Yesterday’s Vengeance Five continued in missing scenes from Legacy.

 Even though we knew Harlan Garrett was going to visit it didn’t stop Murdoch’s temper from getting shorter and shorter nearer his arrival.  For a man who says he puts the past in the past, my father carries a lot of dead weight over this piece of past.


Meanwhile, Scott was like a kid expecting Christmas, guess he is hoping his grandfather will see how happy he is and accept him staying at Lancer.


Me, well, I make my own mind up about a man. Don’t think old Harlan can be all bad if he raised my brother to be the man he is.



That comment of Garrett’s about my mother being a foreigner made me rethink.  I’ve come across bigots of all shapes and sizes and good old Harlan smells of one, and now I have another question how did he know my mother was beautiful? Still, I kept a smile on my face and used my most polite manners.  While Scott drove the buggy with that pretty lady and Harlan back to Lancer, I took Barranca for a good long gallop to clear my head.


The first evening meal was interesting watching Murdoch and Harlan pretend to get along for Scott’s sake, but I could feel the tension between them. It was a good job that Teresa was caught up with asking Julie all about Boston fashion and being impressed by the stories she and Scott told. If it wasn’t my family around the table and I was just an onlooker I would have found it funny.


Scott sure had scrubbed up well for escorting Julie on a tour of the ranch, and I told him he was pretty, we joked like brothers should.  It was obvious he liked her and I wouldn’t want to spoil his happiness, I knew I had to tread carefully with Mr Garrett.


I ran my finger across the desk as Harlan studied the sailboat model Murdoch is so fond of.  I let the silence between the two of us stretch, sure enough, he spoke first.


“Are you not expected to be out there, being a cowboy?”


I grinned. “Well yes, got my orders for the day, just thought I’d take this chance for you and me to become more acquainted, seeing as we are family.”  I pointed to the tray of coffee Maria had left out on the dining table. “Over a cup of coffee with maybe a little something in it?” I turned and went to the cabinet and held out a bottle of brandy.


He blinked I knew I had taken him by surprise. “It’s a little early in the day, even for out here in the west, isn’t it?” 


I shrugged. “Yeah, but think of it as medicinal after all that cross-country travelling. Scott has told me about his journey from Boston.”  He had sat himself down in the blue chair Teresa favours, so I poured him a coffee and added a generous splash of brandy.


I sat myself on the couch and leaned back as he sipped the coffee. “Mind, I expect travelling by train would have been quicker and more comfortable than when you first came out here by boat?”


As he just looked at me kind of like a bad-tempered cow who didn’t want to be moved, I smiled my innocent one and got up to get the coffee pot.  “Do you want cream with that Mr Garrett or another drop of Murdoch’s best brandy?”


I knew he was trying to get the measure of me, I know Scott has written to him telling of finding he had this brother, and of my Madrid reputation.


“Another drop of the brandy, thank you, and yes it was easier to travel by train even though it is not yet perfect.  You know of my previous journey out here?”


I topped up his cup. “Well, it was the only way to get from Boston to California back then, and Scott has told me those journeys could take months.  I reckon you must have set off almost as soon as you heard you were going to be a grandpa. Can’t say I blame you for wanting to be close by especially if you had heard Judd Haney was causing trouble.”   I learned during my days of hiring out that sometimes giving out some information leads to gathering more information.  He just sat there his coffee cup halfway to his mouth. I smiled at him, “I suppose you had the Pinkertons reporting to you?”


He coughed and then drank some more coffee. “I had letters Catherine sent me and young Vincent sent me detailed reports. You may be aware I wasn’t pleased with my daughter marrying Murdoch and leaving Boston society to come out to a wild land which at that time was still Mexican.”


As much as I have grown to admire my father and his first wife for coming out west, I could understand how any father would have been worried about the safety of his only daughter.  I nodded at him. “Yep, I can see you would have had worries.”  I paused.  “So, who was young Vincent?”


