Religion reaction to EBE

When you think about it..the fear of the impact of how religious people would accept the fact of alien encounters and the panic outbreak is more than anything a Government excuse.
...I am not saying that you personally would be using it as an excuse...I'm referring to it in general because I have heard of this issue in other places.

There are religious fanatics illustrated in wisdom hall by the message left by DeepMindquest  and this mentality illustrates exactly why gradual release is the best tactic.
Also that scientific research of EBE/human exchange should be done in cooperation with government research and have the complete  understanding that some UFO/EBE cover stories for domestic military operations may be enacted to make them seem mediocre to the media so they are not perused by the researcher actively but only as a media bone.

I mean there are many passive military activities covered with the guise of being an abduction like the collection of  human stem cells,  from bio warfare, and  testing of airborne vaccinations against general public.  In areas this happens the government will capture persons conduct physical exams on them.  This is done by pulsing them with random radio pulses ranging between 400-450 mhz effectively putting them into a fugue state.   Implanting them with a personal data transceiver and programming a abduction sequence into their subconscious. .

The Science Fiction channels are naturally bringing people back into reality and they question the possibilities of the future....The people who are tired of all this negativity will naturally start pulling to the articles and movies that are more positive in nature both morally and spiritually...the objective is to play with this a little....on various programs, include some of the ancient history of ufology from different tribes or races of people....It works really well with the kids....bring moral understanding back to the cartoons and teach lessons associated with it...there are a lot of ways to play with media and the brainy people will figure out the best approaches to it...the more you push a spiritual nature. Not a religious nature, the more people may wake up and see there is something more than what is written in certain books.

It is part of a plan of gradual preparation for contact.

Things like this would eliminate the religious rebellion problem....when I look at kids...the sons and daughters. The ones that still have a strong love for people and life. You look in their eyes and you see their ambition, hopes and dreams of what their future could be...Just imagine how far ahead the space program would have been by now if the government wasn't playing games and how united as a human race we would be..all striving ahead together for all the positive reasons....

               Well it has only been since the end of the Reagan presidency that Bush actually repealed the EBE human contact laws and struck them from the books and also instilled the open door policy on gradual disclosure.   The disinformation act of 1960 was also nixed. 

               This led to a lot more disclosure and with the warehouse fire in Langley,  VA  that destroyed all of the Montauk bay research files and most of the hard copies of the research.  There is nothing but a patch work of isolated aging scientist now whom may be able to discloses any data on the EBE/Human exchange that took place there.

I understand the pulling away from organized Religion into spiritualism and I tend to understand Quinazagga’s standpoint about religion being a distraction to true scientific research that limits it.

However, From personal experience I see human spirituality as being the reason for  EBE/human interaction and there are specific types of people they choose to interact with.

Religion will adapt to the changes that are coming into play  with the Human Race.  There is a reason for a push the return to the moon and mars.  It may just be that Earth is in danger and the Shepard don’t want to spook the sheep


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