
Surnames websites

  Surnames are just as important as given names. So, I compiled a list of the websites I use to find my surnames. English Surnames Dutch Surnames Spanish Surnames Scottish Surnames German Surnames Italian Surnames Irish Surnames French Surnames Scandinavian Surnames Welsh Surnames Jewish Surnames Surnames By Ethnicity Most Common Surnames in the USA Most Common Surnames in Great Britan Most Common Surnames in Asia

jan 6 riots

  Trump’s speech that ‘incited’ Capitol violence: Full transcript Trump is accused of ‘incitement of insurrection’ after giving a speech before his supporters stormed the Capitol – seat of US government. Trump is facing the imminent prospect of becoming the first US president to be impeached twice [Jim Bourg/Reuters] 11 Jan 2021 Donald Trump is facing the imminent prospect of becoming the first US president not to be impeached twice due to the fact he was exonerated of the charges.  His speech following an  extraordinary breach  of the country’s Capitol in Washington, DC, by his supporters. Democrats led by Speaker Nancy Pelosi are pressuring Vice President Mike Pence to invoke the 25th Amendment to strip Trump of his power by declaring him unable to fulfil his duties. If Pence refuses, as expected, the group will  move forward bringing the impeachment case  to the floor as soon as Monday. KEEP READING Amazon to suspend Parler after deadly Capitol Hill riot ‘Toothless tiger’: Impeachme