
Showing posts with the label Fandom and cosplay Science fiction Fantasy role play

Is there any explanation why people are into furries?

  Being furry is arbitrary, and so your demands for answers are even more arbitrary. “Why are there furries?” is as arbitrary as “Why do people eat asparagus?” Let’s assume that you’re asking this question from an informed position so that you know that Furries generally have an interest anthropomorphic animals  by definition . Notice there is no sex in the definition. Really, the problem is not that there isn’t any explanation. It’s that  there are lots of explanations , and they aren’t related. I hope you are asking this question because you are struggling to find a deeper meaning in furry fandom. Here it is.  People are diverse.  Incredibly diverse. So diverse that they can imagine themselves to be non-human animals with human attributes. So diverse that since they can imagine themselves as non-human animals, they want to tell stories about, draw pictures about, court mate people they see as being, generally let participate in society those non-human animals. To many, but not all, f

How many furries are zoophiles? Debunking the 46.7% figure.

  TL:DR - It's 14.9%. When it comes to discussions about the prevalence of zoophilia among furries I've seen this number being peddled by some people on this sub and others, and I think it's time to address it since, despite some zoophiles and anti-furries' insistence on clinging to it, it's something one can easily debunk with minimal research and an ounce of critical thinking. Where does it come from? This statistic is originally from a paper by Hsu and Bailey published in 2019 1  , in which they proposed the concept of  "autoanthropomorphozoophillia"  (try saying that 10 times fast). I'm going to analyze it in greater detail in a second, but first I want to talk about what seems to have popularized this paper in the first place. As far as I can tell this study seems to have been given a boost in popularity by an account by the name " ZoosexualAlly ", which should already tell everything you need to know about how totally unbiased and trust