Hurricane Helene - Such Devastation!

 Hi everyone,

Oh my gosh, the damage and loss of lives from this hurricane are so tragic.
I've been watching the news here in Australia and online and what I'm seeing is total devastation in many areas.
I don't know if any of you have family and friends caught up in all this but it's such a calamity for all involved.
Our Lancer ladies, Donna and CC have both been affected but are safe.
I've seen some video of towns that have been completely demolished. So sad!!
On behalf of us all here at Lancer Writers, I'm so sorry your country is suffering so greatly from this hurricane.
Please send your prayers and thoughts to all those who have lost loved ones, which is the biggest loss of all, and secondly, their property and towns; and pray for their recovery, which is going to take a very long time.
And I'm thinking of the many pets caught up in all this, who are such a part of our families. 


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