It took him a minute to come back from wherever his memories were. “Vincent, one of Catherine’s suitors, a clever boy, he was bitterly disappointed, as was I, when Catherine chose Murdoch over him. Yes, young Vincent would have been a great asset to Garrett Enterprises he had a remarkable ability with figures.  He sent word to me that he was following her out to California promising me he would keep her safe, it was he who sent reports back. They informed me of Hanney and his outlaws raiding the countryside, of the political turmoil.” He drank the last of his coffee.  “I became extremely concerned for Catherine’s safety and immediately booked passage.”


 Murdoch and Scott have never mentioned anyone called Vincent bit curious about him so…. “This Vincent did he go back to Boston with you and Scott?”


“Oh no, he said he had to stay, he had plans. It proved to be a difficult conversation with his father when I did return to Boston.  Young Vincent was their only son and should have returned to inherit the family business. Who knew one day I would understand how Vincent felt?”


I frowned how many Vincent’s were there? “Vincent?”


“Yes, Vincent G. Harper, young Vincent’s father and I were members of the same club and business associates.  The Grant-Harper’s had an exclusive private banking business, like I said young Vincent Grant-Harper the Third was a clever young man with great prospects.”


Harlan put his coffee cup and saucer down with a clatter and tried to stifle a yawn.  “I think I need to catch up with my sleep.”


Yeah, I thought riding out last night when you thought no one would notice would catch up with an old guy like you, ‘course a little extra in the coffee would as well.  I went and took the cup and saucer. “One last thing Mr Garrett did Vincent G Harper the Third report on who hired Haney or carry on sending you reports about Murdoch?” I didn’t want to spook him by asking outright about me and Mama. I think I’ll wait for another opportunity for that.


He blinked like an owl and frowned.  “His reports suggested there were displaced Mexicans who were unhappy with the sale of land to foreigners such as Murdoch and Haney offered protection. Some while later he contacted me offering me the chance to invest in a bank he was setting up to lend money to miners and loggers. He said California presented many opportunities for those who were willing to take risks. I must admit I turned that chance down, California had caused my daughter’s death it wasn’t until years later when California was booming, that I invested in the railways that were moving westward.”


I sniffed didn’t seem likely old Harlan would hire anyone to hurt this daughter, but maybe he wouldn’t mind her and Murdoch being driven off the land. He’s a willey old bird and my instincts told me there was more, and that more was Vincent Grant Harper; a man who took the risk of following a woman he loved thousands of miles and stayed even after she died. A man who may have wanted vengeance for a lost love.


Yesterday’s Vengeance  6  Legacy missing last scene


Damn Harlan Garrett, damn him to hell. 


I let the men take the Degan brothers into Green River. I needed to get back to Scott; the blood from his head wound was still wet on my shirt. My blood was boiling— that old man hiring those cowardly ambushing polecats almost got my brother killed.


Murdoch must have read my anger, ‘cos when I got back he stood in my way. “Take a breath, John, now is not the time.”


I took that breath. It didn’t dampen my temper though. “Hell, Murdoch, when will be the time?  I— we— need answers. Why after all those years he produces them two from your past.?” I kicked the dirt at my feet in frustration. 


Murdoch held my arms. “He was desperate to get Scott back. A desperate man makes foolish mistakes. Now stay calm, and let us check up on Scott.”


I took another deep breath. “Scott took a bullet to his head, he was this close, Murdoch.” I held my trigger finger and thumb an inch apart.


Murdoch gripped my arms even tighter. “I know son, I know. After you have looked in on your brother you’ll see it’s not too bad. Then I want you to ride back to the ranch and let everyone know what has happened. You can send Jelly back with a wagon to get Scott home.”


I thought of saying no to his order. I wanted to stay and have it out with Garrett. But just like Scott sent me away from Mesa Roja, I knew I was being given time to let Madrid take a back seat. “Okay, Murdoch, but you keep a close eye on Garrett. Don’t let him twist this fracas into his favour.”



I watched Jelly drive the wagon out to collect Scott; he’d be muttering and complaining all the way.  I know Murdoch would expect me to stay home but I had questions that needed answers. Garrett wasn’t available but the Degans were.


Green River stopped and watched me ride in. News of the shooting would have spread like a wildfire when the posse brought them bushwhackers to the jail.  I pulled my hat low and dismounted.  I’ll never live down my Madrid reputation, no matter how much Murdoch wants it. Still, it’s going to come in handy talking to the Degans.


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