
five Most Intelligent Dog Breeds

LiveJournal Tags: dog breeds     Nick Ridley, Animal Photography No. 1: Border Collie The Border Collie is an intense, hardworking, highly energetic dog whose ability to impose his will upon sheep is legendary. In fact, he's so good, he just might impose his will on you, too. He has astounding focus, which is a real plus in the field, but if he's left without a job to do, that focus can be a problem. Still doubt this dog's smarts? Check out Chaser , the Border Collie who learned a thousand words! Nick Ridley, Animal Photography No. 2: German Shepherd Dog The GSD is an adaptable, fearless dog who's a natural protector, making him a great fit for military and police work. However, even if you don't carry a badge, he's still a loyal, energetic companion. He loves spending time with his family, especially if that time is spent playing, running, hiking, working or doing something else that uses up some of that energy. Sally Anne Thompson, Animal Photography N


  LiveJournal Tags: wisdom Ray: I was greeted by a being of Light and Love, but nobody else that I could recognize. It seemed to be just a brilliant glow that seemed to absorb me inside itself. Love is far too weak a word to describe this experience.Near Death Experience I went to Catholic School at the time and was horsing around with a friend after school on the playground. He was showing me a new Judo move that he had learned in his martial arts class - he was going to flip me over his shoulder onto the ground. Something went wrong and I landed directly on my head. I picked myself up from the ground with intense pain in my head and spine. I was literally knocked senseless. As I got up I remember seeing a woman (who was there to pick up her kids) getting out of her car with a horrified look on her face...she had seen the accident. I turned to run into the bathroom - but only made it a few feet before I feel flat on my face on the concrete...blacked out completely. I thought that my

Sitchin's Lies And The Actual Truth

LiveJournal Tags: history of humans If your busy looking for no-biru where are you not looking? Not at the facts our Gods live in the Orion region. And something else which I will state here. If you think it was about Gold mining your looking in the wrong direction which ties into the first point. Nibiru is a star conjunction. And the other major lie of Sitchin is the gold mining. This is not mentioned either in the Sumerian texts. He made these two lies up out of thin air. Between Mars and Jupiter its been scientifically shown there was a planet there once. That has been destroyed and no don't waste my time with colliding theories that are insane as the big bang. This planet from the evidence was destroyed after earth was already here and fully formed on its own, the destroyed planet from evidence laded out is was was mostly likely by technological intelligence. Not by planets smashing into each other. The situation is there was no ice age on earth either. Dollaire and Elis [

ELF/VLF Receiver Project

Ultra Low Power   Umran S. Inan Outline A. INTRODUCTION B. ENGINEERING JUSTIFICATION      1. Automatic Geophysical Observatories (AGOs)      2. Manned Stations      3. Autonomous Deployment and Interferometer Mode C. SCIENTIFIC JUSTIFICATION D. TECHNICAL APPROACH AND METHODOLOGY      1. Background on Stanford Ultra-Low-Power Work      2. VLF Radio Receiver Development Bibiography A. INTRODUCTION The ultra-low-power radio receiver will measure extremely low frequency (ELF, 30 Hz to 3 kHz) and  very low frequency (VLF, 3 kHz to 30 kHz) electromagnetic waves in polar regions. The receiver will  be compact and low cost enough to allow for deployment of multiple units in a ELF/VLF interferometer  configuration (e.g., see Figure 6), to determine the spatial location, shape and extent of ionospheric exit  regions illuminated (from above) by plasma waves of magnetospheric origin. It would provide substantial  advances in our understanding of the mechanisms of generation

About Speaking In Tongues

LiveJournal Tags: gifts of sprit The Question: I have a question about a spiritual gift. What is the difference between the gift of speaking in tongues and the gift of a prayer language? - Nancy H. from Alabama The Answer Part 1: Speaking In Tongues Part 2: Prayer Language Speaking In Tongues (Part 1) For the most part, people use the terms "speaking in tongues" and "prayer language" interchangeably. Generally, when people are talking about either one, they probably mean exactly the same thing. Favoring one term over the other may have more to do with what their church favors or what religious affiliation or tradition they come from. However, since you asked, I will say that while the Bible mentions speaking in tongues as a gift, there is no mention of a "gift of prayer language." So why does anyone use that term at all? Let's take a little tour of tongues in scripture and try to find out. It was on Pentecost day when the Holy Spirit was poured out on

The Bet

  The Bet “What are these?” Sincere curiosity crossed Tango’s face. Steve made a half glance before answering, “Cat ears.” With a quick roll of his eyes Tango asked, “I know that, I mean why did someone send ME cat ears?” Sighing, Steve snatched up the letter, that had come with the strange gift, and said, “It says they gave you cat ears because I am a cat lover and they want you to wear them for me.” Tango blushed, “R-really?” Ignoring the fact that the card only read ‘to Tango’ Steve nodded, “Dave, this fan girl is serious, and she says she’ll kill herself if you don’t wear them…” Stifling a laugh Tango shook his head, though not sure if Steve was joking. “I wasn’t kidding; she’s seriously threatening to kill herself if you don’t wear them.” A smile briefly crossed Steve’s face when the terrified investigator quickly pulled on his cat ears. However, guilt found its way into Steve’s stomach when Tango, on the verge of tears, grabbed his arm, yelling, “She won’t kill herself now will s


Facts About Aliens on Earth (1) Main Important UFO Crashes, Under Ultra-Secret Cover-ups Extra-Terrestrial Classifications Alien Presence on Earth After all these years of research we have compiled these major facts about Aliens on Earth. Alien crafts from other worlds have crashed on Earth. Alien crafts are from both Ultra-Dimensional sources and sources within this Dimension. Early U.S. Government efforts at acquiring technologies were successful. The U.S. Government has had live Alien hostages at some point in time. The U.S. Government has conducted autopsies on Alien cadavers . U.S. Intelligence Agencies and Security Agencies are involved in the cover-up of facts pertaining to the situation. People have been and are currently being abducted , mutilated, murdered and kidnapped as a result of the UFO situation. There is a current Alien presence on this planet among us that controls different elements of our society. Alien forces maintain bases on Ear