
one reason for ufo sightings

An unmanned Air Force space plane dropped out of orbit and glided to a computer-controlled California landing early Saturday to close out a classified 469-day military mission. The reusable Boeing-built X-37B Orbital Test Vehicle touched down on a runway at Vandenberg Air Force Base, Calif., at 5:48 a.m. PDT (GMT-7). The Air Force did not provide any advance warning of the re-entry and landing time and no technical details about the vehicle's performance were released. The Air Force's unmanned X-37B spaceplane glided to a pinpoint landing at Vandenberg Air Force Base, Calif., Saturday after 15-and-a-half months in orbit on a classified military mission. (Credit: U.S. Air Force) But in a statement, the Air Force said the autonomous landing by the nation's "newest and most advanced re-entry spacecraft" was executed "safely and successfully." "With the retirement of the space shuttle fleet, the X-37B OTV program brings a singular capability to sp

What is a Dreamwalker?

  This page is about defining terms. Some of the terms included are: Shaman, Dreamwalker, Shape shifter, Shape Changer, and Skinwalker. These terms take us back to time that shaman were drawing pictures on rock walls to express sacredness, history, medicine teachings, and to establish territory. One example of the rock art is displayed at the right. This is located on the Navajo Reservation near a place of their emergence. This particular work is one I have traveled to and seen.. It has corn plants (the essential food of life), water (rain), bow and arrows, concentric circles for the heavens and the earth, and just out of sight there are stars. "Dreamwalker" A dreamwalker is one who works with and within the dream to understand, to create, to heal, to meet with elderhearts, to journey this realm (out of body), to work with other worlds and realms, to teach, … to be one with the ultimate ONE. Ways to enter the dreamtime are many. Shamanic journeying with drums can take o

The Golden Light of 2012

Dear precious friends, I am Mary Magdalene, your sister, and I am here with a warm heart. As we sit together yet again, it feels so familiar for me to be connected with the reality of Earth. So often we have sat together in circles of like-minded friends, and attuned ourselves to the present and the future. Throughout all our lives, again and again, it has been for us a source of support and encouragement to recognize in one another the same desire, the same thirst for freedom and joy, and the same desire for true connection. We are here together on the threshold of a new time, and you are in the middle of a major transition. The energy of innovation that flows over the Earth now is like a big wave that washes through the entire field of human thought, action, and feeling. In fact, it is a great wave of dazzling Light that permeates your dimension, and which calls to you and awakens you. It can sometimes also frighten you, because this wave of new energy throws everything in your life

The Week Ahead: August 2012 Agenda

Most humans look at themselves and how to pull back. They look at how to get by instead of how to thrive and shine. Be the one who shines. Open yourself up for the miracles that surround you. You do this by offering to be the highest Light you can be for yourself and the of the greatest service for those you are here to connect with and be with. " - a message from my star elders. Welcome to August everyone! The universe appears to be making an all-out attempt to frighten us with waves of psychic static, turbulence and unknown intimidating forces. Therefore, I need to remind you to sound your soulful rallying cry every day for the next week and probably beyond - until this change and expansion phase calms down and returns to a reasonable state of normalcy. August will plow through you with the energies of a spiritual task master, and will be especially potent until the 12th of the month. Yes, reconstruction, change and expansion are here. The choice for you to make at this time


  Part I Going Deeper SUZILLE:      Dear Mytre,Ihave heard Mytria's story about opening the Portal to the Mother's Womb. Now, I feel like I need to hear your story about "mind over matter." I talked to you last night, and you said that I would see you in a dream. I did not have a very deep sleep and my leg, the one that will teach me how to heal myself, was hurting. I did not forget you, though, and would love to hear from you again. MYTRE:         You did dream of us last night, but your consciousness was too low for you to remember our meeting. You see, dear earthly expression of our Being, you are in conflicted state of mind right now because you know that you need to go deeper into your SELF, in fact, much deeper. Perhaps you forgot your dream, but first thing this morning you did remember that the Portal you must enter is you own Inner Portal, the Portal of the High Heart. You also remembered that since you were a teenager you ALWAYS wore a pendant around

media clueless about fluoride and health effects of non fluoridated bottled water

The mainstream media is at it again, lying to the public about fluoride. This time, the culprit is HealthDay, a "canned news" service that spits out lies and disinformation to be published by subscribing websites. Recently, HealthDay put out a story by author Alan Mozes claiming that bottled water might be harming children's dental health because there's no fluoride in it! ( ) And to really push their lie, they print the following conglomeration of total disinfo: A salt formed from the combination of fluorine and soil and rock minerals, fluoride is voluntarily added by the vast majority of states and/or local municipalities... This statement is, of course, a complete fabrication. The so-called "fluoride" actually added to municipal water supplies does not come from soil and rock minerals; it comes from industrial waste facilities and phosphate mining scrubbers: