... Continued from Part 3.



     DEBBIE TOMIE - "Nine so far."
     JEAN - "There are several types of races visiting Earth at this time.
            Many others have observed or made temporary studies here.
            Most of these have been gentle, peace-loving scientists or
            explorers.  There is one breed that visits your people that
            should be avoided at all costs.  These are the lovers of
            violence and carnage.  They also make contact.  They infect the
            morally weak.  Most of the mindless killings and cruelty on
            your planet comes from their influence.  They are the 'Evil
            Ones' who thrive on chaos and entertain themselves through the
            suffering of others.  They are the true demons of your

    Some singular race correlations have occurred that are worth
presenting. There are currently six cases that have described a human alien
as being 5 1/2 feet tall, crew-cut dark brown hair, brown eyes, 180 to 200
pounds and olive colored skin.  Four of the witnesses correlated the aliens
origins as Tau Ceti and Epsilon Eridoni.  The physical description of the
beings was identical in all cases.  An attitude of the Tau Cetians is a
distinct dislike of some of the grays and the way they are treating
abductees.  They have given advice to some of their contacts on how to
overcome the grays' deceptions.
    There are also six witnesses that have described with remarkable
similarity an insect race or races.  The witnesses are divided down the
middle on whether they are good or bad.
     A race of tall gray beings wearing a hooded or high-collared robe has
been regularly reported.  They are occasionally reported without clothes.
They are often referred to as light beings even though they appear to have
physical form.  They are usually described as the elders, a more advanced
race or of higher spiritual advancement than the ones they are with.  They
are usually seen with a different race of beings than their own.

     LYNN - "It looked into my eyes and it felt like it was looking into my
            soul, my mind, like it could see every part of my being.  When
            it had completely scanned me with its mind it smiled.  Then I
            felt like I was pulled through its eyes.  Like my consciousness
            went into its eyes.  Then I was swimming free in a place with
            what looked like stars all around.  Then we went to a desert
            where I was taught things."

    Lynn's experience is identical in whole or in part to the experience of
Debbie Tomie, Jean, Rusty, and several other well investigated cases.


     JEAN - "Our music is the music of light and visual images.  Geometric
            combinations and light patterns are pleasing and soothing to
            the soul.  We can reproduce the music of your world.  We have
            chosen the best examples of various compositions and have
            stored them in the data centers.  Some of your music is highly
            irritating.  We are bombarded with the noise of your radio
            waves.  We do not understand your enjoyment of this raucous
            auditory pollution.  Theater is used for educational purposes,
            such as the giving of examples for various situations.  It is
            not for entertainment.  We have studied your television
            programming to better understand your people.  This is
            confusing at times, but we try to average out all data
            received.  We do not have comedy in a theatrical sense.  We
            have humor and amusement.  You are an amusing species."
     DEBBIE TOMIE - "Music is vital; comedy understood.  You are our
                    theater, our comedy."  Debbie added the comment,
                    "Goody, a smart-ass."
     STEVIE JONES - "As the dark rectangle moved over me I began to get
                    tense.  Suddenly, geometric shapes of light in
                    different colors appeared in my mind's eye.  It was
                    like music for my mind and it calmed me."


    Predictions are always dangerous to make because if they do not come
true then you look idiotic.  Even the witnesses that make predictions will
say they are based on the present trends.  If anything were to be changed
or influenced it could change the trend and therefore the outcome.  I will
risk the possibility of error and criticism in an effort to report the data
as received.  The question, "What can you tell me about the future?" was
asked of the thirteen totally independent abductees.  To summarize the
responses: By the end of 1992 there would be so many sightings, landings,
abductions, contacts and/or publicity that the UFO question will be
resolved in most peoples' minds.  Secondarily, predictions of natural
disasters catastrophic enough to cause social change could occur.  Oscar
relates that a large asteroid will strike the Earth in the year 2054 if
something is not done to prevent this.
     I am just reporting the data folks, so take it for what it is worth
and, of course, only time will tell.



