Small Memories
Small Memories by Doc Two days after the gun battle settled the disputed water rights between two Arizona ranchers, the short-time hires were drifting again. Johnny and Omar drifted the same direction, more or less towards Nogales. Omar had changed his mind about being a gunfighter now he had seen how it really was; he hoped to be home for Christmas. Johnny didn’t have a home. They weren’t friends, but they got along OK on the trail. The nights were cool and each man could sleep pretty well knowing the other was on watch. Omar loved to talk, and Johnny didn’t mind listening. Omar told stories about Christmas with his two brothers and three sisters and aunts and uncles and cousins and grandparents and other relatives Johnny couldn’t figure out. Impressed at how much living went on in a large family, Johnny tried to imagine himself in it. He couldn’t. Then Omar asked Johnny about his own memories of Christmas and Johnny...