
The Dragon within

The Dragon Within - Original Cast by Khord Kitty

Writing Guidelines for Future Occupation of Earth by Extraterrestrials (Part #3)

  Varieties of 'extraterrestrial'? The term 'extraterrestrial'. as with 'alien', suggests a variety of interpretations to be considered in relation to the process of writing any set of guidelines. These can be tentatively clustered as follows, although this does not imply that there is not a degree of overlap between some categories: Belief and attitude : Transmundanity : Some belief systems may stress the extent to which those beliefs raise them above mundane, material. terrestrial concerns and identifications, in that sense, qualifying them as 'extraterrestrials'. Some may then be held to be 'not of this world'. Specially chosen : Those peoples, or individuals, who consider themselves specially mandated by deity, or by revelation, might be appropriately considered as 'extraterrestrials, whether by themselves or by others. This might include those who believe themselves to be 'rapture ready'. Genetic superiority : It is possible that

LIFE BEYOND 3: In Search of Giants. The Hunt for Intelligent Alien Lif...


Phantoms and Monsters: Pulse of the Paranormal. Jan 2, 2022, 12:52 PM

  Video: Possible 'Pale Humanoid' Recorded in Leesburg, Virginia Posted: 02 Jan 2022 09:22 AM PST A Leesburg, VA resident captured a curious video in his backyard, that seems to briefly feature a possible pale, translucent, and emaciated humanoid. The video is being investigated and examined. I recently received the following narrative and video: "Background: Ever since the pandemic, I have been taking care of community cats, possums, an occasional racoon or two here in downtown Leesburg, VA.  I put out stainless steel bowls with dry cat food each evening and have two trail cams set up to film who shows up. Every morning I check the cameras for new cats or wild life. This past Thursday, December 30th, was when this occurred. The house is surrounded by houses in the front and commercial property separated by a fence in the back and one side and that area has a fence running around it. In the 2 years of doing this, there has never been a person caught on camera. The clip sta



Writing Guidelines for Future Occupation of Earth by Extraterrestrials (Part #2)

  Patterns of human collective behavior indicative of appropriate 'rules of engagement' for extraterrestrials The following checklist is purely indicative but lends itself readily to extension and deeper articulation. Destabilization of ecosystems and dependent human cultures   by extraterrestrials : Systematic destruction of habits and species, notably leading to their extinction: Theodore Roosevelt:  The settler and pioneer have justice on their side  [in eliminating 1,000,000 bison];  this great continent could not have been kept as nothing but a game preserve for squalid savages . Promotion of deforestation, notably in favour of slash-and-burn and cash cropping Destruction of traditional sustainable local economies Assertion by extraterrestrials of unique authority and status : Promotion of extraterrestrials as uniquely and unquestionably ' chosen ' as purveyors of insight Cecil Rhodes:  We happen to be the best people in the world George Nathaniel Curzon:  There ha

Why did hijackers choose the World Trade Center?

  In summary the Twin Towers were the greatest symbols of the United States ever constructed. No other landmark came close; not in their scale, not in their presentation, not in the fact they were testaments to what Americans can do if they push themselves to their full potential. No other nation had a pair of skyscrapers like them. It took breakthroughs to get them built, against all odds and even once they were completed had to earn their respect as landmarks. At a time where they sat empty in a broken economy and were loathed as white elephants by New Yorkers, the towers became personalities in themselves and over the course of decades became accepted by the city and the country. Nicknamed “David and Nelson” (David being 2 and Nelson being 1) after the Rockefeller brothers that first began talks of their creation in the 1950s, the towers  were  the American success story. But where there is the passion to create for good, there is the passion to strike with evil. Pictured is 15 year