     JEAN - "As I have told you before, God is the life essence of the
            Universe.  We relate to this essence through respect for all
            life.  We protect life when it is endangered.  This is our
            goal.  Our method of worship is a meditation to our inner
            selves.  We become attuned to the universal life-force."
     DEBBIE TOMIE - "There is no prefect 'religion', no perfect people.
                    There is only life.  Life, in its purest form, is the
                    beginning.  The base from which all that exist,
                    originated.  Yours and mine, all life, are merely
                    tributaries of the great river.  We hold all life in
                    the highest esteem, for we are all a part of that life.
                    This is not merely blind faith.  We have swam 'The
                    River,' so to speak, and you shall swim "The River'
                    when you are fully prepared.  These words that you
                    restrict yourself to make it very difficult to pass on
                    to you the information you seek.  'RELIGION' is a
                    sociological phenomenon unique to your species.  This
                    is created by man.  Not to be confused with the spirit.
                    'GOD' is the 'SPIRIT.'  Jesus was a man, created by
                    'GOD' to help you understand, on your own level, in
                    your own times and terms.  You were obviously not ready
                    at that time.  The process will continue, until you
                    have reached the level of understanding set for your
                    form of life by the 'GOD,' whom you have come from.
                    Could you possibly understand?  You have made your
                    lives, and you have left no room for the 'SPIRIT'
                    within you.  Look into yourselves.  Look about you.
                    All life that you see, all that is beautiful, all that
                    is ugly, but with soul, all that radiates is life, is
                    the 'SPIRIT,' us your 'GOD.'  You have been blinded by
                    your lives, you have let your fear, and your negativity
                    keep the inner eye within you closed.  Do not fear.
                    'GOD' is life eternal.  Our greater good is that which
                    works together to bring to the 'SPIRIT' that which
                    belongs to it, to give it strength and life, for to
                    bring "IT" life, we give life to ourselves, as well.
                    Remember, there is only life if you believe, there is
                    only love if you believe, there is only evil if you
                    believe.  If you believe that these things exist for
                    you, then they will, if you believe they do not exist
                    for you, then they will not.  You have been given this
     LYNN - "The Power (God) is the law of the universe.  It is that
            'Power's' choice to give gifts of awareness and understanding,
            like telepathy.  God is the 'I am,' the final law.  The 'All
            That Is' gives one special capability to all living things, the
            gift of free will, of choice.  You can choose to be
            compassionate, you can choose to be destructive, you can choose
            to do nothing, the choice is yours.  Each living thing must
            take responsibility for its own life.  To open what you call
            the 'Gates of Heaven' you must first understand and know what
            the original gift is.  By giving the gift of free will, the
            gift of choice, to other living beings you come closer to
            knowing your oneness with all living things, with your creator.
            This is the key to unlock the 'Gates of Heaven' and receive
            understanding and wisdom from the universe.  Always respect the
            gift of choice given by 'The Power' to all creations, aware or
            unaware.  Trust that each creation will find its creator and
            its home for it has eternity to do so."

    Very profound for a bunch of little gray genetic engineers.  The
questions and answers in this article were chosen to supply a variety of
responses to some popular topics.  As one can imagine, there are many more
correlations and others that are still being researched.
    We started out by determining what and where we are as UFOlogists.  We
examined some of our more serious pit falls like:

 - Lack of conclusive evidence.
 - We may be monkeys studying fighter jets.
 - We have a nasty habit of ignoring data we are uncomfortable with.

    We then started our walk as scientists in the safety of the lab.  We
followed the data correlations and landed in the etheric world of spiritual
    As UFO scientists we should strive to be a combination of
archaeologist, sociologist and futurist.  Do not forget to allow your
paradigms room to grow.  We can then learn from what HAS happened to better
understand what IS happening and have the foresight to see what will



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