
FENNAH’s ‘The Trial’ - (Animated Music Video)


Animator Breaks the Internet


Bamforth and Whittaker - Dead Men (Animation Test)


Lucy Lacemaker - The Ghost (Animation)


About Horse by Winj

 About Horse by Winj Word Count 10,040 . Johnny Lancer strode into his home and across the expanse of the living room where he summarily plopped down on the sofa and removed his boots with a sigh of relief. Leaning back against the soft cushions, he closed his eyes and reveled in the silence around him. For the first time in a long time he was alone. It amused him that being alone had, in the past, not been a good thing. But now, in this sometimes turbulent family, being alone was a precious commodity. He raised his legs and rested his feet on the coffee table, thinking with a smile how Teresa would berate him for it. But she wasn’t here, none of them were here and, though he missed them already, he was at peace. A whole week of this! Part of him knew it would get old very quickly but for now he would bask in the welcome tranquility. He had been thinking all day of the things he would do while they were gone. The work he had wanted to get done for so long but was always interrupted by

drake equation Proving EBE outside of earth.

  here is an equation created by Frank Drake that basically goes like this: N=R* x f(p) x n(e) x f(l) x f(i) x f(c) x L   N = # of civilizations in our galaxy where communication might be possible R* = the average rate of star formation/year in our galaxy f(p) = the fraction of those stars that have planets n(e) = the average # of planets that can support life/star that has planets f(l) = fraction of n(e) that can actually go on to support life at some point f(i) = the fraction of f(l) that can develop intelligent life L = length of time it would take to release detectable signals into space   The most recently accepted numbers for each of these are as follows: R*=7 f(p)=1/2 n(e)=2 f(l)=.33 f(i)=.01 f(c)=.01 L=10000   This would make N=2.31, which means that there are about 2-3 civilizations in a galaxy can communicate at any given time. This would also leave 200 more that aren't trying to communicate.   And this is only within our galaxy, so it doesn't include the whole univer

100 Laws of Life so You Don't Screw Your Life Up Like I Did
