
 1. Don't Fear Being Alone

Solitude is a superpower.

Leverage your time alone to:

• Tame your thoughts
• Control your emotions
• Become comfortable with silence

“No one saves us but ourselves. No one can, and no one may. We ourselves must walk the path.” ― Buddha

2. Don't Stress The Past

Everything is built from the present.

“If you are depressed, you are living in the past.
If you are anxious, you are living in the future.
If you are at peace, you are living in the present.” - Lao Tzu

Be in the here and now.

3. Don't Think Life Owes You Anything

You become vulnerable when you set expectations.

Root yourself in a brutal world:

• Earn each day
• Prove your worth
• Never let comfort conquer you

Appreciate what you have, but never expect it to be constant.

4. Don't Worry About What People Think

Never seek others' approval.

Be courageously you.

Don't give a f*** what other people say.

Focus on being the best version of yourself, and the score takes care of itself.

5. Don't Feel Sorry for Yourself

Embrace the suck.

Feeling sorry for yourself:

• Builds a habit of self-pity
• Prevents you from taking action
• Leads you to expect negative outcomes

It's simple. If you've chosen the wrong road, turn around.

6. Don't Worry About Things You Can't Control

When faced with obstacles, ask yourself 3 things:

• Is this essential?
• Can I control this?
• What are 2-3 actions I can take now?

Control your response to events.

That is where your power lies.

7. Don't Resent Other People's Successes

There are:

• 32.5 million small businesses
• 22 million millionaires
• 607 unicorns

... in the US alone.

It's a positive-sum world out there.

Not just for wealth, but for:

• Health
• Growth
• Happiness

8. Don't Shy Away from Responsibility

Walking towards responsibility is the fastest path to progress.

Build a mindset to:

• Drive change as a leader
• Assume extreme ownership

"The price of greatness is responsibility."

9. Don't Give Up

Most people give up too early.

As a founder, you learn that your product is never dead.

Learn to experiment with:

• New pricing models
• New acquisition strategies

Giving up builds a crack in your resilience that will cave in crucial moments.

10. Don't Fear Hard Things

Never adopt an assumption that a task is "hard."

Frame your thinking around the topic as being simple:

• You got this
• You're a warrior
• You're a great problem solver

My motto:

"This is easy work."


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