
The Vision Of the Holy Guardian Angel

Frater Justificatus Introduction The following represents one method of attaining Knowledge and Conversation of the Holy Guardian Angel. It may be incorporated into the traditional Abramelin Operation, or it may be practised as a method in its own right. The present author chose to do the latter: it is thus theoretically possible to attain KCHGA without undertaking the austerities required by the Abramelin operation, though it will take somewhat longer (e.g. several years, as opposed to just 6 months). The method is based on the fact that, according to "777" the Spiritual Experience of Malkuth is "the Vision of the Holy Guardian Angel". Now it so happens that once, I was reading Aleister Crowley's "Confessions", in which he tells of one conversation he had with his Golden Dawn mentor, Allan Bennett. Crowley happened to mention that he had heard that there was a particular method of vibrating the name of "Adonai Ha-Aretz" (hebrew - "Lord

Ghost Hunting and the Concept of Consciousness

Paranormal investigation, namely ghost hunting, is enjoying phenomenal and unprecedented growth. This is due to the global broadcast of paranormal reality TV, and this avocation is now popular around the world. For many, ghost hunting is a catalyst for deeply transformative journeys. Likewise, this hobby helps enthusiasts obtain practical technological and organizational development skills. I discuss these topics (and more) in Paranormal Obsession: America's Fascination with Ghosts & Hauntings, Spooks & Spirits. I also explore in Paranormal Obsession one criticism of the contemporary ghost hunting scene: an overwhelming majority of new investigators have tunnel vision regarding various hypotheses concerning apparitions and hauntings. Today's amateur ghost hunting culture is dominated by a debunking, technologically-driven philosophy in the name of "scientific" research. There are meaningful developments in this approach. However, most have little knowledge reg

Religion reaction to EBE

When you think about it..the fear of the impact of how religious people would accept the fact of alien encounters and the panic outbreak is more than anything a Government excuse. ...I am not saying that you personally would be using it as an excuse...I'm referring to it in general because I have heard of this issue in other places. There are religious fanatics illustrated in wisdom hall by the message left by DeepMindquest  and this mentality illustrates exactly why gradual release is the best tactic. Also that scientific research of EBE/human exchange should be done in cooperation with government research and have the complete  understanding that some UFO/EBE cover stories for domestic military operations may be enacted to make them seem mediocre to the media so they are not perused by the researcher actively but only as a media bone. I mean there are many passive military activities covered with the guise of being an abduction like the collection of  human stem cell

Are you familiar with government lure and tracking devices?

      Yes Military Government tracking devices I do know about and they go into the area of government abductions. The government does their own abductions and wants people to believe it is all coming from outer space. This sort of charade goes even deeper and acts to infect the groups that attempt to conduct scientific research on UFO alien Phenomenon and EBE/human interaction in an active way to produce undue paranoia within the groups.       Implants break down into three categories: Inert, biological or purely physical implant is a piece of metal, crystal, silicon chip or other substance which is inserted into the body. Theses are designed to transmit right into the subject’s nervous system. Biological implants       When a subject for biological implanting is picked up, a sample of their cell structure is taken.  The abductors then do some genetic engineering on the DNA and cell structure, culture it and grow a transceiver of the biological matter.  Biological trans

How to Debunk a Conspiracy Theory

Conspiracy theorists seem to live in their own little world, believing that every major event in history was actually some secret, evil plot. They shout these ideas so much that they can become part of history itself. How can you debunk these crackpot ideas and separate fact from fiction? Read on to learn how to debunk a conspiracy theory. Instructions 1.      Read everything you can on historical events. Learning every detail you can find will not only help determine what really happened, but how the conspiracy theories came to be. 2.      Gather all the hard facts. This is for two reasons--often conspiracy theories rely on just circumstantial evidence, and they leave out key facts that will hurt their story. The evidence that can be proven can likely debunk a conspiracy. 3.      Find out who started the conspiracy ideas. Is the original source that reliable? Chances are it's not as valid as the conspiracy's followers want you to believe. 4.      Find out if there a

Ghost fleet released 2011 This is the first step toward the Automated Fleet operations that is already active UPDATED MAY 9, 2011: Just eight days after its first flight, Phantom Ray completed its second flight on May 5 at Edwards Air Force Base, Calif. Phantom Ray took off at approximately 12:15 p.m. Pacific. Similar to its first flight on April 27, the autonomous vehicle taxied, flew to 7,500 feet, conducted several maneuvers and landed safely after a 17-minute flight. Phantom Ray seeks to demonstrate advanced technologies. Phantom Ray makes first flight Phantom Ray, Boeing's fighter-sized unmanned airborne system, takes off April 27 at Edwards Air Force Base, Calif., for it first flight. Phantom Ray reached a speed of 178 knots and an altitude of 7,500 feet. Phantom Ray, Boeing’s fighter-sized unmanned airborne system (UAS), took to the early morning skies April 27 at Edwards Air Force Base in California for
Phil Schneider VS. The New World Order -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [The following article was downloaded from the INTERNET...] Underground Bases: A Lecture by Phil Schneider: May 1995 ============================================= Phil Schneider, a very brave man, recently lost his life due to what appeared to be a military-style execution in January 1996. He was found dead in his apartment with piano wire still wrapped around his neck. According to some sources, he had been brutally tortured repeated before being killed. Phil Schneider was an ex-government engineer who was involved in building underground bases. He was one of three people to survive the 1979 fire fight between the large Greys and U.S. intelligence and military forces at Dulce underground base. (Actually, one of several firefights, according to other sources. A man by the name of L. Anderson of Denver, has informed this writer that the survivors