he’s looking more comfortable. I can see it in his face, even before Murdoch says, “Yeah.”


“How’s it feel?” asks Johnny, helpful as ever. He’s clearly the kind son. 😉 “Try bending over.” (Although, I’m wondering why he’s holding a wooden spoon in his hand and if he had any plans to use it!)


Ewww…this is even worse than before; now I have to watch Murdoch’s skinny arms and the rest of him naked above the waist, dressed only in his trousers.


He’s stretching now, but I’m looking through my fingers.


Ooh, I just noticed Scott has an Indian blanket in his hand. It must be one of the ones they bought from Val. It looks like the kitchen must’ve been a bit ‘drab’ as well!


Murdoch’s touching his toes, and I bet Teresa is wondering why Murdoch has such skinny arms!! He looks like a white tarantula. Hee!



Scott smiles at Johnny, like he’s glad all his hard work with Murdoch paid off.


Now that his back feels better, Murdoch’s gone back to talking about the cattle; the resistance of their stock is low because they’re inbred. “They need an infusion of new blood.”


Ooh, I hope this means Johnny and Scott have a job to do!


“…My old friend, Juan Contenada has the finest stock of breeding bulls this side of Dallas. I’m taking tomorrow’s stage for Sonora.”


What? Is this going to be a Murdoch story? Nooooo!!


Scott, who just did the worst folding of a blanket that I’ve ever seen, says, “Well, sir, that’s a pretty long trip, this time of year. I mean… with the heat and all. I’d be glad to go with you.”


No, Scott, I want you and Johnny to go. Murdoch should stay home.


“You Downeaster’s wouldn’t know a flank from a hindquarter. No, Scott. I’ll pick my own bulls.” Darn, Murdoch seems to be a in a good mood now.


“Er…Murdoch…maybe I better go, huh?” Aww, that’s Johnny, sounding all polite.“Well, those border towns… they’re just one string of sump holes after another. From… er… El Paso to San Diego.”


“I’ve been through most of those towns, Johnny.”


I wonder if that was when he was looking for Johnny, all those years ago?


“Yeah, but, how many years ago?” And Johnny’s smiling because he knows it must be years since Murdoch went there.


“What’s that got to do with it?”


“Well, it’s full of punk gunslingers down there. I mean, they’ll kill you for your hat.”


Exactly, Murdoch. Johnny knows what he’s talking about! That’s why you should take him with you. Ooh, I’d love to see an episode where Johnny takes Murdoch to some rough border town!


 “I need you boys here to look after the ranch while I’m gone. I’m going alone. Let’s get back to work.”


Grrr…how annoying. I have a horrible feeling this is going to be a Murdoch episode!


Murdoch starts walking out and neither Johnny nor Scott look happy about things. The way they want to protect their father  is ‘endearing’ my mum says.


“Um, Murdoch?” Now Teresa is trying. “We thought… it’s after five. We thought to eat early and everybody get a good night’s rest. I’ve already put the stew on.”

Murdoch looks at Johnny like he’s not impressed. (As usual, Johnny looks so small up against him.) “Now, listen to me all of you. I am not an invalid and I am not an old man, least not yet anyway. I have some things I need to wrap up before leaving. Teresa, let the stew, stew. It’ll taste better.”


Hee, I like that line: let the stew, stew.


Johnny and Scott follow Murdoch out of the kitchen, through a door that leads to outside. They’re probably annoyed they have another hour or work, now. Johnny gives Teresa the wooden spoon back, but neither son looks happy.


Ooh, there’s also a hook on the wall, where Johnny’s hat was hung. He’s grabs the hat and drops it on his head.





It’s evening now and Murdoch’s sitting by the fire.


Jelly has polished Murdoch’s travelling boots for him. Murdoch thanks him and says they look ‘mail-order new’ then asks Jelly to join him for a cup of coffee.


“You know,” says Jelly, “when I finally got to where I would admit that I was somewhat… seasoned, it got to be a real pleasure for me to sit back, watch the young whippersnappers pitch hay and run errands.”


“Jelly. I’m the one that’s going to Mexico.”


Jelly jumps up. “You heard what Johnny said. All that shooting and killing. Why, even I’ve heard things are getting so bad down toward Yuma, they’re thinking ‘bout marshal law.”


Exactly—all the more reason to take Johnny with you, Murdoch!! I’m glad at least someone listens to Johnny!


Or maybe Murdoch dreamed of being a gunfighter himself. 😉 Maybe that’s why he’s not hard on Johnny for having been one.


“Do you think I’m worn out?”


“I didn’t say that. No, it’s your judgement that makes this place run, you know that. That’s what people count on. Not how many hours a day you put in.”


