
Showing posts with the label writershelp

Pallet Cleanser

by   hattonslayden Certain 'issues' have been bugging the hell out of me and only an illustration such as this helps calm me down.   To understand why you may need to know a thing of two about me.  To those who watch me already this might be nothing new to those who consider themselves 'mainstream' you will most likely choose not to understand. I hate bigots, racists, double standards (especially when i find them in myself) and when people act like their own "negative stereotype" to me antho and xeno characters do not represent the inferior beings that 'Mainstream' media always portrays them as.  They represent 'people who look different' and as i was raised not to be a bigot or a racist and to treat all people as equals with different skills and abilities.  so i do not like "avataring" or "true sighting" or other transformation stories used to side step the "we look different from each other so we cannot acce

healing through writing


Feeling Resentful? Do This

She offers this prescription:     “The next time you feel resentful, do something pleasurable as soon as possible.”  Such great advice, I thought to myself, especially for people who have a habit of doing for others at the expense of themselves. Not that I know anything about that  . These days, things have changed for me when it comes to resentment.  After marinating in bitterness and frustration over the years, (just writing that makes me cringe), I’ve learned to remember who’s in charge of my life when I get cranky. If I’m doing something that has to be done, like helping a loved one who needs care or support, I stop the mental moaning that fuels resentment.   I no longer quietly complain to myself while doing it.  The truth is, life comes with obligations and commitments that aren’t always easy and we make it worse by griping about it. I’ve also learned to stop and consider,  really consider , whether or not I want to do something before I say yes.   And if I do

random study tips

Imagine yourself in one of those days in which you need to study and you need to productive, yet you’re too tired or unmotivated and need an impulse. Or perhaps your studying methods have been sucking lately and you haven’t been doing good lately.  Well, that’s me almost always. And I hate to look for tips online or in Youtube to end up seeing or reading tips like “get on your most comfortable clothes to study” or “highlight for remembering concepts” or “take away things that distract you” when I’m desesperate to find  good advice, things that will make a difference on your studying quality, So here are some random study tips that I’ve applying and that personally helped me. If they help you somehow on improving your studying and productivity, then I’d die in bliss.  It’s obvious that I didn’t invent them. These are tips the friends recommended me, that I read or heard on TED talks or that I simply applied naturally and realised later that someone else shared them to the world f