How do you help someone with ADHD?
How do you help someone with ADHD? I can answer you from the perspective of someone with Adult ADHD that started in childhood, mother of three with ADHD, and now at least three of my grandchildren are diagnosed… First, you need to *understand* us. Our brains are literally wired differently. They’re calling it “Neurodiversity” now, which I like better, because it really is just thinking differently, not so much like we’re crippled by some ‘disorder.’ But life for us is like having 35 tabs open in your browser, all on different topics across several genres, and knowing exactly how each one correlates to the others (I actually do this a lot, boggles my husband’s mind.) Sometimes it’s like having five different radio stations going all at once in our heads; rock, talk radio, news, classical and reggae. And we really want to be understood. Our biggest issues in relationships is when we feel the other person doesn’t understand us and we feel alone. M...