“Well, I’m not ready to slow down yet. At eight o’clock tomorrow morning I’m going to be on that stage and I thank you for polishing my boots.”


Murdoch might have grey hair but I’ve gotta say, I don’t think of him as old and decrepit.


“No trouble at all. If you’re gonna act like an old fool, you might as well go out in style.”




Murdoch laughs. “Goodnight Jelly.”


But I can he’s thinking about everything they’re saying…



Jelly walks through to the kitchen. And guess who’s sitting there: Teresa, Scott, and Johnny.


They all look at Jelly like they’re hoping he had some luck with Murdoch, but when he clearly hasn’t, Johnny just smiles, like he knew how this would be.




And darn it, here we have Murdoch on a stage…


I’m going to get my geography homework out and work on it while I’m watching. *Sigh… This is all very depressing. A Murdoch episode! The last one for the season!




Okay, so he’s on a stagecoach. The man across the way smiles at him.


And wouldn’t you know—they get held up. If he’d had Johnny with him, things might not have gone so bad. But he wouldn’t take Johnny, would he.


Ooh, the man on the stage was a baddie as well. They’ve killed the guard and knocked Murdoch out.


Ho hum…


Now if it was Johnny or Scott, I’d be really worried!


Now they’ve taken Murdoch’s boots, coat, watch…but not his gloves or tie.


Yeah, Dan, the driver says for Murdoch to find somewhere with a telegram so as he could get his boys to come. But nope, Murdoch insists on heading out to this other town.



So, it takes them four days to walk to a town. Not quite sure why Murdoch’s so dirty and filthy. Did he roll in the mud…fall down a ravine?


The sheriff isn’t helpful.


(What’s the capital of Greece? I have to fill in these places on a map.)


Now Murdoch’s gone to a man called Blessing, to ask for a loan. But I’ve got an idea he doesn’t believe Murdoch’s story. (Hasn’t the man heard of Murdoch Lancer?)


Nope, he didn’t believe him. Pushed him out the door, in fact.


Dan Hamlin signals to Murdoch and leads him to the livery. The whole stage team is in there! Boy, these bad guys aren’t trying to hide things, are they.


(The capital of France is Paris. I know that one.)


Now the livery man comes in. He’s probably a baddie as well. Yep, what did I tell you. He just tricked Murdoch out of his gold ring. Ooh, what if the boys had given that to him? Or his own father?


I guess it must be hard in those days if you have no cash and no way of proving who you are. And I don’t like towns where everyone is mean.


Well, the sheriff was about to take Murdoch to jail but Murdoch just saved his life.


A pretty blonde lady comes in and offers Murdoch a job. It looks like she’s one of the few people who’s not afraid of Mr Blessing.


(What’s the capital of—?)


Yikes, I just looked up in time. There’s Johnny!! And he’s saddling his horse. No, he’s tying his bedroll on.


Scott comes riding up. “Well, are you ready?”




(Younger brothers are always slow.)


Jelly comes running out. “Where are you going?”


“We’re going after to Murdoch.”


“Just a minute. I’ll get a horse and go with you.”


“No, wait a minute,” says Scott. “You stay here with Teresa. If you try to leave, you’re fired. You got that.”


Wow!! Like I said before, Scott’s being really bossy in this episode!!


“Yes. From the look on your face I got that.”


At least Johnny waves to him.




*Sigh…back to Murdoch, who’s now become a waiter! And in his dirty shirt.


Now the nasty livery man, Mr Sloan, made Murdoch drop the plates he was carrying.


At least the lady saw it. “You have remarkable self-restraint Mr Lancer.” And she just made Mr Sloan leave. Good!


She offers Murdoch some supper but he chooses to clean-up and turn in.


Doug Blessing is the bully of the town. He tries to make Clara go somewhere with him but she won’t. She’s feisty. I like her. And she tells him Murdoch isn’t a tramp.


Well, any fool could see that!


Oh good, she’s brought Murdoch some clean clothes and he’s now having a shave.


Ooh…and now she’s hinting that maybe he won’t want to leave. Talk about a fast worker. (Or so my mum says.)


Why is Murdoch getting changed behind a wicker basket? And where did they find one big enough for him to change behind!


Miss Dunbar is telling Murdoch about Doug Blessing; he made all his money on a mine by using convict labour. Murdoch says the old mine has petered out. “This whole town ought to pack up and go away.”


Murdoch encourages her to leave but she says it’s too late for that.


“You’re too young to make a statement like that.”


“In wear and tear, I’m about a hundred.”


Ahh…Doug set her up here in Blessing.


Hee, Murdoch puts a shirt on and she tells him he looks almost handsome. Nope. Not even close—she should see his sons!!


Oh dear, Clara says she’s in debt to Doug. “It’s like dying.”


That’s pretty sad. And the whole town seems depressing.


Murdoch tells her there are nice towns in the San Joaquin, where she could start again. And he’s willing to help her—without strings.


I’m not sure she believes he has money.



But back to my homework…


What’s the capital of Spain? Ooh, of course, it’s Madrid!!


Hopefully that’s a sign, for more Johnny!!



Oh my gosh…as I thought that…look who just appeared on the screen. It’s Scott and Johnny!


They’ve just found the abandoned stage coach. But it’s quite dark. Either early morning or almost night?


Johnny makes his horse go right over the shaft. That makes his horse’s mane sway as it bobs its head. Just about the only thing I can see in the dark is his horse’s mane!


“There’s a lot of tracks going off that way.”


Ooh, maybe Johnny didn’t do the girth up tight enough, because he just had to straighten his saddle.


“What’s in that direction?”


“A town called Blessing. Probably one of the meanest towns I’ve ever been in.”


Ooh, that would make a good episode!


And I’m not sure why Scott’s horse never stands still? Anyway, Scott says, “Let’s go.”


Yay, the boys are on the way to rescuing their pa!




Meanwhile, back in town, Murdoch’s sweeping the boardwalk, outside the café, when the two bad guys walk past!! But Murdoch hasn’t seen them.


“It’s the old guy, Lancer. How did he get here?”


“Don’t know.”


And they walk off, but they head to Doug’s place.


“Hey, Doug, that old guy on the stagecoach is Murdoch Lancer. He’s in town.”


At long last. Blessing finally realises who Murdoch truly is.


The bad guy tells blessing he’s a big rancher. Heard all about him in Morro Coyo—although he says ‘Morro Cairo.’ Even heard Murdoch’s a friend  of the governor’s.


Wow, now Blessing calls them idiots and says they should have shot him!


Now Blessing wants Murdoch to disappear in the mine! Not even I’m happy about that.




Clara comes out to talk to Murdoch. She’s got him working hard—but honestly, it’s only the kind of stuff my mum does all day long! Not as if Murdoch’s been digging post holes like he made Johnny do!


She’s a bit suspicious of Teresa—but Murdoch tells her she’s his ward. And that Lancer isn’t a dream.


Ooh, here’s that sneaky sheriff, looking on as Murdoch touches her chin. And why is he touching her chin?




Uh oh, now Blessing just found the stage driver—as did the two bad guys—because he was sleeping in the livery.


Ooh, Murdoch tells Clara that Doug Blessing is on his way to the café/saloon with the two men who robbed the stage.


She tells Murdoch to leave but he doesn’t want to.


Clara tells him there’s no-one here he can count on—now go.




Ooh, she says, “Why don’t you leave crusading to younger men?”


Yep…Murdoch has two sons, just waiting to help him!!


Murdoch points out the bad guys…says they killed the guard. A sheriff and a judge are in the room. But Mr Hamlin is too scared to admit they were the same guys.


The judge now says Murdoch is guilty of slander, and his penalty is twenty-one days in the Blessing Mine.


Yikes, that’s not good!!


Murdoch turns around before he leaves the saloon. “You people are all a part of this, you know. You’re protecting thieves and you know it. Maybe you find it easier living off stolen goods?”


But they all just snigger; the sheriff and the bad guys.


“Well, one thing’s certain. He’ll never come outta  that mine alive,” says Mr Sloan.


Ooh, and Dan Hamlin heard that.



Hamlin has now been locked up with Murdoch. He’s sorry that he couldn’t speak up and tell the truth but they were probably going to kill him.



Clara goes to Doug and asks why he’s being so hard on Murdoch.


She knows he’s planning an accident in the mine—and that makes Doug Blessing real angry.



Ooh, Clara has shown up and tells the sheriff that Doug wants to see Murdoch at the saloon, straightaway.


He puts handcuffs on Murdoch and leads him out.




Clara is trying to get Murdoch away. She’s got a horse for him and some money but he doesn’t want to leave because Hamlin is still in the jail.




Ooh, look who just rode into town—it’s Johnny and Scott! Yay.



Hamlin sees the wagon coming down the street, to take him to the mine. Oh,dear. He has a wife and six children.



Blessing just walked into this office with one of the bad guys—and Murdoch is sitting at his desk!


Ooh, nice shooting Murdoch. He shoots the gun out of the bad guy’s hand. (Maybe Johnny’s been giving him lessons?) Then, when he jumps on Murdoch, he gets thrown against Blessing.


Murdoch makes Blessing tie the bad guy up. Then he tells Blessing he’s taking him to the Marshal in San Diego.


Murdoch even gives him a chance to grab a gun—but Blessing is too much of a coward to risk it.




Hee, and what do the boys see—Murdoch taking Blessing across the road, at gunpoint.


