
Twitter Reveals Its “Commie-fornia” Connections

  May 25, 2022  |  Constitution ,  Economy ,  Globalism ,  Liberty Articles By Harold Pease, Ph.D. Elon Musk to Twitter, “My offer [to purchase] was based on Twitter’s SEC filings being accurate. Yesterday Twitter’s CEO publicly refused to show proof of 5%. This deal cannot move forward until he does.” It is illegal for Twitter to have more than 5% fake accounts. Is Twitter really 90 million account strong or perhaps half that? Twitter is backed into a corner. Are they hiding the ballooning of their accounts, buyer must know? Think about the advertisers and shareholders who base their advertising expenses and shareholding profits upon precise, not fake, information. If not accurate Twitter could collapse under their own illegal behavior (X22 Reports, Ep. 2777B, May 17, 2022, 15:50). We are all communists at Twitter!! They call it Commie-fornia! Enter Siri Murugesan, Twitter senior engineer caught on camera by ProjectVeritas speaking of Elon Musk, the individual above attempting to purc

Elon Musk Traps Twitter—No Way Out—Devolution in Play

  Jul 20, 2022  |  Globalism ,  Liberty Articles By Harold Pease, Ph.D. Elon Musk is now terminating the Twitter purchase deal citing material breach of agreement by the company refusing to provide the access data. How many bots are on Twitter? Why does Twitter refuse to reveal this? Nobody purchases a business without knowing how large it is. This opens the door to court cases and lots of discovery. Twitter, under oath in a courtroom, must now disclose this information. There is no win for Twitter and its board. Musk forced their hand—they want the $44 billion, thus are suing him. Twitter stocks could plummet soon (X22 Reports, Ep. 2820B Think Twitter, July 10, 2022, 17:00 hereafter cited as Ep. # & date). Now They Have to Disclose Bot Info in Court. Chuck-mate Whether the purchase goes through or not, Musk ran a javelin through the heart of the Deep State’s propaganda machine. Twitter may be the strongest media outlet for the Left in the world, certainly the most influential. Mus

Founders Gave Article VI—NOT Article V—to Enforce the Constitution

  Jul 27, 2022  |  Constitution ,  Liberty Articles By Harold Pease, Ph.D. Recently published “No Need for Article V Convention, Just Honor Your Oath,” we argued that the Convention of States was a distortion of Article V constitutional authority and was itself unconstitutional. The expectation that those who now violate the existing Constitution would suddenly be faithful to newer or different language is unrealistic—even naive. The Founders already built into the Constitution instructions on how to ensure its remaining the Supreme Law of the Land. This was Article VI the Supremacy Act, not Article V. The Constitution has the people, through their elected representatives, make all the laws. “All legislative Powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States, which shall consist of a Senate and House of Representatives” (Article I, Section 1). Neither the president nor the courts could make law or mandates!! The president administers the law m

Trump’s Return—It had to be This Way, Civil War Otherwise

  Aug 3, 2022  |  Constitution ,  I Want to be Free ,  Liberty Articles Harold Pease, Ph.D. There was talk of civil war had President Donald Trump not left the White House. The country was more divided than at any time since the Civil War. Mere months before Nancy Pelosi, standing behind Trump, intentionally and very visibly, tore up her copy of his State of the Union Address. Fences surrounded the Capitol when Biden was sworn in. The outgoing president did not attend the inauguration of his replacement. Nancy Pelosi rips up President Trumps State of the Union Address. This was 18 months ago. The socialist Left still control all the major news mediums including Big Tech, outside of One American News, NewsMax and Truth Social—and, like a choir, they despise Trump. Fox News, except for a few shows, recently has dumped Trump. These have clearly resorted to some censorship of the right side of the political spectrum such that today over all news may be censored as much in the United States

We are a Nation in Decline. FBI Agents even Raided Mar-A-Lago

  Aug 10, 2022   |   Constitution ,   Economy ,   Liberty Articles By Harold Pease, Ph.D. We live in a highly censored political world. Freedoms of speech and press are almost gone. We are struggling to keep the Constitution from Deep State annihilation. In light of this reality we are publishing the words of a recent video, “We are a Nation in Decline” by President Donald Trump which will be heavily censored by Deep State presses. It follows: America is experiencing a free-fall of liberty under Democrat leadership. The Statue of Liberty consoles Uncle Sam. Two and a half more years and there will be no America as we knew it. “We are a nation in decline. We are a failing nation. We are a nation that has the highest inflation in over 40 years where the stock market just finished the worst first half of the year in more than five decades. We are a nation that has the highest energy cost in its history. And we are no longer energy independent or energy dominant which we were just two shor

What the Deep State Really Want is Civil War

  Aug 17, 2022  |  Constitution ,  Liberty Articles Harold Pease, Ph.D. What we have observed from the Deep State presses in recent years is that what they say the patriots are guilty of doing is what they themselves are at that moment actually doing. For instance while Deep State presses spoke, at nauseam, of Trump Russian collusion, of which there still remains no evidence, Hillary Clinton was knee deep in Uranium One, the collusion deal that transferred more than 20% of the U.S. uranium supply to the Russians. Right now they are projecting on the patriots the desire for a civil war while they themselves are planning one. Are You a Domestic Terrorist? That depends on who is in power. The myriad of network voices, like a choir, villainized Donald Trump non-stop for years—then his followers—they were labeled deplorables. As these became increasing popular, even becoming the majority of Americans, the Deep State wanted them viewed as insurrectionist. Even parents, who objected to their

Did Trump Trap FBI and DOJ with Espionage?

  Sep 7, 2022  |  Constitution ,  Liberty Articles By Harold Pease, Ph. D. Making sense of the FBI/DOJ raid on Mar-A-Lago is only possible outside the Deep State controlled mediums who seek to use the Espionage Act to portray Donald Trump as, at a minimum sloppy, but likely even criminally dangerous, with national security secrets. This, they hope, makes him ineligible to run for president in 2024. But the trap they set for his alleged violating the Espionage Act, they may have stepped into themselves. If these documents are really classified as top secret, why was the FBI allowed to review them and republish these and other photos of them? Forty- eight of these in the center photo, were empty. Nothing Trump had at Mara-A-Lago was still classified. In October of 2020 he declassified everything pertaining to Russiagate and all Hillary Clinton documents (including her 33,000 deleted emails). And in December and on January 17, and 19, 2021 more large batches at the end of his administrati