“Hey, take a look at this.” Johnny points at his old man.


“It’s round-up time now, Sheriff.”


Hamlin demands to get the cuffs off him.


“You have a feeling we came all this way for nothing?” says Scott, looking at Johnny.


Hee, Johnny can’t get his eyes off his old man. “Well, no, this is kinda fun. Why don’t we stick around and…watch.” He takes a seat outside the saloon.


Scott starts grinning and does the same.



And now the other bad guy comes out. He sees what’s happening, tries to get on his horse, but Murdoch takes a running jump and tackles him off his horse and into the ground.


“Whoa!” Johnny nudges Scott. They’re both laughing…and looking pretty impressed, especially as Murdoch chases him down a second time. Johnny’s real enthusiastic. “Old, Murdoch!”


Ooh and now Clara has pulled a gun on the judge and Mr Sloan, while Murdoch’s still laying into the bad guy, who ends up head first in a barrel.


“Looks like he’s got the reins, huh?” says Johnny. And I just noticed he’s sitting on a sack of grain or something.


“I think we’d better get out of here, before he spots us.”


Oh, that’s a pity. I wanted to see what Murdoch said when he saw them there.


And they head for their horses, as Murdoch gets his boots back!!


Yep, he’s feeling pretty pleased with himself.




Clara tells Murdoch lots of people will leave now. “Is Stockton a nice town?”


“Try Sacramento,” says Murdoch. “It’s closer to Lancer.”


“I will.”


Aww…Murdoch gives her his gold ring. “No strings attached.”


It’s to help her make a new start.


Murdoch’s giving a speech about fear now—but I’m not really listening because the boys have gone. And yuck, he just kissed her.



Ooh, good, back at Lancer!!


Teresa is bringing lemonade out to the boys. They’re sitting in chairs on the front patio, playing checkers, with Jelly watching on.


She asks who’s winning and Johnny points at Scott, hee!!


Then Murdoch comes riding in and Johnny calls out. “Hey, Murdoch, how did it go?”


“Great. I got a couple of good bulls. They’ll be freighted up next week. I hope you weren’t worried about me!”


Scott doesn’t even look up. “Worried? Why?”


“Well, I was delayed a few days.” Teresa gives him a hug. Murdoch shakes Jelly’s hand then gives Johnny a pat on his back.


“Was he delayed?” Johnny asks Scott.


“I hadn’t given it much thought—but I guess you’re right. You were due back Friday.”


The boys are keeping their heads down, concentrating on their game…well, making it look that way, I suspect.


“You have any problems?” asks Johnny.


“Oh, just the usual. How have things been around here?”


“Well, outside’a playing checkers…and losing to Scott…we’ve just been laying around. You know—doin’ nothin’. I mean, why not, with our old man gone?”


Ooh, Johnn’s cheeky.


Murdoch’s got a big grin on his face.


Scott looks up. “It’s true. He hasn’t moved off the porch since you left. Me, I did a little work for Teresa, around the house.”


Hee! Oh, boy, Scott!! Is Johnny gonna let you get away with that?


“Is that a fact?”


Johnny’s been drinking a glass of lemonade—but now he’s giving Scott a challenging grin.


“Yeah, I tried to get’em goin, but they musta been born shiftless,” adds Jelly. “They just lazed around, days on end.”


Teresa passes Scott his lemonade, just as Murdoch says, “Ah, Johnny, funny thing; as I was riding I noticed that palomino of yours out in the south pasture. You usually don’t set him there unless he’s been ridden pretty hard, do you?”


“Well, ah, he hasn’t been feeling well…so I put him out there for some of that good feed, you know.”


Johnny’s scratching his head, now, and definitely not looking up.


“Uh, huh. And what about yours?”


Now it’s Scott’s turn!


“Mine? Was mine out there, too?”


“Mm, mm. Yeah, whatever Johnny’s had—yours must’ve caught it, too.”


“Oh, yeah, that’s right. I put him out there to let him run around a little bit.”


Ooh, Scott, you’re a worse liar than Johnny—and Johnny didn’t sound too plausible.


Oh boy, I’m chuckling over this scene!


“Well, since you boys have been sitting around for so long, I don’t suppose you’ll have any objection to a little sold, hard work. So, starting as from right now, I want you to cut out some good breeding stock. About a hundred head.”


That makes them both turn their heads.




“That’s it. Right now.”


“And er…don’t wait for me because, to tell you the truth, when a man gets to be my age, he owes it to himself just to sit around and do a little supervising. You know what I mean?”


Ooh, Murdoch’s a wily old devil!




Well, I was pretty steamed up about it being a Murdoch episode—but this ending cheered me up no end.


I guess with this in mind, I can manage to last through summer until the new season starts


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